
Active Member
Feb 15, 2023
Syther pondering the girls

Liz: Eh I never cared for Liz tbh much like Sorreah has stated she only likes MC now because of his powers and that's bout it. She wouldn't of given MC a chance (perhaps a pity fuck which I believe she offered at one time).

Amber: she's cool and often says supportive things to people (like Jordan who doesn't have much confidence with his dick size) meanwhile Liz is just mean with her response to Jordan. But I will say much like with her sister I don't really care about Amber either but she is a good friend but not someone I tried to romance (although other than my not caring for Amber I didn't go after her at all because Deryl had a thing with her and I didn't think that would be very cool to go after my bro's girl ya know and yes I know how their relationship ends still not very pog to do to your bro none da less).

Alice: she's mid. Hot take I'm sure but I never cared about her and often overlook her for other girls we see in the game. The mafia arc was one of the best in the game and I truly did enjoy it but didn't romance her as I had zero interest in her (I am happy we got the mafia in our pocket thanks to her tho).

Emily: I think it's cool that we get to help her with her confidence issues and even help with her family stuff as well. I'd be lying if I said I never went after her (out of every girl we get introduced early on she's one of the best).

Christie: I don't like having pussy yeeted at me (I like to work for pussy god damn it!) and I dislike the fact she keeps referring to MC as boyfriend.

Mia: She's a flat chest girl who gets embarrassed easily if the MC even shows a slight bit interest in her which makes me laugh a bit...I only wish we had a mini arc fleshing her out a bit more since she's kinda just there as a plot device for Jake's arc more or less.

Demi: I love her design but much like with Christie I don't like having pussy handed to me. I do like the fact she can increase how the public/govt views us.

Kelsey: We only see her during the prison stuff but god damn was that red head dommy mommy fine asf. She can hit me whenever she wants fr fr.

Tiffany: I have no interest in her but I am down to help her off her pops.

Claudia: Wholesome Waifu who I hope retains her good nature. She is the best girl imo and fits nicely with MC.

Shadow: Ya'll all damn know I wanna fuck the dog.... WeirdWorld lemme fuck the dog.

Danica: As I say often enough, she's dead in every playthrough of mine.

Brianna: A sexy lady in uniform...but on a serious note i love her interactions with MC.

Nyx: I have no sexual interest in her but god damn is her power cool as hell!

Laurie: She was really warming up to me not gonna lie. Her powers are pretty neat and I like the fact she was able to make armor out of it too...just too bad I have to choose between her and big titty baby momma.

Bailey: Now usually i complain about getting handed pussy but Ima have to let it slide with this breed freak of a monster.

Nikki: I thought she was pretty cool and the fact that they are the first person we can genderbend sweetens the deal for me.

Angelina: Big titty...I have nothing more to say bout this one.

Lucy: She's meh.

Nico: She's gonna suffer the same fate as Danica but she did gain a bit of respect for her badassery against Ella.

Ella: She gives us brain which is pretty cool I suppose. Never really had much interest in her sexually if I'm bein honest feels like she could go all prayin mantis on us and kill us while we're like 40 inches deep.

Zara & Charlie: I have zero interest in these two. I do wanna kill Charlie now tho kinda.

Alexis: She's pretty cool.
I like this list, I am kinda looking forward to meeting some of them. I just wanna say: I'm a little pissed that Nikki teases us with topping, but WeirdWorld I think has straight up said no, its never gonna happen. I get the player is all Alpha and stuff, but man giving over to a dommy mommy or something would be fantastic.


Active Member
Feb 15, 2023
1. Doesn't make sense if her only criteria is body type. She looks at his body and ignores it. Any revaluation she did in her mind would have to be after seeing players body.
2. She is happy and she is a size queen, doesn't prove anything for you though. She doesn't fuck him after seeing it
3. Sorry to break your bubble man, almost every female character in the game is into the player because of the way he helped him with his newfound powers. In that sense, i'd argue Liz is the least shallow seeing as how he didn't have to solve literally all of her problems to get with her
4. Every female character is only into him post changes.
Dude, you're a hard stand, I get it. But #1 is literally how little the player means to her. She doesn't even note anything from you because you already failed her initial evaluation, she can't be bothered to even re-think him, even though he completely changed. That's not helping your argument, that's literally how off she is.

I'm gonna just agree to disagree with you, you're going to die on that hill, and that's cool, but Liz is hard pass, she has NO attachment or any real meaningful feelings for the player, EVEN WITH their history. I needed to vent, and you're really not going to change my mind. Amber was something I can see and the other guy put it together well. This thing with you is really getting annoying.


Dec 4, 2018
Dude, you're a hard stand, I get it. But #1 is literally how little the player means to her. She doesn't even note anything from you because you already failed her initial evaluation, she can't be bothered to even re-think him, even though he completely changed. That's not helping your argument, that's literally how off she is.

I'm gonna just agree to disagree with you, you're going to die on that hill, and that's cool, but Liz is hard pass, she has NO attachment or any real meaningful feelings for the player, EVEN WITH their history.
Now you're saying the only thing she should care about is his body and she should've fucked him immediately after seeing his dick lol.
Reigniting her passion for competing and bonding over swimming is a much more interesting story and clearly whats happening. They literally say that Liz and the player has been closer then ever after competing in swimming, not after he got a better body or a bigger dick.

We can agree to disagree but im just saying, you're not making any sense.
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Active Member
Feb 15, 2023
Now you're saying the only thing she should care about is his body and she should've fucked him immediately after seeing his dick lol.
Reigniting her passion for competing and bonding over swimming is a much more interesting story and clearly whats happening.

We can agree to disagree but im just saying, you're not making any sense.
That is NOT what I said, this is why I am telling you your reading comprehension is really bad. It's not even me trying to insult you, you really don't get it.

edit: for real, a tip for you. Stop trying to "reword" what people said to make your arguments. Actually read what they write and stop trying to twist them.


Dec 4, 2018
That is NOT what I said, this is why I am telling you your reading comprehension is really bad. It's not even me trying to insult you, you really don't get it.
You're literally upset she didn't revaluate you immediately after seeing his new body and dick lol. idk what to say man.


Active Member
Feb 15, 2023
You're literally upset she didn't revaluate you immediately after seeing his new body and dick lol. idk what to say man.
Because. The. Player. Doesn't. Matter. Enough. For. Her. To. Do. That.

The end. I can't simplify it any more for you.


Dec 4, 2018
Because. The. Player. Doesn't. Matter. Enough. For. Her. To. Do. That.

The end. I can't simplify it any more for you.
This is not how humans function. What sort of mental gymnastics do you have to go through to come with this lol. This is like an incel complaining about how he can't get a girl even though he's buff now. Maybe it takes more than that to make someone want to change their mind? Maybe Liz wanted more then the perfect body.

It makes even less sense cause she started changing her mind after he beat her at swimming the next day. Does her not caring about him last for one day?


Active Member
Jan 13, 2019
I'll make it reaaaaaaaaaally simple this time, I'll use bullet a list even:
  1. She left him hanging because in her sociopathic mind, he's still the guy he was, it wasn't until he beat her that she re-evaluated him
  2. She only knew his dick size from before his change, when she saw it, she was happy because she's established as a size queen
  3. All of the points she likes about him, is only because of what hes capable of with his new body and looks, it has nothing to do with knowing he has the powers, its was only when he beat her she took enough interest in him to realize he's not the guy she categorized him as before
  4. you've literally misinterpreted everything I've said in my posts, and missed the points that liz even straight up mentions she's only into him post-changes.
harsh but true
if i can make a list of "Girls who will leave after you somehow lost your power" Liz would be the number 1
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Oct 14, 2019
since we're shareing our thoughts on the girls I might as well share mine

Amber: Honestly I like her. she a nice chick but kinda a prude in how she act but is caring or well at is not being a total jerk to people she care about. she a hard worker too. to be honest she is pretty hot to me. She got all the right curves not too big but not to show just right.

Liz: Well if we're just talking about just look then yes i like her. I mean she has the same body type as amber so yea. as for if i were to date her ehhh not really i kinda she her as a sex friend if anything as she is known to sleep around or just dont care all that much if someone try to sleep with her.

Emily: Now she someone I would like to have as a friend irl. she has a dog, play music is pretty chill and loyal too her friend or care about them a lot. she also not a total prude or too much of a slut as she is shown to to have some fun without going to extreme length

Alice: Ah alice with her in the beginning i really didn't care for her. Did think she was hot sure i mean even if her tits were the size of watermelon the rest of her was goodlooking. It was during and after the mafia arc was when I started to she her in a different light she then started to show more of caring and vulnerable side. That made me start to like her more and more. yes she a killer and she even admit to even liking to an extent and you know what i can over look that because I like her

Mia: I dont really she her as a datable option mostly because i perfer girls with a more busty appearance as well as because of what happen between her and jake, now i know with the recent update with us and jake helping her regain her memory. she not to happy about jake hell she might even hate him now. soooo i guess she could be an option did is mostly me and my guitly concise speaking

Christie: The striper girlfriends, she exactly what I excepted in getting really flirty and sexually active annd that kinda all on my thought on her. my reaction to her was literally "oh cool"

Demi: she a little germline in all the fun way. It kinda nice that we got our own hardcore fan where she founded the fan club for us and even has her own costume of us. I kinda see her as a little sister. she get off that vibe to me if that make sense.

Jess: I'll be honest when we first met her I thought she was a bitch as she would go off on us for doing noting to her or even trying to help her at least in the beginning in our guy form. farther on I guess she not so bad but after the first impression of her I dont really like her. Im mostly playing her route because in my main im romacting and fucking everyone and everything that breath that inclue fmonster, woman, femboy, superhuman, and shadow(the dog not the hedgehog if anyone was confuse)

Tess: the amazon like cheerleader. honestly speaking I really dont got much to say to her. She hot sure but that it.

Tiffany: The rich, but ambitious daughters to a man she want dead. I mean she hot and give you loads of money depending on your choice so she good in my book

Claudia: The naïve princess. I like her. her interaction with the mc are cute and wholesome. which I might it refreshing too she. she just give off "i want to protect and cuddle you" energy too me and I like her shade of blue hair.

Danica: The assassin bitch that try to kill us but she is hot so im kinda neutral about her.

Bailey: My poor sweet innocent little oil monster. I was fun to have around it was like having a pet dog around with the added bonus of being hot. Too bad she had to die as she was my first "kill" as the player choice.

Brianna: The baddest of bad cop if you know what i mean. She pretty fun to hang around I like alot of her interaction with the mc and the fact that she a cop just add to that

Angelina: Big titty with red hair well she instantly in my good book with that alone I did always had a thing for red heads

Laurie: She was really warming up to me not gonna lie. Her powers are pretty neat and I like the fact she was able to make armor out of it too...just too bad I have to choose between her and big titty baby momma.

Alexis: She instantly in my good bad for the same reason as angelina. big tits, red hair, and piercing beautiful

Nico: nico, nico oh my sweet nico. This might be a hot take but I kinda like her I don't know why. I all honestly I should hate her as she is a bitch but i just don't. sooo yeah she cool

Nyx: She give off big mommy/sis energy to me and that all I need to like her no other requitement needed. That and the fact her powers interest me and that it look like we might be put in her team as they just lost a member.

Aglaecwif: As a big tity goth monster mommy I like her instantly. It was a hard choice between picking her for the sex and saving Laurie life.

And Lastly Ella: The one that effectively started this whole thing in turning us into a superhuman giving us life threating test all for us to become stronger while also caring for us to some degree while messing with our friends. There just too many thing about her that is keeping me from disliking but also from liking her as well. All I can say is that she something else entirely

and that my thoughts on almost all of them this might my longest post ever


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
The infertility is not a monster problem, we know the Minyak downgraded as species (from the stronger orange Minyak) to get a higher fertility grade, but it's mostly a superhuman problem. (although we now know they can breed with monsters)
We know the Apostles infect others to produce their spawn but those are unique entities. As far we know the majority of S-class monsters could be plenty in numbers, even if their original species is a lower class. (even 2 infected or tainted can produce a natural born)
For the purposes discussed, I considered them as 2 different scenarios. Either superhuman mothers, or monster mothers.

Fear of monsterfication is justified, it often happens during infection or evolution. Corruption is an important factor.
It's the reason lower HERO agents wear the helmets. Superhumans on their 5th evolution don't wear the helmet because the corruption is less of a problem, first there's no 6st evolution and second fighting with monsters exposes them to corruption levels the helmet isn't helping anyway... It's also known several of the high ranking HERO members can speak "monster", something only possible with high corruption... Aglaecwif even points out there's only a small special group of us that can get monster powers without losing (too much of) our humanity.... (and MC can have several dead ends getting monsterfied)
Agreed, monsterification is an issue. What I was more interested in is him saying that Ella is this way (a villain) due to high corruption when Nyx is also corrupted. If he knew his captain has high corruption then it's unlikely he would use that as an accusation against Ella. Makes me think that he doesn't know about it, despite the fact that Nyx was pretty open about it with MC.
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Engaged Member
Jan 9, 2021
What I was more interested in is him saying that Ella is this way (a villain) due to high corruption
but I'll be damned if I turn into one of those damned monsters, or get so corrupted I might as well be one... Like you.

He just calls her a monster... But yeah, the link between corruption and monster behavior is also made clear...
He judges Ella for her actions, so Nyx is in the clear either way... They're on the "right" side fighting for the good cause..
(and yet Deus needs Ella to complete her work... )


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
since we're shareing our thoughts on the girls I might as well share mine

Amber: Honestly I like her. she a nice chick but kinda a prude in how she act but is caring or well at is not being a total jerk to people she care about. she a hard worker too. to be honest she is pretty hot to me. She got all the right curves not too big but not to show just right.

Liz: Well if we're just talking about just look then yes i like her. I mean she has the same body type as amber so yea. as for if i were to date her ehhh not really i kinda she her as a sex friend if anything as she is known to sleep around or just dont care all that much if someone try to sleep with her.

Emily: Now she someone I would like to have as a friend irl. she has a dog, play music is pretty chill and loyal too her friend or care about them a lot. she also not a total prude or too much of a slut as she is shown to to have some fun without going to extreme length

Alice: Ah alice with her in the beginning i really didn't care for her. Did think she was hot sure i mean even if her tits were the size of watermelon the rest of her was goodlooking. It was during and after the mafia arc was when I started to she her in a different light she then started to show more of caring and vulnerable side. That made me start to like her more and more. yes she a killer and she even admit to even liking to an extent and you know what i can over look that because I like her

Mia: I dont really she her as a datable option mostly because i perfer girls with a more busty appearance as well as because of what happen between her and jake, now i know with the recent update with us and jake helping her regain her memory. she not to happy about jake hell she might even hate him now. soooo i guess she could be an option did is mostly me and my guitly concise speaking

Christie: The striper girlfriends, she exactly what I excepted in getting really flirty and sexually active annd that kinda all on my thought on her. my reaction to her was literally "oh cool"

Demi: she a little germline in all the fun way. It kinda nice that we got our own hardcore fan where she founded the fan club for us and even has her own costume of us. I kinda see her as a little sister. she get off that vibe to me if that make sense.

Jess: I'll be honest when we first met her I thought she was a bitch as she would go off on us for doing noting to her or even trying to help her at least in the beginning in our guy form. farther on I guess she not so bad but after the first impression of her I dont really like her. Im mostly playing her route because in my main im romacting and fucking everyone and everything that breath that inclue fmonster, woman, femboy, superhuman, and shadow(the dog not the hedgehog if anyone was confuse)

Tess: the amazon like cheerleader. honestly speaking I really dont got much to say to her. She hot sure but that it.

Tiffany: The rich, but ambitious daughters to a man she want dead. I mean she hot and give you loads of money depending on your choice so she good in my book

Claudia: The naïve princess. I like her. her interaction with the mc are cute and wholesome. which I might it refreshing too she. she just give off "i want to protect and cuddle you" energy too me and I like her shade of blue hair.

Danica: The assassin bitch that try to kill us but she is hot so im kinda neutral about her.

Bailey: My poor sweet innocent little oil monster. I was fun to have around it was like having a pet dog around with the added bonus of being hot. Too bad she had to die as she was my first "kill" as the player choice.

Brianna: The baddest of bad cop if you know what i mean. She pretty fun to hang around I like alot of her interaction with the mc and the fact that she a cop just add to that

Angelina: Big titty with red hair well she instantly in my good book with that alone I did always had a thing for red heads

Laurie: She was really warming up to me not gonna lie. Her powers are pretty neat and I like the fact she was able to make armor out of it too...just too bad I have to choose between her and big titty baby momma.

Alexis: She instantly in my good bad for the same reason as angelina. big tits, red hair, and piercing beautiful

Nico: nico, nico oh my sweet nico. This might be a hot take but I kinda like her I don't know why. I all honestly I should hate her as she is a bitch but i just don't. sooo yeah she cool

Nyx: She give off big mommy/sis energy to me and that all I need to like her no other requitement needed. That and the fact her powers interest me and that it look like we might be put in her team as they just lost a member.

Aglaecwif: As a big tity goth monster mommy I like her instantly. It was a hard choice between picking her for the sex and saving Laurie life.

And Lastly Ella: The one that effectively started this whole thing in turning us into a superhuman giving us life threating test all for us to become stronger while also caring for us to some degree while messing with our friends. There just too many thing about her that is keeping me from disliking but also from liking her as well. All I can say is that she something else entirely

and that my thoughts on almost all of them this might my longest post ever
Very good list mah boi.


Jun 22, 2017
To clarify, they are not exactly sterile. Rather, each superhuman is their own unique individual species with a population of 1.
Thus 2 superhumans reproducing is like a dog impregnating a cat. Not gonna work.
The individual cat and dog are both fertile, they are just not compatible.

Technically it makes every single sexual encounter in the game into bestiality... or rather, xenophilia since both are sapient.

In such a situation it is plausible that some superhumans are actually compatible due to common origin.
And such compatibility could be discovered via genetic match computing... or just a man whore like MC fucking everything with legs.
This might be the best explanation i ever heard, yes even species very similar in genetics can easily be incompatible to reproduce, If monster infection changes the DNA to allow very specific powers them even very small changes would be enough to make them too different to each other, like their own species.

It's really incorrect to say infertile, since they can reproduce, even if only with monsters, superhuman/superhuman might be possible but all the information we have until now is againt it.

The infertility is not a monster problem, we know the Minyak downgraded as species (from the stronger orange Minyak) to get a higher fertility grade, but it's mostly a superhuman problem. (although we now know they can breed with monsters)
We know the Apostles infect others to produce their spawn but those are unique entities. As far we know the majority of S-class monsters could be plenty in numbers, even if their original species is a lower class. (even 2 infected or tainted can produce a natural born)
Reproduction is not a problem on the monster side, they can make more through humans, animals, monsterfication of superhumans... It is a problem on the human/superhuman side though.
If high compatibility to monster infection is a rare trait them the world migh run out of humans capable of developing powers, superhumans can't pass this to children of their own, regular humans will be unable to if they get powers and if they don't they have shorter lifespans than superhumans.

but I'll be damned if I turn into one of those damned monsters, or get so corrupted I might as well be one... Like you.

He just calls her a monster... But yeah, the link between corruption and monster behavior is also made clear...
He judges Ella for her actions, so Nyx is in the clear either way... They're on the "right" side fighting for the good cause..
(and yet Deus needs Ella to complete her work... )
Seems like he considers high corruption a problem and that he associates it with evolution since they were talking about that, interesting since Mc can reach lvl 3 with literally 0 corruption, he definitly thinks that being too corrupt takes a lot of your humanity (he might be right on that) and was fine remaining lvl 3 while getting more power even if slowly, i'm grateful to learn through his mistakes though.
As for Nyx i don't think her corruption is a mistery on anything like that, she was very open with Mc regarding this, and if she is so open to a unknow newbie i don't think she had any problems with the matter to a veteran liutenant .
I accept the possibility of being wrong though, i don't trust anyone after all, maybe she had her reasons to only talk about that with Mc.


Engaged Member
Jan 9, 2021
It's really incorrect to say infertile, since they can reproduce, even if only with monsters, superhuman/superhuman might be possible but all the information we have until now is againt it.
Best check the library at HERO base, there's information there that seems to suggest otherwise...

"The Infected are by far the monsters most commonly encountered. Monsters that were once human or animal."

"Two infected can mate and produce a natural born, usually resulting in a monster more powerful than either parent.

"The Variants are unique monsters, commonly born from failed Superhumans. They are the third most commonly encountered monsters."

There's no section on superhumans, but it would be surprising if 2 failed superhumans can reproduce together but two superhumans can't....


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Alright, it's been a hot minute now and a lot of people got to play it. Now that I don't have to put anything in spoilers, I'll give my full thoughts on this update. This will mostly cover the update as a whole and not so much dive into the theories, monster lore and other stuff. I've finished all of my playthroughs this update for my 4 characters. I haven't seen all of the variants of scenes just yet. I'm also waiting for Public release so I know what my stats are for Level 3.

So to start with the battle or battles. Laurie put in a lot of work this update, which shocked the hell out of me. I like that she developed her powers like I thought she would with the mini darts. Her growth and confidence made what happened later all the more devastating but let's move on to the other people. Alice with her evolution and Michael with his powers unlocking. They progressed about just how some thought. I like that Alice did develop the ability to pull her target toward herself for her attacks. That was another thing I thought would happen since she favors close fights so much. As for her evolution itself, I'll save that for the Monster Lore and Numbered posts because there's a lot to unravel there. Michael, I'll get to later.

Moving to what I consider one of the big highlights this update. Ella vs Nico, Malik and Nyx. Before that, I would like to say I like Ella's redesign a lot here. I'll have to do another top list for designs because she's back in my top 5. Anyway, I said I thought Nico would get messed up when she went out to hunt Ella but she actually held her own. She did get a bit fucked up like I predicted but she actually was pressing Ella, a lot. Those two and Malik basically said fuck the environment this update. Like it's so much to cover in that fight alone that I'll have to make another post. We did finally get to see Ella get owned badly, even before Nyx one hit killed her, though she undoubtedly survived. I'll save the how for later as well. Though, I think it settles how Ella compares to the top HERO Members.

Now to the MC. A lot of theories became confirmed here, with even newer ones, like the MC being able to use stored memories to transfer them into other characters like Mia, being confirmed. Even him setting it up without touching her seems possible but that was vague there and he cut her first. We'll have to wait until he trains his Memory trait a bit more. Anyway, the MC has a huge can of worms to unpack. From him becoming a papa this update to reaching Level 3 and evening as far as beyond Level 5 via the Origin, which is a whole other bag of worms. We got to see his growth from his training and then watched his potential explode with Level 3. His armors looked amazing. His Middle Armor especially. Some resemble Jackie's Darkness Armor a lot now, which I liked. MC getting acknowledged by the homie Val but he's out of pocket for calling our milf a whore. I hope the baby is a female monster with real daddy issues.

After that, we arrived to the aftermath with Ella's "death", Laurie's fate, Deryl becoming whole and a shit ton of other info. We got Hex saying fuck everybody to dip with SIN while Nico said fuck the humans and left with HERO. We then got that fucker Jared, who seems to have Ice or crystal powers, being cocky and Cole actually not being as enthusiastic to fight the MC now. Before all of that though, we got Shen, who I forgot about actually. It seems he reached Level 4, which explains his looks. There was also the Charlie bit there about how he did it but I'll leave that for later as well.

All of that said, the update was fantastic. I would like to go more into more detail but this post is getting too long. I do have some critiques about some scenes though. Like putting huge amounts of Lore behind multiple choices and basically gating it for majority of the players. Then there's the Deryl stuff, which had way too much importance put on it to the point that you can't save Laurie unless you uplift him. Other than that, it was fantastic, like I said. I'll probably do an Ella post next. When I'm done with all of my posts, you'll see why I had to separate them all. It really would be a wall of text if I went in too much detail with all of this update.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
Alright, it's been a hot minute now and a lot of people got to play it. Now that I don't have to put anything in spoilers, I'll give my full thoughts on this update. This will mostly cover the update as a whole and not so much dive into the theories, monster lore and other stuff. I've finished all of my playthroughs this update for my 4 characters. I haven't seen all of the variants of scenes just yet. I'm also waiting for Public release so I know what my stats are for Level 3.

So to start with the battle or battles. Laurie put in a lot of work this update, which shocked the hell out of me. I like that she developed her powers like I thought she would with the mini darts. Her growth and confidence made what happened later all the more devastating but let's move on to the other people. Alice with her evolution and Michael with his powers unlocking. They progressed about just how some thought. I like that Alice did develop the ability to pull her target toward herself for her attacks. That was another thing I thought would happen since she favors close fights so much. As for her evolution itself, I'll save that for the Monster Lore and Numbered posts because there's a lot to unravel there. Michael, I'll get to later.

Moving to what I consider one of the big highlights this update. Ella vs Nico, Malik and Nyx. Before that, I would like to say I like Ella's redesign a lot here. I'll have to do another top list for designs because she's back in my top 5. Anyway, I said I thought Nico would get messed up when she went out to hunt Ella but she actually held her own. She did get a bit fucked up like I predicted but she actually was pressing Ella, a lot. Those two and Malik basically said fuck the environment this update. Like it's so much to cover in that fight alone that I'll have to make another post. We did finally get to see Ella get owned badly, even before Nyx one hit killed her, though she undoubtedly survived. I'll save the how for later as well. Though, I think it settles how Ella compares to the top HERO Members.

Now to the MC. A lot of theories became confirmed here, with even newer ones, like the MC being able to use stored memories to transfer them into other characters like Mia, being confirmed. Even him setting it up without touching her seems possible but that was vague there and he cut her first. We'll have to wait until he trains his Memory trait a bit more. Anyway, the MC has a huge can of worms to unpack. From him becoming a papa this update to reaching Level 3 and evening as far as beyond Level 5 via the Origin, which is a whole other bag of worms. We got to see his growth from his training and then watched his potential explode with Level 3. His armors looked amazing. His Middle Armor especially. Some resemble Jackie's Darkness Armor a lot now, which I liked. MC getting acknowledged by the homie Val but he's out of pocket for calling our milf a whore. I hope the baby is a female monster with real daddy issues.

After that, we arrived to the aftermath with Ella's "death", Laurie's fate, Deryl becoming whole and a shit ton of other info. We got Hex saying fuck everybody to dip with SIN while Nico said fuck the humans and left with HERO. We then got that fucker Jared, who seems to have Ice or crystal powers, being cocky and Cole actually not being as enthusiastic to fight the MC now. Before all of that though, we got Shen, who I forgot about actually. It seems he reached Level 4, which explains his looks. There was also the Charlie bit there about how he did it but I'll leave that for later as well.

All of that said, the update was fantastic. I would like to go more into more detail but this post is getting too long. I do have some critiques about some scenes though. Like putting huge amounts of Lore behind multiple choices and basically gating it for majority of the players. Then there's the Deryl stuff, which had way too much importance put on it to the point that you can't save Laurie unless you uplift him. Other than that, it was fantastic, like I said. I'll probably do an Ella post next. When I'm done with all of my posts, you'll see why I had to separate them all. It really would be a wall of text if I went in too much detail with all of this update.
Was starting to miss you man :cry:


Jun 22, 2017
Best check the library at HERO base, there's information there that seems to suggest otherwise...

"The Infected are by far the monsters most commonly encountered. Monsters that were once human or animal."

"Two infected can mate and produce a natural born, usually resulting in a monster more powerful than either parent.

"The Variants are unique monsters, commonly born from failed Superhumans. They are the third most commonly encountered monsters."

There's no section on superhumans, but it would be surprising if 2 failed superhumans can reproduce together but two superhumans can't....
That's very interesting actually, i mean what is the difference between a monster that was once a human and a failed superhuman ?
Maybe the Infected refers to those that transformed into a more commom kind of monster as soon as they were infected while the Variant is someone who had become a superhuman, developed unique powers and then monsterfied, while evolving for example.

As for failed superhumans being able to reproduce i think it has to do with how much close they are to monsters, i don't know the reason but monsters are WILDLY different to each other AND superhumans and yet it seems a regular knowledge they can reproduce with them, while HERO is very open telling even recruits that superhumans can't with each other.
They might be lying ? obviously and i take everything they divulgue with two grains of salt, that's why i always consider all information with "as far as we know", but it is everything we have for now.

To resume what i think, failed superhumans are much closer to being monsters so they can reproduce with each other, superhumans can't because they are more distant and this was told to us by HERO and they might be lying about everything.
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