#13 is such an oddly perfect rank for Superhuman.
It's funny because in terms of writing this game is better than like 97% of the games on this site. I swear some of them look very promising at first but then become actually illiterate later on. Plot holes out the ass, dumb baby brain decisions, the works. That's MAINLY in comparison to games trying to "tell a story" rather than ones just focusing on porn.
I mean it's so bad you'd think most were written by lobotomized zombies FOR lobotomized zombies, and the best part? People think it's the greatest thing they've ever read, which will always boggle my mind as to how people just have such a low expectation for things that they find something as dumb as plot holes, dumb decisions, and ignorant bipolar characters or downright forgetful ones as; spectacular 5 stars.
Literally the only ones I can think of off the top of my head are:
Being A Dik S+
Acting Lessons S-
Depraved Awakening A+
City Of Broken Dreamers S+
Summer's Gone S
Where It All Began S-
Desert Stalker S+
Elvensang S+
Leap Of Faith S-
Ravager A
Succubus Covenant A+
Parasite Black B+
Summer Heat C
These are ones that either had potential, or their concept was flushed down the drain already through abhorrent writing:
The Falling
(So many fucking plot holes, lobotomized MC)
(Choices practically mean nothing, plot holes, story doesn't know what it's doing)
Being Super
(Concept had potential, but the dialogue and whole feeling felt like it was written by babies)
The Seven Realms
(Gah this one is weird, the plot is linear yet FEELS all over the god damn place, the dialogue is kinda lackluster, and the overall vibe is somehow ruined)
(I don't know who wrote this...but they deserve to be castrated. How do you ruin a dungeon break Manhua setting? By throwing it down the drain via the most BORING class in an RPG, in the most BORING area of the planet; you play as a HEALER, not a Warrior, Paladin, Mage, and you spend your time worshipping feet via messages at your HOUSE, same god damn routine for the entirety of what's out right now)
The Necromancer Arises
(Concept has been done before in Manhua, but the dev has somehow dumbed it down even more via the dialogue)
-There was one that started with an "A" and was split into 2 parts, it had you play as a magically gifted child learning at the equivalent of the College of Winterhold.
(Promising in the beginning, has a lot of lore, BUT THEN GOES OFF THE GOD DAMN DEEP END after he becomes an adult and does his first job in the city. Characters all over the place, dumb decisions, plot holes out the ass, the works)
Hot Sands of Antarctica
(Jesus Christ it can't be that hard. This one is almost play by play like Desert Stalker, except somehow FAR worse in terms of writing, DIALOGUE, and overall vibe)
Fall of the Angels
(Something about it just doesn't scream "fun" to me)
I may update this later, probably not, if you have anything note worthy feel free to correct me/add to it. But my point is whenever I see someone criticize this game for it's writing as if it's the Anti-Christ, I remember that they must be mentally incapable of knowing the difference between good and bad writing in the first place, lobotomized hornballs.