the stell the axeSorry haven't have played the game for awhile only got back to it.
Some of sewer area's are empty and some areas have slimes stuck inside the walls.
An i have not found the princess at all so have no idea if she was add to it.
No i said inside not on but i now know that her.the prinsses its the slime on the wall but you need a spell "liltning" or "Ice" to kill or save her
tell me where exactly is that bug and i can try to fix ita bug to correct
and the hokeys to
I like the idea of that time stuff thing that you comment.Loaded the game into RPGM XP, trying to get a glimpse of how to pursue some quests. RPGM XP looks easy at first, but oh my, it feels like you need to take so many extra steps to make anything work, and I couldn't even find questsMy admiration for the autor, to make this all work!
If I could make a suggestion: Since there's some time-related stuff going on (NPCs (dis)appearing by night/day), what about an item that let's time pass? Say an hourglass, that if used, forwards the time to the next category of time ("Watching the the sand like hypnotized, you look up to notice it's already [night|dawn|day|Evening]").
The other half of making programs, is organizing data, and RPGMaker is quite disorienting for methebad part it's the code to making whaping all that, alll rpg's have bilions of lines of code
the story is as follows: the father of garnet is called to a mission on the hell's doors. he goes there and after some time send a letter to garnet where he says that she should go with a comrade of him to an specific place. she then should meet with the comrade of her father, but there is problems (like the path blocked with fallen trees, the sword broken..) so things get complicated.I can code a little, but I'm not sure I'll "get" ruby. Let's see if I can dive a bit deeper into that
About the quests: I'm still trying to figure out, how the quests are structured. It seems, there's no central "menu" or "database entry" for quests, but rather that they are events on maps, which makes them hard to find (but I guess that's the best one could do with RpgMaker XP).
My current "state" of quests is: I left the city with a pan for a shield and the pot for a helmet, and thanks to an overpowered steel axe I found just laying around in the north west city, I even made it through the goblin mines (the axe annihilates everything in the general direction I swing it). I think I visited most areas (and I'm in the guild now), but I don't really know how to proceed any further. I'm currently at the merchants tower and waiting until the cat girl the top of the tower wakes up at, made me realize how vital time is and I have to re-visit every place at different times...
I'm not an expert on github either. I'm not even native english speaker. It may be gramatical or ortographic errors in serveral dialogues that im not aware of.I didn't know I'm looking for someone different than Garnet's father, I guess, I missed that. Time to look what the card the cat girl gave me is good for.
1) The steel axe isn't much of a problem for me, actually it's the only weapon that let's me proceed on my lame notebook - it's so slow the enemies have a tendency to "jump" at Garnet and one-hit her - so it's nice to attack them from half the map away. OFC enemies might also be broken because of said lame notebook...
2) I know a bit of git and have a git hub-account but not much experience with actually using the latter. I'll try to "push" my changes to you, but I'd guess the changed .rxdata files could be quite useless for merging. The data in "src\Yaml" looks more promising for that, but I have no clue how to import/export that to/from RPGmakerXP. Anyways, I'll give it a try.
EDIT: ...and you got a pull request.
when you reply to a message.. please, keep the message which you are replying to (it will appear between "QUOTE"s ). Then is easier to understand what are you answering to. I've got interest in what you say, so please, make it easier to be understood. And thanks for your contribution to this forum.that part is on Dev.