
Engaged Member
Aug 14, 2020
Next time read the subreddit rules before posting.
I did, had zero mention of extreme content like this site all it said was no underage characters and source all work that was all. I did get unbanned though after contacting the mod team apparently it was just because I got 5 reports that a mod decided I was messing with the sub with gore trolling.
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Aug 24, 2017
I did, had zero mention of extreme content like this site all it said was no underage characters and source all work that was all. I did get unbanned though after contacting the mod team apparently it was just because I got 5 reports that a mod decided I was messing with the sub with gore trolling.
Probably they thought you were self promoting or some shit you know how reddit cucks are,but though I really want this game to succeed and get recognition it deserves feels like a hidden gem


Nov 6, 2019
are there anyscenes with me as the "rapee"?
If you are a female protag; I don't believe there is. Losing to a creature ends in either it walking away or trying to kill you.
If you are a male protag; I only remember one. It happens with Shyni (Blacksmiths daughter), you eventually venture into a cave where you find a bowl. The first one to touch it becomes possessed. If you grab it, you go nuts and either try to kill her or rape her with the option to fight against the mind control. If she grabs it, she will try to rape you and can succeed.

pregnancy ?
There's one where breeding is referenced with one of the not so intelligent beasts (Female Niird) but it's just flavor since no Niird afterward is seen with a little one in tow.

There's one with the intelligent beast (Caenemung the Aliens faced sea serpent) where you knock her up and will eventually see her birth your egg before taking it into the ocean with her, never to be seen again in this version. (A little glitchy. if you have sex with her a lot, the laying egg scene happens multiple times.) You also need to win two fights against her, rope, and certain stats to start this one.

I also remember seeing one in the games code about knocking up one of the intelligent aliens (Subni, the gambling one in the tavern) but it doesn't currently go beyond the sex and knocking her up since she quickly takes a ship to another area that won't be released for a long time. There's also no concrete indication that you impregnated her during sex; I only noticed it when I was combing through the code to see if I got everything in the current version.

There's also a form of a morning after pill in the game, (I think it was called salt water or sweet water), so while some comment about the possibility of getting knocked up, they just take the "pill." Even Sulie (the Lamia) that is clueless about it until you tell her. You can offer to get some for her before you can fuck her but you have no option to deceive her by giving her the wrong water before sex.
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Feb 19, 2018
Dam shame there hasn't been an update in a while. This game cures a weird itch I didn't know I had, gimme preg content and I'll be hooked.
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Aug 4, 2017
Honestly, As much as I like Meandraco's work, this game is starting to appear to have developmental issues behind the scene. If you been following his blog post for the past year and a half it pretty obvious that he has trouble with organization, communication, and meeting deadlines.

V3 the next update was originally going to be a UI fix, but he kept adding and adding to the point where pretty much no one but Meandraco himself knows what's going to be in the new update and when's he's going to release it.

On the plus side, he recently started streaming himself working for on the art of the game, but most of the art is for areas and characters that's not going to be in the next update.

As for his blog post, half of it is him simply saying still working on V3 with random pieces of art and the other half is actual updates with info regarding the development of the game.

Personally I just dont get it, I've seen porn games on here with simular or higher production quality made by one or two people have consistent updates. His unwillingness to add more people to help with areas he's having trouble with certainly isn't helping.
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Jun 2, 2017
Honestly, As much as I like Meandraco's work, this game is starting to appear to have developmental issues behind the scene. If you been following his blog post for the past year and a half it pretty obvious that he has trouble with organization, communication, and meeting deadlines.

V3 the next update was originally going to be a UI fix, but he kept adding and adding to the point where pretty much no one but Meandraco himself knows what's going to be in the new update and when's he's going to release it.

On the plus side, he recently started streaming himself working for on the art of the game, but most of the art is for areas and characters that's not going to be in the next update.

As for his blog post, half of it is him simply saying still working on V3 with random pieces of art and the other half is actual updates with info regarding the development of the game.

Personally I just dont get it, I've seen porn games on here with simular or higher production quality made by one or two people have consistent updates. His unwillingness to add more people to help with areas he's having trouble with certainly isn't helping.
Artists are kinda like that.


Active Member
Jun 8, 2019
Meandraco is just a terrible businessman, quite frankly. I've pointed this out to him repeatedly, but his Patreon is so token that he might as well not bother- it only has two donation levels ($1 and $4) and all that gets you is access to his posts for the former and the ability to vote in polls for the latter. And he does not post polls. Like, ever.

It's like he doesn't WANT people to support his game, and only maintains a token Patreon because that's kind of the thing you're supposed to do if you're making an adult game, y'know? Possibly he just refuses to ever be serious about his Patreon because he doesn't want the pressure of feeling like he actually has an obligation to complete the game in a timely manner when he'd rather be laid back about it and do it whenever it suits him, which is why he doesn't actually ALLOW people to give him more than a few bucks a month.

Seriously, he wants to reach $1400 per month to sustain full time game development, but refuses to provide an option to give him more than $4 per month at most, meaning he's going to need a MINIMUM of 350 individual patrons, all donating at the highest tier (which, since he never posts polls, is a worse deal than the lower tier) to hit it. So I'm convinced he honestly just doesn't really care that much about doing it seriously.


Active Member
Nov 18, 2018
I think you guys are mistaking his content with the game being merely a secondary hobby as some oversight. Jasj83's last line probably sums it up better than you seem to think. Based on what I've seen said by him and others, his main concern has always been and still is what you see him doing more of. Maybe when he first started work on the game it was a greater point of criticality but it certainly hasn't been for some time, to the point that we've just as likely already seen the last update as the next one dropping tomorrow or any time after.


New Member
Jan 16, 2018
Meandraco is just a terrible businessman, quite frankly. I've pointed this out to him repeatedly, but his Patreon is so token that he might as well not bother- it only has two donation levels ($1 and $4) and all that gets you is access to his posts for the former and the ability to vote in polls for the latter. And he does not post polls. Like, ever.

It's like he doesn't WANT people to support his game, and only maintains a token Patreon because that's kind of the thing you're supposed to do if you're making an adult game, y'know? Possibly he just refuses to ever be serious about his Patreon because he doesn't want the pressure of feeling like he actually has an obligation to complete the game in a timely manner when he'd rather be laid back about it and do it whenever it suits him, which is why he doesn't actually ALLOW people to give him more than a few bucks a month.

Seriously, he wants to reach $1400 per month to sustain full time game development, but refuses to provide an option to give him more than $4 per month at most, meaning he's going to need a MINIMUM of 350 individual patrons, all donating at the highest tier (which, since he never posts polls, is a worse deal than the lower tier) to hit it. So I'm convinced he honestly just doesn't really care that much about doing it seriously.
If people wanna give him more money, they can just set a custom amount. There's a lot of artists out there who only have a $1 tier and nothing else.

Ultimately, this is a side hustle for him. He earns a few extra bucks and works (albeit in a bit of a messy way) on a game people enjoy playing. Nothing more.


Jan 3, 2018
I remember downloading an alternative dialogue pack for the aliens here but now I cant find it. I also remember seeing other mods both on this site and outside it. Where exactly do I find them? I think I already have that one mod that added in the purple worm creature to the beach
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Feb 19, 2018
I remember downloading an alternative dialogue pack for the aliens here but now I cant find it. I also remember seeing other mods both on this site and outside it. Where exactly do I find them? I think I already have that one mod that added in the purple worm creature to the beach
wait.....there are mods?


Jan 3, 2018
and what exactly does the mod?
this one was a small mod that fixed some bugs, made scenes repeatable and added two new characters. But I dont see the zemrag or the amazon that was discussed earlier so Im wondering if its been removed.
Sep 22, 2019
Guy a little help pls. How do i know i finished all the content? doesn't have wt and i don't know if i'm finished or i'm missing something and since it don't have the on hold or abandoned tag he's still making the game, any news about the release?


Nov 6, 2019
Guy a little help pls. How do i know i finished all the content? doesn't have wt and i don't know if i'm finished or i'm missing something and since it don't have the on hold or abandoned tag he's still making the game, any news about the release?
No short way to know if you have done everything. Go into the game folder, then the database folder, then the characters folder. This will show you the character files of every npc (both intelligent and "Animal"). You can go into every character file and literally see the social tree including what stats you need to do certain things. Or you could just go thorough and look at their image files to see if you've interacted with them yet.

As for the updates; he doesn't specify dates. It could be tomorrow; it could be 6 months or more. If I recall correctly, this game is being made by only one person as a hobby/side project. The only way to speed it up would be if he got enough Patreon backing to make this a full time job.
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