I get a weird bug where there is a smoke overlay over the screen. When I save and reload a fireball animation plays and the final frame of the animation (smoke) just remains. It's pretty obvious during the H-scenes too.
Edit to add: I fixed it by starting a new game. But, this game is very buggy. I progressed a little further than before but eventually entered a room which just didn't load the content of the room or the GUI which meant I couldn't progress or leave the room. So I had to load an older save and lost some progress. Additionally, how to progress in this game is super uncertain. the game doesn't move forward smoothly at all. It's essentially all guess work where you hope to move the story forward by talking to some girl for the umpteenth time hoping for a new result.
Between the bugs, the unclear quest progression, the bad "engrish," and the stupid Geralt model this is a game better skipped.