2.00 star(s) 4 Votes


Take Your Time DEV
Game Developer
Sep 21, 2017
I can't get the game to open. It shows as running in my task manager, but no window ever opens.
So extrange. AFAIK you are the only one having this issue.
Can we talk via DM so I can have more details?
Jul 31, 2020
idk if someone alreaady asked this sorry if someone did but is there gonna be some kinda back log system added so we can read messages we missed or maybe if u took a break for a few days u could kinda quickly recap on what just happened or what ever you know.

also another suggestion move the exit game button in the menu ... maybe put it on the right side and put the back button where the exit game button is currently if possible ... im not sure about other people but i keep hitting the exit game button instead of back when trying to close the menu ...

also maybe a comfirm button to confirm if you want to exit the game just incase you hit it on accident so u dont lose game progress also a comfirm for saving would be nice just to make sure u dont save over your save if u didn't want to for some reason
Last edited:
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Reactions: Rikketz


Take Your Time DEV
Game Developer
Sep 21, 2017
idk if someone alreaady asked this sorry if someone did but is there gonna be some kinda back log system added so we can read messages we missed or maybe if u took a break for a few days u could kinda quickly recap on what just happened or what ever you know.
I was thinking about that and it will be added on future versions.

also another suggestion move the exit game button in the menu ... maybe put it on the right side and put the back button where the exit game button is currently if possible ... im not sure about other people but i keep hitting the exit game button instead of back when trying to close the menu ...
Some testers already told me about this issue and is already solved. I moved the Exit button to the bottom right side of the screen. But now I'm thinking about what you say and will add a confirmation message for both exit game and overwrite the save game. Thanks!

idk if this is suppose to happen but i got hit for not a full number
View attachment 782401
Wow... so strange! I'll try to locate where is the problem but you are the first player that encounter this bug. But no, it's not supossed to be happening :(

Also, I'll implement a gallery where the players can unlock the CGs and watch them again whenever they want.
The gallery will be available in the next update.

Stay tunned!
Jul 31, 2020
finished playing through whats released currently and the game is good so far its nice to find new good games like this and i hope it well get even better as time goes on

also simple question but at some point do u plan to add some kinda equipment system? maybe u could switch out clothing or weapon for a like knife or dagger something simple ... i know he said he doesn't know how to use a sword or anything so maybe not that but something smaller that could give small boost to attack or armor (with clothing )

or maybe with how the game is i could even see some type of system added to train in using different kinda weapons ( idk how exactly it would work ) ... idk if you where already planing something like that but i think it would be cool and im sure other people would enjoy it also ... it could take time ... maybe even have some type of like fighting type level system ( kinda like old world of warcraft if u played that at all ) where like you gain more proficiency as u use a certain weapon or weapon type once u learn how to use that weapon in the first place ... and as u get better at using that weapon type through battles and other stuff you get more effective with that weapon or something idk ...

sorry i could go on with lots of ideas ... but ill stop for now cuz its your game after .. i just like giving out ideas to stuff that atlest i find fun in games that i feel could improve a game ( not saying games are bad without said things just u know its just stuff i personally find fun in games and im sure other people find it fun also )
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Reactions: Rikketz


Take Your Time DEV
Game Developer
Sep 21, 2017
I really love that some players give me ideas to keep improving.
I was planning to make an upgrade system where you will be able to upgrade your weapon/armor/clothes.
I really like the idea of use a weapon and be stronger the more you use it, but I also have to think about casual players, which don't like things to be complicated (and also is better for me).

During the next days I'll open a discord server, so would be nice to have people like you giving your feedback and nice ideas to make 'Take Your Time' a great game!
Jul 31, 2020
it would be up to u if u want to put in the work ( idk how much work it would be ) but maybe u could put in a option or have people set some stuff at the start of the game for if they want a more casual play ( some systems and stuff removed ) or like harder play ( u add in stuff like weapon skill and stuff ) that way its both pleasing to people like me who like thos more complicated systems and stuff but also good for people who want a little more casual not as grindy play and stuff ( like i said idk how hard that would be and it would probably need some balancing changes between and stuff if that ended up happening but it would still be cool )

and also i would love a discord server hope its made soon


Take Your Time DEV
Game Developer
Sep 21, 2017
Hello everybody!
The game has been updated!
Also, the discord server is open so feel free to join if you want to know everything about Take Your Time and its development. ;)

Best regards,


Mar 30, 2018
So extrange. AFAIK you are the only one having this issue.
Can we talk via DM so I can have more details?
You encrypted the whole thing with Enigma... enigma does that. He is not the only one.

Non-Enigma any-OS version:

Instructions for non-Windows users:
  1. Download any-OS version.
  2. Download and install nwjs.
  3. Follow nwjs documentation (tell nwjs to load the package.json file).
  4. ???
  5. Profit.
Ps. When using a multi-platform tool like Visual Novel Maker, please click the checkbox next to a few more operating systems. And try to avoid Enigma. Enigma increases size by 50%. Enigma consumes more CPU and RAM than most crypto miners. Enigma Windows-only. Enigma bad. Enigma protects nothing.

PPs. Emscripten already scrambled everything so I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve by encrypting twice?

Signed, humble Linux gamer.
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: Bogojisem


Take Your Time DEV
Game Developer
Sep 21, 2017
nonsens The new version has been uploaded. This version is for people who can't start the game or get a blank screen.

Best regards,


Jan 19, 2018
The fight against The Rock I had the feeling that the elf was supposed to help me?
She did nothing, just stood there, but afterwards in the dialogue she said she helped. So not sure if this was a joke or my game that bugged her out of helping
I Beat the fight because I had only used 1 soup in the fight against her earlier and had 7 soups vs. The Rock. But if you used a lot of soup earlier you would hit a wall at this point, unless I missed out on a way to find water.
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Reactions: Rikketz


Take Your Time DEV
Game Developer
Sep 21, 2017
Hello Stiig,
Aurola (the elf) can help you during battles at a random rate (1/5) so I guess you had bad luck :D

I Beat the fight because I had only used 1 soup in the fight against her earlier and had 7 soups vs. The Rock. But if you used a lot of soup earlier you would hit a wall at this point, unless I missed out on a way to find water.
You're right! Thanks for letting me know! I'll find a solution for the next update :)


Jan 19, 2018
Hello Stiig,
Aurola (the elf) can help you during battles at a random rate (1/5) so I guess you had bad luck :D

You're right! Thanks for letting me know! I'll find a solution for the next update :)
Thanks for the answer.
I think I had bad luck most game though, the rats only seemed to spawn 1/10 and the plants the rest of the time, so farming for rat soup took forever :D
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Reactions: Rikketz
2.00 star(s) 4 Votes