You want assertive? Go play leap of faith, city of broken dreamers, retrieving the past, oath of loyalty, banshee town, life happened, killer project.
city of broken dreamers, retrieving the past have alpha leader hero type MC you will enjoy.
oath of loyalty, banshee town, life happened have mob actual henchmen/bosses/killers
who drive the story forward,
not answering to the whims of other characters.
killer project has a retired actual mafia hitman - play that
and you will see where you should be at in terms of skill and cunning to join the serpents!
This game covers the younger years like bronx tale ....
Those other games are black hawk down or goodfellas.
This game looks interesting, but I have a question (without spoilers, please!). How is the main male (player) character? Is he bland and kind of meek/eager to please, or is he more assertive and confident? And do the females also have interesting personalities? Thanks!
He is bland and kind of meek, but that is entirely intentional on his part; dude has layers he's trying to hide for his own reasons that we don't know yet.
Dang - I was hoping he'd be more assertive and confident in general (just not to the point of undue arrogance). I guess I'll wait and check back in a few updates to see if he's revealed those layers yet or is still meek. lol. Thank you for answering though!