I'm a professional in a field not to dissimilar from what he does. And he needs to do what professionals do (like The Architect, DPC, and others). Engage with the community, take in good ideas, but stick to your vision. Do not compromise, do not let it be known you are taking advice or consideration from the crowd. Great artists have flaws and quirks that influence their work. In fact its what MAKES their work art instead of just a bland product. Haven't you ever noticed that Shane Black is obsessed with Christmas? Or that Michaelangelo couldn't shape a female breast to save his life? Adele Dazeem (Idina Menzell) is an incredibly famous and talented broadway star with a pitchy singing voice (listen to her blow it out hitting the high notes in Frozen's 'Let it go').You're right.
But that can hardly blame the developer. It is his community that ties his hands. If it was up to the most people then, Nicole would never have existed or they would have broken up before the main story began. Because the community really wants to play the vanilla predator who gets all the mushcies while other men don't exist or are just impotent. Dev could have made a wonderful Li out of Nicole, or could have made an open relationship between her and the MC. But no, there are so many people against it. The same hysteria existed at DMD. With such a demanding, tight-knit, unopened community, not much is possible.
Much more could have been made of DMD, which was the original plan. The community messed it up. In SSL, Nicole was supposed to become a cuckquean from the beginning, and here too the community opposed it. As in many things. What should MrDots do? If he makes his games vanilla, everyone gets bored. If he tries something different, it's not vanilla enough. How is he supposed to please his people? The developer is not to be envied. At times he neglected to speak a word of power and to keep the scepter in hand. MrDots is not the master of his own work. He made the mistake of listening to the supposed majority. And they are never satisfied, they don't even know what they really want. And what comes out at the end is nothing half and nothing whole.
Dots needs to man the fuck up and make the story he wants to make. Excuses are for amateurs. It is his fault, and more importantly its his problem. If he's so fucking scared of what the crowd thinks that he won't create the art he wants, then he doesn't deserve to call himself an artist.