Okay. Made my
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a little more user friendly (or at least easier on the eyes). Leave comment here or on wiki page about anything else should be in it (or rewording suggestions).
I don't want to sound rude so forgive me if that is how this sounds but, what does your guide actual have to do with the Goal: New Hero Blues, it seams to be more of a walk-through on how to interact with the girls with a bonus of getting grades up. The title should indicate the primary purpose of what is being talked about. Keep in mind guide gives hints while a walk-through gives detailed instructions. Your method also relies heavenly on cheating ether by using mods or relying on en exploit of the game. That being said its not the way to write a guide/walk-through as it is only helpful to people willing to cheat. If you remove the cheating the guide/walk-through fails and becomes useless. Relying on getting those grade points from a random source isn't a reliable method. The only reliable methods of getting grades up is study in the library for a +3 points or at home for a + 2/1 points based on under/above 6 points of grades per the week.
You should let people know that they should be using any extra charm with the phone after unlocking girls phone numbers with a favor of >= 60 and asking for a small favor of getting the phone number. Or going to class doesn't help to raise the grades unless you get a super-critical that states this counts towards your grades noted at the bottom of the text in red letters and also noted as it is a +1 to normal critical skill gain not to be confused where the girl appears after class.
Also you should take out any opinions such as the word annoying. You should also be more accurate and not call things as you perceive them to be as with the picture for the profile page, with the description that you gave I had to open the game and check what you where talking about. It may not be a work badge but an index card with a picture of said person, as such you should refer to it as the game does; the profile page button, if you are having trouble with finding it, it looks like a work badge or index card found to the right of the button that looks like a check list or left of the phone button; or once you hover the mouse over it, it will state in the right hand most box or light gray box on the right hand side of the screen "Your profile page", so as to make things a little less confusing.
Also I would take out the '(unless you go school)' statement because even if you go to school you still only have 4 time periods. Lunch isn't a time period which is the only thing that I could think of that may even be remotely close to anything that could be considered another time period and it's an action to advance time just like sleep or watching TV. I spent almost a minute trying to figure out how you get/loose another time period from going to school, which just caused some confusion and wasted time and isn't needed to get your point across.
I noticed that you stated that you don't get notification until the 29th. That is inaccurate as you get notification on Saturday morning of the 28th each month.
I hope this helps you and thank you for taking the time to create the wiki page.