When Garnet leaves Dali throught the orc caves and goes to the other side she reaches a place where there is a grave with inscriptions. When she enters, there is a some kind of crypt with a sword on it.Huh, I haven't even heard of this main boss yet. Must not have met them. The hypnotist that I am talking about is the one living in the woods in the cabin. I believe her name is Lizzie.
This other mage hypnotist, are they even in the game yet?
Is like a long scene, with a combat against a flying dude. And you should go throught there to have access to the rest of the map.
The only way to skip this is using a door that was deep on the caves under Dali, that is not on the game anymore, that was for debug purposes, and connected that area with White Tower. That door is not in the game since i was able to make the 1st update.
The 1st post contained errors and i was not able to fix them, since was not me who did it.
That scene is important for the game. Essential in the story line.
So.. did you use that door or you haven't gone through orcs caves, to the other side?
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