May 26, 2018
Ok, while I can accept this new update, I cannot accept that it took so fucking long to get it done, and published. As others have noted and intimated, after 3 fucking years of development, it seems this developer has found a new way to milk his supporters while actually providing little to nothing in the way of progress within the story.

Hell, originally he had promised that THIS update would begin to integrate the prologue with the current story, and yet, nothing has been done on that front. He promised that this update would be "HUGH" and include a lot of missing content that - at the time before - he was unable to include in the previous update, yet again nothing.

The way it seems, he is planning to milk his supporters for the next 3 to 5 years before this fucking game is done. The developer for "My New Family" another Renpy game developer, and "Harem Hotel", yet another Renpy game developer (both new, by the way, in using Renpy) have provided VERY decent games, with MULTIPLE updates and with EXTENSIVE content and progress, while this developer follows a shit schedule of updates, minimal content in every update, and piss poor work or progress on said game.

I cannot continue to support, or follow, a developer who cheats and lies to his supporters or potential supporters, when there are so many GOOD, HONEST, developers out there making good with minimal delay in updates, progress and content WITHIN the game, and does not use delaying tactics just to make a few bucks.

So, unfollowing this game and recommending no one bother with it, since it seems - and feels - as if it will either never get done or will be abandoned within a few more months.


Active Member
Oct 10, 2018
Final point. If the 'sister' REALLY wasn't all about drawing fans in who are now hanging around waiting to finally one day see their pay off, and was really just a side character. Then her story arc should, and in any rational sense would have been completed early on, so that the story could move on. Much like the incest elements in the VN Take Over.

Now The Awakening has a serious issue when the story comes back round to the 'sister' there will be serious disconnect. Where has she been for months? What has she been doing? Because she hasn't even been visible in the background. How many updates are you going to spend reconnecting their relationship? Because it won't make any sense if they jump straight back to making out, let alone if they jump straight into bed.

I'm afraid it is bad story plotting, a bad story arc and smells pretty badly of a dev taking his fans for a ride. Which is a shame because The Awakening is good enough that it doesn't need to do that.
Honestly, how intact are the incest elements of this game anyway?

My impression is that after the initial updates the dev took an axe to the story so Patreon wouldn't drop him, and now any pretense to incest is only possible by turning off voice acting and using an fan made patch. A patch which does nothing to make sense of in-game events which directly imply the distant relationship of the MC and his landlady and roommate.
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Game Developer
Feb 9, 2018
Just wanted to say: I really loved the LockPickingLawyer reference. lol.

Also, someone made an oopsie while writing the text. I don't remember which slide, if I find it again I will edit this post. It said: "shouldn't of" instead of "shouldn't have". Cheers!

p.s. I hope you've been looking into Meta Human for the UE-Game :)
yea, meta human is still pretty early alpha stuff, it's good, but things like the hair for example, it's just too heavy to make an actual game using that, unless everyone gets a 3090 ;)


Active Member
Apr 22, 2019
Same here, chair not working and can't go shopping with mom
The same happened to me. So I continued every other story until its current end but still no luck.
I remembered that I had used UnRen-0.91.bat to extract all the .rpa files and to enable the console and the developer tools.
I checked the variables that should trigger the next step and they were correct: 'landLadyStory = 4' and 'night = False'.
But for some reason the next step simply didn't trigger when I clicked on Mom's Room. Weird.
So I decided to delete everything within the Game folder EXCEPT the Saves folder and to extract the game and the incest patch again into the same folders.
I started the launcher, downloaded the latest patch and started the game from my latest save.
Now the next event with Mom (LandLady) triggered.
I closed the game, extracted the .rpa files again and activated the console and the developer tools.
Then I started the game again with the same save file as before.
The next event with Mom still triggered.
So it seems that something was amiss within the game folder and deleting everything within it except for the Saves folder and then extracting the game and the incest patch again into the same folders did the trick for me.
Just wanted to share my experience here to offer a possible solution to that issue.


Game Developer
May 23, 2017
Nah, the story was initially blatantly focussed on the 'brother/sister' relationship.
The prologue sure. (which will be reworked next.)
We got to the very brink of them consummating their relationship, then the 'sister' just vanished from the story. If she was not intended to be central to the overall story, then it was a very deceitful and disingenuous beginning, presumably done because incest is a popular fetish that is guaranteed to bring in the punters.
This wasn't the intention. The story's scope wasn't finalized and SLim was originally writing the story as he progressed. Now we have actual individual "arcs" all considered equal.

You can say 'the sister was never intended to be the central relationship' now, but it is a clear bait & switch if you do.
False. It was just the character he was writing at the time of those early updates. (It also makes sense considering the setup.)
This is without even getting into the other examples of bad VN writing that we're seeing. Such as starting up storylines with multiple new characters then just moving on to others before they reach any kind of satisfying conclusion.
This game is ongoing in development, we won't solely focus on just a single characters arc to completion because there's times that they will intertwine. I also disagree that this is "bad VN writing" because it's the basis of any storytelling that's not linear.

I'm not saying this is a bad VN, I kinda like it. Not as much as I used to, when I backed it for several updates after launch, but I still think it has potential. But it's clearly been losing it's way. Maybe it's starting to get back on track, we'll see.
Hopefully over time you can enjoy whoever it is you like to focus on when the relationships are filled out. I will say there's MUCH more consistency now than before. It went from just SLim writing on the fly like I said before, to an actual thought-out story. He has a vision, I'll help him see it through. We're not making the story for others, or due to popularity with a character/fetish he has something he wants to express and all of our progress is to get to this goal. This is why I mentioned originally to re-evaluate. How this *incomplete* story is perceived may change as it's developed since it's not done but no content is being cut or changed from the original premise.

Thanks for the feedback, hopefully I cleared some stuff up for you.
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Feb 27, 2018
guys iam stuck at teacher quest i did talk to Victoria and she suggested i talk to klara now the hint is to use the chair at school and when i click on it the only option is to daydream and cancel when i click on daydream there is only beach episode and xmas i finished everything else except for the mom need to pass the test and of course the teacher
guys anyone know how to pass this problem ?


Game Developer
Feb 9, 2018
guys anyone know how to pass this problem ?
I mean if you talked with victoria, your teacher stat gets increased by 1
which means you should be able to attend it.
is your teacher at 3 right now?
and make sure u have 0.4.0a, not sure if it got updated here on the forum


Feb 27, 2018
Unexpectedly quick reply :D
I didn't find the line I was looking for, should've made a screenshot as soon as I noticed.

I am well aware, I have a relatively old GPU myself. XD
Replacing the strand hair with card hair should be the only issue though. The (head) meshes come with 8 LODs, and the appropriate materials. Get rid of all the fuzz and other strand hair and you should be left with some nice photo-realistic game-ready assets. IIRC some of the models have card hair on non-cinematic LODs. :)

--- --- ---

I haven't experienced this issue. Maybe you already advanced the quest and didn't notice? (just guessing here) You could try checking in Klara's office, if she's there click on her; or maybe try talking to Victoria again. Last resort would probably be to start a new game using the quick start option.

edit: oh snap, SLim is a ninja
the quest didnt advance and klara not in the office and when i go to Victoria it says underdevelopment

The ArcKnight

Nylon enthusiast, Harem enjoyer.
May 19, 2018
So, it has been a while since I've played the game. I loaded up my save file with 4.0 and checked to see how many new events we will have....
Holy crap that's a lot of emphasis on the teacher. o.o;;

Any chance we will get some more with my favorite redheaded milf? Or the twins?
Looking forward to more with my favorite cat-maid, but kinda sad so much emphasis was put on the least interesting character. :cry:
I mean, hell, I'd like my favorite stripper before her! (seen left)
Also, what happened to the package girl? I don't see her on here unless I'm blind...
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Jul 29, 2018
I thought the writing would get better, I was SO wrong. The writing is like someone who has NEVER met a woman,


Active Member
Apr 22, 2019
Has anyone encountered the same issue that when pressing the H key instead of the controls going into hiding the whole screen goes either blank or becomes black?
Happens to me for quite some animations. I didn't have this kind of effect with any other Ren'py novel.


Game Developer
Feb 9, 2018
i do have 0.4.0a i did the update from the launcher
and iam at 3 with the teacher
could you possibly send me your save file? I have no idea why it won't show up on your end, I just tested it and it works for everyone else.


Active Member
May 12, 2017
My gut reactions is this is entirely too long to wait for an update (I know, he's got another game, follow me here)

but then I see the update and holy crap, it's incredible
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Feb 27, 2018
could you possibly send me your save file? I have no idea why it won't show up on your end, I just tested it and it works for everyone else.
it got fixed it was either the walkthrough mod or the incest patch
thank you for taking the time to look into it :)
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