
Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Okay so I just replayed...everything...multiple different ways and unfortunately yet happily? I'm content with the results of my Corrupt Harem Master Route; I'll guide those interested through it so here you go (may change in the future depending on the next update):

-I want to be Neutral along with murdering pretty much anyone standing in the way of that that isn't a fuckable piece of meat or hasn't TERRIBLY ruined me (looking at you Danica and Nico).

-I want to fuck everything with a pulse, excluding the female version scenes as you can't even attain everything that way, you can go a separate route to collect them.

-I want to defend my harem and anyone in it, Michael can be a part of that, with Deryl being a real 50/50 asshole, Jake can go fuck himself.

-Ella is tight, especially after the latest potential connection lore drop, stop huffin that cope Ella haters she clearly cares about us at this point. Be nice to her/interested whenever possible.

-Negative Government and Public opinion ALL the way baby! Fuck them peeps, but be warned this will lead to MISSING the boring ass Brianna third scene (ain't no Doggystyle).

1. I took the SKILL point from Michael fight in the beginning, this is a semi MUST take if you wish to beat Valravn in the future, semi due to if you pick the Horn. Also allowing you to fight Ella cause why not.

2. I DIDN'T or rather COULDN'T purge Kenny but I make up for said corrupt in the end (and yes you still receive all the monster dialogue in your dreams later on). If you end up taking the Horn, you can skip this step; take the Michael Power point instead and be able to attain this scene.

3. I did Cheerleader, Emily, Demi, and Liz route check for ALL the special dialogue and or scenes. That means doing Cheerleader to the girl preference shower scene, and the Emily buying dinner with her Dad FIRST before ANYTHING else. You then have to do Liz route decently while trying to get Emily's Dad's blackmailers killed however fast you feel so you gain some Corruption for the Monster Dream dialogue. Doing Demi's route till she grinds her ass on you will also allow the beach scene to be possible. Complete Liz's route BEFORE getting to Jake's showdown as it will show some slight dating dialogue later. Even with this order of things you'll still have time to prioritize TRAINING and the Deryl beginning training motivation, as well as viewing every single therapy session (if ya want), gloryhole scenes, etc.

4. I KILLED Liz's sponsor, honestly the secretary Lucy should just be mentioned to be covered by the Mafia and Liz along with Amber can DEFINITELY get another sponsor together with their talent.

5. I killed Danica, as it seems W.W has forgotten about her as more of a side character, but fear not; IF THIS CHANGES IN FUTURE UPDATES, there is still a way to keep her alive and still retain high Corruption and pass all the other checks, same goes for Lucy the secretary IN THE SAME ROUTE, Bailey potentially could also fall into this list, though your high Corruption would be on the lower side.

6. GLORY TO GOD during the first Evolution, it rants some vital Corruption, plus if it makes you feel better; Alice did the same thing and she's still best Waifu giving you a threesome.

7. I talked as well as absorbed the sewer Mikyank, rather than smashing it into a building, you gain the same in Corruption, but it feels like it's more a Monstery choice, though absorbing causes less Brianna point lose (not that it matters as of right now), but you lose our on negative Public opinion (fear not though as you'll have more than enough to still be in the negatives on both ends).

8. STAY IN THE PRISON, do not leave early to fuck a god damn corpse, you get all the scenes that way and more Corruption for killing the prisoner, plus it's got Doctor Evil vibes (potential future scenes with Nikki as well from girl transformation).

9. Kill all the mall people and all the bitch guards at the PM's showdown.

10. Kill Jake.

Bonus: Be an asshole to Deryl, mother fucker deserves it.

CRUCIAL 11. TAKE THE HORN OR THE EYE, either option works, I personally chose the Eye and HELD ON TO IT BY CHOOSING THE RIGHT PATH, more on that later.

12. You WILL beat Valravn this way, even if you spare Danica, don't eat Bailey, spare the sponsor, etc. All previously mentioned but thought I'd remind people who DO choose this route, you will win automatically (assuming you pick the right fight options) via the skill check rather than the power one unless you chose the Horn. Either way you win, plus respect from Nico (potential future fuck then kill).

CRUCIAL 13. TAKE THE RIGHT PATH, overcoming the monster will grant you the SKILL you need to SAVE LAURIE. Having the Eye OR the Horn does not matter, though The Eye will potentially provide future content as you did not give it away. Unfortunately you will miss the Mommy Monster lore drop, but again, you're saving Laurie (protect the harem).

CRUCIAL 14. Kill everything. All the disposable side people you encounter. For instance; the farmer, eating Angelina's stalker monster, the dinner thug, the tower thug, Suicide Wang (though the stats have yet to be updated), etc etc. This is vital for future Corruption and what have you.

By doing all of this you should be able to obtain literally EVERY SINGLE SCENE save for the female, futa, morgue, NTR, and the 3rd Brianna scene. You'll even be able to see the Deus death Ending with this level of Corruption. ONLY downside is NOT being able to fuck the Mommy Monster OR obtain her information along with extended info from Valravn during interrogation. But you can view those on your own time, as I don't believe they have any relevance to your stats or major path differences AS OF RIGHT NOW (this may change in the future, then you would have to choose whether or not to save Laurie).

I hope this helped, if you guys have any questions let me know and I'll help as best I can.
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Sep 1, 2017
Thing is, Jared is only level 1, maybe level 2 at max. It would take no huge effort on the MC's part to kill him before Charlie or Cole reacted. Especially, from underground, with a tentacle, while he was still being amped by his 3rd Evolution. Like the MC said, Mother(or Father) thought the MC could beat Cole there. Jared would've been nothing.
Absolutely, I was waiting for a tentacle to come up from the ground and slice the cunt in half, but too bad for us that boil on the arse of humanity will be with us for a bit longer.

And you want to know what the insane thing is? It holds no candle to what Deus did to the Origin reborn MC with his beyond 5th Evolution power. He literally went back in time and dismantled him.
Wanted to say that I am really looking forward to learning more about Deus, that dude seems even more broken than Nico and the other level 5s.
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New Member
Feb 28, 2020
Okay so I just replayed...everything...multiple different ways and unfortunately yet happily? I'm content with the results of my Corrupt Harem Master Route; I'll guide those interested through it so here you go (may change in the future depending on the next update):

-I want to be Neutral along with murdering pretty much anyone standing in the way of that that isn't a fuckable piece of meat or hasn't TERRIBLY ruined me (looking at you Danica and Nico).

-I want to fuck everything with a pulse, excluding the female version scenes as you can't even attain everything that way, you can go a separate route to collect them.

-I want to defend my harem and anyone in it, Michael can be a part of that, with Deryl being a real 50/50 asshole, Jake can go fuck himself.

-Ella is tight, especially after the latest potential connection lore drop, stop huffin that cope Ella haters she clearly cares about us at this point. Be nice to her/interested whenever possible.

-Negative Government and Public opinion ALL the way baby! Fuck them peeps, but be warned this will lead to MISSING the boring ass Brianna third scene (ain't no Doggystyle).

1. I took the SKILL point from Michael fight in the beginning, this is a semi MUST take if you wish to beat Valravn in the future, semi due to if you pick the Horn. Also allowing you to fight Ella cause why not.

2. I DIDN'T or rather COULDN'T purge Kenny but I make up for said corrupt in the end (and yes you still receive all the monster dialogue in your dreams later on). If you end up taking the Horn, you can skip this step; take the Michael Power point instead and be able to attain this scene.

3. I did Cheerleader, Emily, Demi, and Liz route check for ALL the special dialogue and or scenes. That means doing Cheerleader to the girl preference shower scene, and the Emily buying dinner with her Dad FIRST before ANYTHING else. You then have to do Liz route decently while trying to get Emily's Dad's blackmailers killed however fast you feel so you gain some Corruption for the Monster Dream dialogue. Doing Demi's route till she grinds her ass on you will also allow the beach scene to be possible. Complete Liz's route BEFORE getting to Jake's showdown as it will show some slight dating dialogue later. Even with this order of things you'll still have time to prioritize TRAINING and the Deryl beginning training motivation, as well as viewing every single therapy session (if ya want), gloryhole scenes, etc.

4. I KILLED Liz's sponsor, honestly the secretary Lucy should just be mentioned to be covered by the Mafia and Liz along with Amber can DEFINITELY get another sponsor together with their talent.

5. I killed Danica, as it seems W.W has forgotten about her as more of a side character, but fear not; IF THIS CHANGES IN FUTURE UPDATES, there is still a way to keep her alive and still retain high Corruption and pass all the other checks, same goes for Lucy the secretary IN THE SAME ROUTE, Bailey potentially could also fall into this list, though your high Corruption would be on the lower side.

6. GLORY TO GOD during the first Evolution, it rants some vital Corruption, plus if it makes you feel better; Alice did the same thing and she's still best Waifu giving you a threesome.

7. I talked as well as absorbed the sewer Mikyank, rather than smashing it into a building, you gain the same in Corruption, but it feels like it's more a Monstery choice, though absorbing causes less Brianna point lose (not that it matters as of right now), but you lose our on negative Public opinion (fear not though as you'll have more than enough to still be in the negatives on both ends).

8. STAY IN THE PRISON, do not leave early to fuck a god damn corpse, you get all the scenes that way and more Corruption for killing the prisoner, plus it's got Doctor Evil vibes (potential future scenes with Nikki as well from girl transformation).

9. Kill all the mall people and all the bitch guards at the PM's showdown.

10. Kill Jake.

Bonus: Be an asshole to Deryl, mother fucker deserves it.

CRUCIAL 11. TAKE THE HORN OR THE EYE, either option works, I personally chose the Eye and HELD ON TO IT BY CHOOSING THE RIGHT PATH, more on that later.

12. You WILL beat Valravn this way, even if you spare Danica, don't eat Bailey, spare the sponsor, etc. All previously mentioned but thought I'd remind people who DO choose this route, you will win automatically (assuming you pick the right fight options) via the skill check rather than the power one unless you chose the Horn. Either way you win, plus respect from Nico (potential future fuck then kill).

CRUCIAL 13. TAKE THE RIGHT PATH, overcoming the monster will grant you the SKILL you need to SAVE LAURIE. Having the Eye OR the Horn does not matter, though The Eye will potentially provide future content as you did not give it away. Unfortunately you will miss the Mommy Monster lore drop, but again, you're saving Laurie (protect the harem).

CRUCIAL 14. Kill everything. All the disposable side people you encounter. For instance; the farmer, eating Angelina's stalker monster, the dinner thug, the tower thug, Suicide Wang (though the stats have yet to be updated), etc etc. This is vital for future Corruption and what have you.

By doing all of this you should be able to obtain literally EVERY SINGLE SCENE save for the female, futa, morgue, NTR, and the 3rd Brianna scene. You'll even be able to see the Deus death Ending with this level of Corruption. ONLY downside is NOT being able to fuck the Mommy Monster OR obtain her information along with extended info from Valravn during interrogation. But you can view those on your own time, as I don't believe they have any relevance to your stats or major path differences AS OF RIGHT NOW (this may change in the future, then you would have to choose whether or not to save Laurie).

I hope this helped, if you guys have any questions let me know and I'll help as best I can.
Nice walkthrough. Though I still couldn't save Laurie even after taking the right path :(


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
I wanted to comment on the fighting part of this update as WeirdWorld requested (if he/she reads this):

1. If you want my honest, unbiased, and constructive no bullshit opinion; I really only think the biggest thing to work on was the art.

I don't mean so much as your artstyle as a whole, as that is always constantly improving; but more so there were a few instances where you are merging "out dated" old style sprites in a refined environment against newer detailed characters. To note examples:

-Deryl vs Del with Deryl's arms could potentially take some out of the moment.
-Michael being a tad wonky fighting against the INCREDIBLY detailed Chimeras.

I don't believe the MC suffers from this, nor Ella (save for her atop the monster body would be kinda off putting to the serious undertones). Malik could've used some work too, as Deus, Alexis, or even Nicolette do NOT have the same outdated power issue (referring to the flames on his body).

That's all I can think of NEGATIVELY as the Monsters were probably the best part of the art along with the detailed backgrounds and explosions, though some of the explosions again, have that art style mismatch.

Positives? Pretty much everything else:

2. The music was a spectacular for choice, I need a list of the songs ASAP.

3. The writing, again; chef's kiss. There's something about yours that makes it not TOO long or SHORT. One of the issues I have with a Manhua called Reincarnation of the Suicidal Battle God; which follows a comic style with incredible writing and art. The ISSUE is that during the fights, they EXPLAIN EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DETAIL TO A NAUSEATING PACE. You DO NOT have this problem, keep it up with leaving just the right amount and leaving the rest for imagination or assumption.

4. The Transitions are something I'd like to point out, as you executed it perfectly. There was just enough content for whatever character was on screen at the time before swiftly transitioning to the next. Your parallels were on point as well. Though I will say the talk between the Mommy Monster DID go on for a while, taking us out of the constant and desperate action, just a small critique if you could shorten it or maybe find a more appropriate time, not a big issue though. If you want improvement tips that aren't necessary but would make it better to fit the comic style, adding the classic split lines between say Alice's and Michael's (sudo) evolutions would be cool! Or when the MC dodges a beam some of it it's a mountain one panel while he sores through the next.

5. The Theme is another thing I could point out, as while this was EPIC, it didn't truly feel like a large scale war. It did in the beginning, but beyond that there are pretty much no CGs to show the gravity of troops sprinkled even as dots in the background to show 30,000 plus soldiers running around. Monsters aren't falling from the sky, bullets aren't flying in the back until it focuses on said areas. There are a LOT of monsters though, but almost no show of strength from the H.E.R.O side, save for the powerful people. I would've also liked to see more death, I feel like the Diamond Massacre was there only in name or towards the end, we didn't really see any large group of people die, unlike how we did with Valravn.

I hope this doesn't dishearten you, as it was me trying to nitpick as much as possible while still providing support. In my eyes this had everything I wanted and more, but this was as important to you so I hope it helps.

Sidenotes regarding it's gameplay:
-Change the Laurie death prevention to need EITHER power or skill, rather than just skill.
-Adding more choices in a fight never hurts, though I was perfectly fine with what we had make no mistake.
-If it's not already prevalent (maybe it's due to beta) have a small or large stat increase when you evolve or pick the right options during the major fights. It would make more sense improving my power fighting Deryl than it would a Squid games monster :ROFLMAO:
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Sep 1, 2017
Unpopular, but I think sparing Jake is the 'right' choice. Feel like its the only way to save Mia. And killing him is the easy way out. Penance for what he did to Mia is the most rational choice.
I'm yet to get to that point in the update on my "consume everything" playthrough, it would be interesting if she can't be healed without him, but perhaps even more interesting if she can be healed without him since one of the parts of healing her is a command from him using his power to undo his previous command.

Virgin Girl

Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2023
View attachment 1161197

The power to shapeshift, to alter your body in any way you see fit, a power forced upon you, an 18-year-old boy, by monsters of unknown origin.
How will you use this power? To seduce? To kill? Or do you simply want to live your life as a college freshman without worry?
Whatever you may choose, it won't be an easy journey. Protect your secret from the humans around you. Uncover the secrets of other superhumans like you. Grow your strength to face the monsters that made you.
Can you do it? Can you survive this monstrous world? And perhaps... enjoy some love and lust along the way?
Have a go and find out.

Weird fetish stuff like trap, ntr, whatever, is optional

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Thread Updated: 2023-05-16
Release Date: 2023-05-16
Developer: WeirdWorld - - - - -
Censored: No
Version: 0.95
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English
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Gallery Unlock - Walkthrough

*This unofficial port/version is not released by developer, download at your own risk.

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story is good art not that good
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Apr 27, 2017
Time for Syther's updated "Fuck you" list

1. Ella - Sitting pretty at first place even in her uh...current state.
2. Cole - Fuck, if I get the chance to deep dick Ella in front of you I'll be so happy (or genderbend you and give you what you always wanted).
3. Jared - Fuck you, ima have to break yo dick again don't I BOY.
4. Nico - She's gotten knocked out of the top 3 due to sheer badassery in current update.
5. Danica - Still dead in every single one of my playthroughs ;)

Honorable mentions:
Klaus - I actually really like him (very well written character and great antagonist. Honestly between him and Alice if I had the choice I'd join his side instead of Alice's ...if I had to place him anywhere in the fuck you list it'd be 10th place)
Jake - I'm conflicted with him as I know he was manipulated and got a taste of power (I admittedly would of done similar shit as him if I had a power like that and so would many of you reading this...don't you lie to Papa Syther the mists of wander know all! He ranks at 7th place)
Prison goons - They are just funny but kinda annoying? Easy 9th place.
what about lovable psycho Suicide Wang?


Sep 1, 2017
Hmm, I'd be interested to read what others think about Goliath calling us "Lārēow" (teacher, basically), and the significance of it. Also that his "faith" in us is resolute, not just trust, but faith.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
what about lovable psycho Suicide Wang?
That lovable man is in my "Favorites" list despite him stabbing the MC a few times (not like it would of done anything) he's been an all around favorite of mine as he makes me laugh quite a bit (I am concerned though about what he has been making people do to result in their deaths but that is left rather ambiguous thus far.)

He's easily in my top 6 favorite characters (never once considered him on the "fuck you" list)


Sep 1, 2017
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He's easily in my top 6 favorite characters (never once considered him on the "fuck you" list)
Suwu is a great character and I like having him around, despite it being very clearly a really god damn bad idea to have him around since who knows who he'll suicide next.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
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Suwu is a great character and I like having him around, despite it being very clearly a really god damn bad idea to have him around since who knows who he'll suicide next.
Yeah, it's a pretty big risk especially if he starts to turn his attention to our potential waifus and tries to suicide them but thus far he hasn't even met any of them but came pretty close this update I suppose.


Sep 1, 2017
Yeah, it's a pretty big risk especially if he starts to turn his attention to our potential waifus and tries to suicide them but thus far he hasn't even met any of them but came pretty close this update I suppose.
Wouldn't mind more story about him and maybe turning him into a henchman or something, for shits and giggles.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
Wouldn't mind more story about him and maybe turning him into a henchman or something, for shits and giggles.
Shit that could be quite damn cool if he was a henchman of MC. Oh god...Imagine if he had fucking powers man I can already tell he'd be fucking nuts on the battlefield or if he's not like the MC (more of a direct fighter) could be an assassin type of sorts, similarly to how Deryl isn't a direct fighter (Deryl is more of a utility type I guess?)
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