Okay there's a lot to talk about here but I'm going to keep it short(or atleast try). Starting off with Lily. She revealed sexy details about herself and also sad ones
(basically Lily and Ivy aren't pole sisters to keep it simple so no future threesome ). As you can tell i chose Lily.
Seeing as she's submissive then Ivy is the dominant one or Lioness as she's referred to as i might have made the right choice though I'll go back and pick Ivy down the line.
Had a fun time with Ashley. Getting inches and inches closer to crossing that line and it's going to be glorious.
Ashley in her old dancer outfit was sexy and jesus that lap dance. Speaking of outfits damn the FMC in her new hotel uniform was hot af.
There's more that happened but that's all from me. Hopefully the MC and FMC can finally stay happy. I get that it's difficult to take that step but it feels like they keep running into a circle of the same problem. I hope this cycle stays broken for good now. Unfortunately while that ending while extremely hot it also feels me with doubt that we going to move passed this anytime soon
Anyway, great update. I'm definitely looking forward to the next after that cliffhanger.