I just want to remind everyone that negativity has a loud voice.
We are easily drawn to it and tend to ignore the positive, which in turn makes it feel like the negative is overwhelming and that the thread is being overrun with toxicity.
The truth is that it is not. The positivity is just being overlooked due to the 'snarky' people. Remember not to ignore the positive comments because those are the ones with real value.
Yup. Precisely why the expression "No news is good news" exists.
No-one listens to the good news stories, so the news agencies fill their broadcasts with negative, shock/horror, 'cos that gets viewing figures.
A mugging report gets viewers, because it affects how safe people feel.
The story about a person who altruistically fed someone else's family, does not get viewers.
There are hundreds, thousands of good deeds done by people, every single day.
News media is driven by what the consumer wants to see.
Same situation as here. One negative opinion occupies far more thread space than it deserves, mainly because people justifiably point out the fallacies in the opinion, but it still gets a page worth of posts.
Whereas someone saying how much they enjoyed the game gets a couple of

reactions, maybe generates a couple of responses.
So negative posts get more responses.
Guess which type of posts the attention seekers will choose?

Its funny how people assume the negative and act like their assumptions are proven fact.
You've just summed up the majority of the negativity of this thread, this site even, in one sentence.

Absurd, baseless assumptions presented as if they were facts FTW.
I'm a free rider. At least until the game's finished. Been burned too many times. So now I watch, I wait, and if the game is ever seen through to proper conclusion I'll pay one time bonus of anywhere from 20 to 50 bucks depending on quality. I know it's not as nice as getting 10 bucks a months for two years but I think it's fair.
I point that out because as a free rider I really have no right to whine about slow updates. But even I have a pet peeve and that's the dev who starts a new game in the midst of the current one and begins to neglect one while continuing to work on the other....but still swearing up and down he's working on both.
I ain't gonna name any names but that will get even my free riding dander up a bit.
You're not really a free-rider, though.
You're more of a "try before you buy" type of consumer.
Having been burned before, that's 100% understandable.
Also, your ethos is fair, IMO.
You will wait until a game is finished, before deciding if you want to pay for it.
This is no different to waiting until a console developer releases their title & then you decide if you want to buy it, or not.
We've all been burned with console releases.
At least with this model, you get a chance to play-test first.