I get it, the rage hype-train is in full steam, toot toot, etc etc. Thing is, the guy hasn't said or done anything that's unbelievable for someone who clearly doesn't know how to run a project effectively. The character redesigns and the choice to reboot this game again show that the issue isn't that he's doing nothing, it's that he can't fucking stop himself. To reiterate, this is not a defense of Glacerose's actions. Nobody is suggesting patting him on the head or saying he's doing a sufficient job. To be this far into development and choose to destroy and rebuild the entire thing from the ground up is absolutely mind-boggling.
My only point is I think it's a bit too early to start wheeling out the accusations of deceit and trickery. Everything points to this dude diving in way too deep for his first project and being in way over his head, either for his own temperament or capabilities. It's an a shame and a bit annoying that it'll probably be at least five years and at least three more rewrites before something like a finished product is released, but assuming you haven't put money into it and don't have anything concrete to prove he's been lying, I don't understand the need for vitriol or accusations.
This community is naturally free to do what it wants, but I'm just cautioning that we don't jump straight into calling this guy a huckster before he's done anything legitimately slimy. Trust me, if we get there, I'll be right there next to you in the dogpile.