I feel i need explain something.
Of course, you may not like the characters that i invented, what they look like and what they do, but... the story isn't random. Our protagonist is not very smart, he makes mistakes, but the story isn't random.
But maybe there is my fault here and it is that I have conceived too long and too big story. Which will develop very slowly in each episode and again, our hero is often mistaken.
You may assume that there are excessive characters here, such as:
Dr. Cocteau and his nurses
Alex Beatnik (guy in leather jacket from radio transmission, which allegedly was kidnapped)
Grimba (ugly lady in restaurant and red car)
But there is only 'Ep. 4'. I did not have time to tell about all of them, but they are all connected with the misadventures of our hero. Each of them will have a series of episodes in the future. But this will not happen soon. In my schedule for the next episodes, the exploration of the factory, city districts and even wastelands around the city. But you may hear something about these characters through radio messages or rumors.
Maybe I need to write an explanation of the plot someday, but ... kind of spoiler: In the first six or seven episodes, the hero will not find many clues for his investigation. His problem is getting out from the damn factory.
Yeap, cat wandering in ugly world, around ugly people slowly gathering new information and new garbage for his mind, but there is connection.
What happens in current episodes short reminder:
Indeed, I need to warn the players that the investigation will not get very far in the coming episodes, but you will see a lot of very strange characters and scenes.
upd. To
OldMoonSong :
I watched 'The Cement Garden' (1993) and i know who Ian McEvan is. And i even easily understand what is all about. But didn't was impressed too much.
I'm more into Futurama and early Coen's brothers (you know, who mr. Hudsucker is, aren't?) works then into depressive symbolism.
upd2. I just realize that people who looking/reading 'The Cement Garden' and 'Flowers in the Attic' (1987 or 2014 for me the some bullshit) calling my game 'weird and disturbing'.
Woow... i outdid 'macabre king' McEvan!