wow..something rather rare happened here..people are voicing their opinion in a respectful someone post a comment with "Dev is corrupt and only wants our money" (or something like that) before the discussion becomes too civilized
my own opinion: right now I think that the game (in the current state) is understandable, playable and I had a lot of fun
the fact that people are asking the same questions again and again doesn´t (at least in my opinion) automatically mean that the existent hints are not enough and to be fair, yes there is try and error but in most cases the result of a negative event isn´t too punishing and can easily be fixed during another try later in the game.
People asking the same questions is in my opinion an element which occurs if some players are unwillingly or unable (yes that means they are not intelligent enough) to check if the answer was already given.
Additional tooltips would be nice to have but are not necessary to play the game and I can totally understand if the dev decides that he wants to spent his time on other, more important parts of the game.