Not really sure. About 75% of the animations have been finished and tons of stillshots have been done as well but it is likely it will be done in about a week and a half, but don't hold me to that because complications may arise and I don't want to rush it!
P.S. Yes it's confirmed, every new animation will have sound.
Ha, there is nothing that I can think of holding you responsible for the delay of the game.
You are doing this on your own spare time and for fun. Since you are the developer of this game, you determine when the next version is ready to be release. I haven't tested the update fix, because I am just leaning back and join waiting while trying other game(s) that have new release. Also I wouldn't comment the sound of the game because I wouldn't hear certain sound effects, plus I usually have the audio set to mute. Sound may be unimportant for me, however I am aware others would like sound.
I am just chilling back and enjoy others impatiently prompting updates, Do your best and I would be looking forward to see how this coming update result and willing to provide any bug(s) and/or issue(s) here for you. No one is perfect as long we provide you update(s)/comment(s)/issue(s). I believe you are just doing fine for doing this on your own pace.