
Jan 25, 2018
In the section change log, in spoiler note of ch3 from dev, it indicates that the game has certain faults and that they are trying to solve. So let's have patience and let the master work to get a work of art. Thanks, jejeje.


New Member
Apr 28, 2017
@UncleVT : Archive is not corrupted on Workupload because it seems to be the old chapter 2 version, compared to the other links.
I might be wrong, but I think it's the case :(


Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
@SLim_Games I have only just started play chapter 3 from a save (so i don't know if there have been any updates to previous parts of the game) BUT massive BUT bruh this is high quality stuff, animations for dialogue sometimes, and voice acting for the sister.

Perfect choice btw actually suits the character unlike DFD, where I always turn off voice acting because the voice just don't match the faces, or body types (cause body size and stuff can also change the way a voice sounds because of pressure or lack there of on the diaphragm and lungs and stuff).

Bbut damn dude I am liking this game, It is quickly becoming one of my favourites (the list is getting pretty long now with all these quality games amoung the sea of crap XD ) but for real animations that are actually good, AND VOICE ACTING!!! colour me impressed.

For this quality of content I would be more than happy to shovel some money in (if I had money, but I am broke as hell so i use this website XD ) but for the quality of this game I think you have more than enough reason to postpone an update if you feel it needs more work, although always ask your supporters, like maybe give them a choice, better update but postponed or half finished update on time (assuming you run into a few bumps in the road).

No game dev goes without having their fair share of issues, even big AAA titles, just look at crackdown 3 (which I am still looking forward too myself) it was scheduled for 2016, pushed back to 2017 November release then 2018 and finally atm it is scheduled for 2019 February release, It happens. As long as your reason for postponing is to give a better product than I say more power to you.

Side Note: We need some signatures for this game :p

Post play critique: okay so it did feel a little on the short side, however with the quality of animation and stuff it makes sense. although you go into the bathroom, it would be nice to have an option (maybe stay faithful to sister (blonde chick, I forget that you can modify this) )

Also with the chick who works at the grocery store maybe give an option where you see past the innocent girl act but don't blackmail her (maybe it makes her want to be loyal to you, or befriend you because you are doing them a favour instead of just saying sorry.

That is about it for my small criticisms, I look forward to seeing what this game will become, also would love if you found a voice actor that suit (the mom for me) brunette character like how you have one for the blonde.

I am just disappointed I can't time travel to play the finished game XD


Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
Don't adjust the timing, delete it. Just using {w} by itself will wait for the next key/button press to show the remainder of the text. Alternately you can use {p} to pause the text until the next key/button press and it will start a new line as well.

Personally, I don't like voice-overs at all. None of the English voice-overs I've ever heard were ever that good to begin with - most aren't voice "actors" and just sound like they're reading the lines to get it over with.
None I've ever heard are anywhere near how I hear them in my head when reading them. No matter how well the voice-overs are done I'll mute them unless they're implemented from the very start, in which case they'll probably be muted anyway.
Save your money and spend it on hardware.
I think you might be pleasently surprised with the sister's voice actor. I certainly was (best Voice Actor in an english vn I have played so far, much better than the snowdaze game (i use that as an example because it is the only vn i can think of that has somewhat okayish voice acting)) for me it was the laugh and noises that aren't words that sold it for me, if you close your eyes it almost feels like someone is actually talking to you, although i do have a vivid imagination so that might just be me.


Jan 29, 2018
Chapter 3 on .

Can please someone verify this link
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Game Developer
Feb 9, 2018
Please Keep in mind that this is a testversion of chapter 3. SInce the phone is not working correctly I havent put it in yet. There are other things missing aswell that I'm working on right now.

In my opinion this chapter is a mess. I tried many new things and it doesn't really work.. I hope you could give me some input what I can do to make it a better game.

-> also uploading mac and android version now
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May 1, 2017
In my opinion this chapter is a mess. I tried many new things and it doesn't really work.. I hope you could give me some input what I can do to make it a better game.
I think you are being a bit too harsh on yourself. I enjoyed the new version, even the voice acting, I usually just turn it off :)

What I felt is that the guy at school telling you to go to the bathroom is a bit over the top, that's way too quick in my opinion.

As for feedback to make it a better game, I think it might help if you would specify what in your opinion does not really work. That should give you input regarding those points.
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