VN Ren'Py Abandoned The Changing Season [Ch.5] [Storyteller97]

4.10 star(s) 27 Votes


Active Member
Dec 3, 2019
Dad - Jane relationship doesn't seem like NTR for me. At least not the bad one. It's you (MC) who can be jealous prick in this game (if you want to). - if I'm correct, then this kind of NTR (optional) is fine by me.

Simple, but well written game demo. So far 2020 is a good year! A lot of good vn's came out recently.
I hope you enjoyed my humble review :D
That's not NTR it's the complete opposite. Mc actually kissed Jane so... you're actually doing the semi cucking because you're trying to woo your dad's girlfriend.


Active Member
Jun 1, 2018
seems really good, excited for more! story is good and character traits also


May 24, 2017

Just got finished with the demo & I am pleasently suprised with it so far!
I am in no way bias because of the appearance of a girl with tatts, no that's not my thing at all, no sir...I give! It totally is! (Go team Jenny!)

Only real negative for me so far is Jane's Daz model. I dunno what it is about the face on that model but it creeps me the fuck out & I've said as much when it's been used by other developers *cough*Unexpected Adventures*cough*. Not that I expect the model to change based purely on my preferences, it just makes picking Jenny all the easier for me.

It's too early to see which way this game will go from a demo but I admit it was a little off-putting to know you can't please everyone in this game (which is ironic 'cos as a dev you're not going to be able to please everyone with your game) - and while it was nice knowing to be singular from the get-go about my choices (did I mention team Jenny?) I'm still the kind of guy that likes to have it all in these games, so as you can imagine Acting Lessons devastated me when shit went down end game! :ROFLMAO: :cry: Not saying you should just pander to the audience but for these types of game there are a lot (like me) who want the cake and the chance to eat it. Unless you are in to NTR I guess, then you want others to eat the cake...weird.

My only advice about your intentions stated after the current content is that I really wouldn't bother with a full HD revamp personally...I feel a lot of games with potential get bogged down with stunning visuals & they end up making so little story progress that while they see hundreds of hours of work per update they don't seem to realise that on the other side, your average player is gonna gobble up that update so fast that they can't possibly appreciate your efforts and all they are going to see is minimal plot progressions. Like when you have a game with multiple choices and it looks sweet but 2 of the female choices have dead ends after their first encounter (and I annoyingly seem to always gravitate towards these characters) - many games suffer from this - even ones I really like, not gonna mention which though as I don't like pitch-forked mobs much...

Like you said, you're a one-man-band still learning his craft so I really wouldn't worry too much about delivering a high-spec polished game on your first go. It's a labour of love for you I know so you are going to want to change things that bug you but I'd hate for you to crash and burn. And hey - there's always the chance to jump on the band wagon of "HD Remasters" after you have finished the game - just don't do it on version 0.4 - that shit boggles the mind! :p

All-in-all I am very much looking forward with the game & I wish you the best of luck!


Devoted Member
May 10, 2018
very decent writing...i like that i can be a good guy or a horndawg...that i can select how to proceed with each dame..if i aint interested in one i dont hafta rub up on her Engrish..fully coherent..the renders are touch and go.. ummm.png she could go full Gollum if she removes her makeup...but sometimes they are quite nice...overall this was an enjoyable demo and i look forward to more.


The Crawling Chaos, Bringer of Strange Joy
Oct 23, 2016
If you guys haven’t checked out PhillyGames and Dr.PinkCake, please do so. They’re the cream of the crop for developers of Adult VNs.
Mmm interesting you say that...

For me Philly is master at renders and DocP is great at characters/humour.
However i have to say Naughty Road and AZ for story/characters are the masters hands down. AZ's quality of renders are exceptionally good.
No argument about PhillyGames, his games are outstanding in every regard, with Pinkcake.. IDK. For me his decisions about Acting Lessons remain an example of stubborn pride, instead of actually giving people what they want. He's the Mac Walters of porn game devs for me (Mass Effect 3).
If he keeps up the quality of BaD while not managing to enrage half his customer base this time around, I might agree with your evaluation of his work, but I do wonder if using someone who has made such controversial decisions as your role model is a wise choice.

And no offense, but both Naughty Road and Az don't even have one regular sized completed game down their belt. I like both their writing and their characters, but tbh NEITHER seems to be on the level of the best devs around here so far.
While Naughty Road's writing is indeed great, his polarizing design choices always seemed weird to me. To go to such extremes in the visuals of your characters, making them look like fairly ugly caricatures in some cases, I just don't get the appeal.
And with Az's writing, I keep wondering what might make him seem above a fair number of other devs who write about similar topics and characters and do a good job and I find nothing.
Good writing, good characters, beautiful renders, but not anything I haven't seen from at least a dozen other devs here.
I'm not trying to disparage either creator, I have a lot of fun playing both their games, just trying to explain why I don't see them as "the masters."

Of course it's a matter of taste in the end, but for me devs like Ptolemy with all the games he has actually completed AND with great standards of writing and renders, that counts for more than someone who is talented, but has maybe a tenth or a fifth of a game down.
And then there are devs like CheekyGimp or Perverteer who have produced 16+ chapters, each with a good amount of content, each with good writing and handling multiple routes/characters and relationships, with all their variables, constantly work on the bugs and produce stable and enjoyable content on a routine and regular basis.


Devoted Member
May 10, 2018
Philly and NaughtyRoad def in my top ten..they are masters..DPC not so much...his game is very very good..but i do not rate him a top ten..CarbonBlue..Cheeky..Kyois..and others i rate well above DPC's writing..but thats just saying that...having Philly as a goal to aspire to while making this game is a good thing to have..BUT..after playing this game demo..the Dev should try Light of my Life ..i think it would be the best influence for this style of game.

gert pancras

New Member
May 30, 2018
I'm not sure, but the girlfriend of the father seems high on speed.... what's that with her eyes? SCARY SHIT, MAN!


Låt den rätta komma in
Jul 2, 2017
Just to remind this thread is about THIS game and ITS development, fetish, etc.
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Game Developer
Dec 10, 2019
Not a bad start. I do like the focus on choices forcing specific paths. Although I also enjoy harem games, it's always nice to see something different. This might technically require several playthroughs: one for each girl's path, and maybe one for each attribute along each path. How heavily will the MC's starting attribute choice affect later scenes? Will some content be locked if you choose the "wrong" starting attribute?

In any case, it looks good so far. I wish you success in your efforts with this game.
Thanks for checking it out. The starting attribute choice will have very minor consequences in terms of how it affects later scenes. Maybe 1-2 scenes per chapter. But they won't have any affect on the story.
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Game Developer
Dec 10, 2019
This was the 1st red flag, but I downloaded it anyways. Then the kiss of death came in the in-game Dev notes when he talked about "not being able to please everybody" in real life and therefore not in the game either.. Immediately quit and deleted it..
You should try out the game before you write a review. In either case, I appreciate the feedback.


Game Developer
Dec 10, 2019
2 things i've noticed so far. In the restaurant you order the 3p special but then he says the pasta was great. Afterwards Jenny calls u her roommate. Is there going to be a patch to change that? Is patreon even going to give you troubles for step-brother?
The girls are beautiful and the MC is cool. Not the typical Max model. I wish you the best of luck with your project.
Ah, thanks for noticing. The pasta line will be fixed in the beta release. And roommate is the technically correct term for the moment because Jane isn't married to the mc's dad. Whether that changes or not, you'll have to stick around and see ;)


Game Developer
Dec 10, 2019
Plot setup seems pretty standard, but the writing being competent helps it stand out. Flow of conversation and character reactions are pretty good. Will look out for the updates.

Main gripe is that text box. Looks fancy, but it pretty much obscures a third of the game screen (which is what players want to see!). More noticeable since it's in 720p and real estate is already limited, but even in full HD, it'd be an irritant. I think GUI design in a VN should try mimic the 'TV viewing with subs' experience as close as possible, with some extra HUD elements wherever necessary. Unless you're doing something completely radical, in which case, godspeed.
Appreciate the feedback. I'll try to reduce the textbox size in the beta release. I'm treating this demo as a learning opportunity and I'm grateful for your suggestions. As for the plot, the goal was to make it simple, believable even. This is a character study; hopefully, you like what's to come :)


Game Developer
Dec 10, 2019
All-in-all I am very much looking forward with the game & I wish you the best of luck!
I really appreciate the review you gave. Thank you so much. I'll make some adjustments to Jane prior to the beta release. Jenny is absolutely adorable so I agree with you. There seems to be some confusion about whether this is a singular path or harem path game. The answer isn't clearcut. I'll make this clear in my thread. As for the HD release, I'm really glad you like the writing, and believe me, the writing will never be compromised, but I still want my game to be immersive from all aspects including visuals so you guys may have to wait a bit for the next release. But I PROMISE it'll be worth it.
4.10 star(s) 27 Votes