The game starts off quite fresh, despite complying with the typical formula of the NTR stories (a couple that due to an external problem will be faced with various situations that will question their relationship), manages to have a main girl who is not the classic monogamous protagonist that will transform to be unrecognizable, we will have a girl more open to experiment and also in conflict to keep that part of her under control and thanks to the theme we will also have several fairly basic counters in other games but remarkable for this author.
But that freshness is lost as you advance in some routes and the story is reduced to the typical twist in the stories of NTRMAN, in which after several choices we are only left with a long expository text of what is sold to us as a consequence that is irrevocable, but when extended for days the verisimilitude of these consequences is lost and causes us to feel that several things are wasted in the game.
Example: In Nelson's route, the protagonist acts in a calculated way when he wants to confront his girlfriend and Nelson to the point of stealing a key, which makes us think that those trips to look for supplies had a consequence and now we are more methodical (something like a hidden marker that helps us to have more range of actions), but this is lost and the protagonist does not achieve anything more, as well as his girlfriend who is reduced to the typical sex addict, which she may be but she is also more than just that.