MD does like a 6 hour stream a day, his work ethic is insane.
Whatever bug he has to work like that I've caught. I've been working 9 or so hours a day for the past week messing with old code, photoshoping and editing pictures, rechecking my old work with notepad++, and completely making a new NPC from the ground up (codes,scenes,sprites and a quest). I've been working so hard I've been forgetting to eat most of the time.
And both love and hate it.
Love it because I can honestly say that this is mine. Hate it because every time think I'm getting close to finishing it, I add something else and it breaks the code, then I have to spent 2 hours fixing it and the stuff I keep on adding.
So all in all I've had a productive week, expect the next mod update to be a big one.