How to remove all gear after done all quest content in game - non-pure version (Tentacle Suit + Tentacle Panties + Anal Plug while having Womb Parasite pregnancy) - considering
you have status:
So if you want to return to righteous path (pure?
idk why?!) steps are like this:
1. Go visit Giant Snake again and fail "F"-press check when it envelops Demyra. This will remove Womb Parasite and you will see the scene of Tentacle Backfire (Demyra has got Tentacle Suit on her - thats why you will see this scene, and this will bypass another womb parasite insemination). Now Demyra should be free of parasite pregnancy.
2. Next step: go to find Brainwash Tentacle and let it attach to Demyra's brain. Don't fight it - let it happen.
3. Now it's good time to remove Tentacle Panties. While having status effect "Released Lust" - Demyra can equip or unequip it by her own will. Do it now to remove panties.
4. Go back to Gargoyle. Speak with Gargoyle
while not being pregnant. Also make sure that no other monster is attached to her body than Brainwash Tentacle. Fight all monsters on a way back to Gargoyle - don't let them attach to her body no more. When speaking to Gargoyle he will ask Demyra to masturbate before him, after it's done he will remove the Anal Plug (that's the only way considering Demyra gave up her key for a torn paper note).
Because you have Brainwash Tentacle on her brain - speak to a Gargoyle
again. He will notice that she met the requirement of having it with her, and than will remove the Tentacle Suit from her body.
Congrats - now Demyra should be free of any equipment and also the parasite.
Notes: in version 0.77.1 non-pure - only the Tentacle Panties can be removed by Demyra by her own. Anal Plug when key is given to Gargoyle makes Demyra reliant on him to remove it later on (she cannot remove it by her own). Tentacle Suit (she cannot remove it by her own also) - and it requires Brainwash Tentacle for Gargoyle to remove the suit from her body.