- Mar 2, 2019
- 15,296
- 175,584
Here are the Install notes from Majalis. I changed a bit to fit it for F95Zone. And added the notes with the *.
(TL|DR at the bottom)
Mac Install guide* - Linux with nix-shell*
Note*: If the folder is not the same version number as the game, replaces the .jar inside the folder with the newest .jar from the Java download. (Please also read the "important note" below)
Note2*: If your Windows has Cyrillic folder names, the standalone won't work.
IMPORTANT NOTE*: Make sure your .jar is named "TalesOfAndrogny.jar", if you download it from the First Page.
The above one is still to long?
Here is a 3 step guide for Win (and probably Linux too) in color!
(TL|DR at the bottom)
Mac Install guide* - Linux with nix-shell*
1. Download the appropriate ZIP file from the First Page. Options are Windows 64-bit(Win64), Mac, and Linux.
2. Extract the ZIP file to your preferred target installation folder, either using a program like 7zip or WinRAR, or using the native Windows and Mac archive extraction.
You should now have a folder in your target installation folder with a name like "Tales of Androgyny Win64" - inside of that folder should be a several files (e.g. TalesOfAndrogyny.jar, TalesOfAndrogyny.json) and a jre folder.
The structure differs depening on the version, but every version has some kind of application file, config.json, TalesOfAndrogyny.jar and a jre folder somewhere inside of it.
3. Navigate to and run TalesOfAndrogyny.exe on Windows, Tales of Androgyny Mac.app on Mac, or TalesOfAndrogyny on Linux (note that on Mac and Linux you may need to run chmod -x Tales of Androgyny Mac.app/TalesOfAndrogyny respectively). The game should launch, and the installation is complete!
Note: saves are located in the following locations by platform:
Windows: %APPDATA%\TalesOfAndrogyny (Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\TalesOfAndrogyny)
MacOS: ~/Library/Application Support/TalesOfAndrogyny
Linux: ~/.local/share/TalesOfAndrogyny
1. Download the Tales-of-Androgyny.apk file from the First Page.
2. Using an app management app, sideload the apk file.
3. The game should now appear as an app - launch it, and installation is complete!
Note*: If the folder is not the same version number as the game, replaces the .jar inside the folder with the newest .jar from the Java download. (Please also read the "important note" below)
Note2*: If your Windows has Cyrillic folder names, the standalone won't work.
IF you already have a working full install, the only file that will typically differ between versions is TalesOfAndrogyny.jar. If you're experiencing crash errors with no error message, or error messages relating to ByteBuffers or Reflection, make sure that you do a full redownload.
TalesOfAndrogny.jar is located on the first page as a standalone ("Java" Download). Simply download it and backup and overwrite your current install's TalesOfAndrogyny.jar, and the new version should be visible when you launch the game on the title screen.
IMPORTANT NOTE*: Make sure your .jar is named "TalesOfAndrogny.jar", if you download it from the First Page.
Ensure that all of the necessary files have been downloaded and extracted - the structure differs depening on the version, but every version has some kind of application file, config.json, TalesOfAndrogyny.jar and a jre folder somewhere inside of it.
The current version of the game supports Java 17, which it comes packaged with. If you attempt to run the .jar, you'll need to run it with a Java 17 install.
An OpenGL 2.0+ compatible graphics card is a requirement to run the game - make sure your video card drivers are up to date, but fair warning that some video cards (on-board graphics cards for netbooks, for instance) may not support it at all.
- Go to the first page.
- Download the Zip under "win64" (mac or linux if you have that system installed)
- Unpack
- Download the newest .jar under Java. (if the zip has a earlier number than Java)
- Rename it to TalesOfAndrogyny.jar (if File name extensions are enabled, if disabled then don't include ".jar")
- Put it into the folder with the exe and replace the old one.
- Start the game with the .exe.
The above one is still to long?
Here is a 3 step guide for Win (and probably Linux too) in color!
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