Near as far as I can tell they only regroup when health gets low, so if you keep their health high and only chip at willpower you should be able to get in down to nil, then you need to hit them again with waking dream, I'm uncertain if other abilities work.How do you do that? I'm cheating like a motherfucker here. All my stats are at max. And yet I still have trouble winning fights. Whether I go for health or willpower it doesn't matter. Once either drops too low the enemy regenerates it. And they do it faster than I can chip away at it. Especially when it comes to willpower. Have to waste turns just punching them so I can use my abilities again. Dammit, why isn't there a wait option during combat? Would make my life so much easier. :disappointed:
Also, I posted combat console commands on page 235, so if you're really at your wits end you could use those.