
Jun 8, 2017
And still delivered three updates in the same timespan. Your point is?

Regardless of the reasons, excuses and "season 1 is over, we go to steam - who cares?", this game was not updated in almost a year. And this is a fact.

I am simply surprised that there are people who even remember that this game still exists at this point.
It's fair to criticize the long development time. What I don't understand is people getting upset over it. Unless an individual is a Patron, they have no real investment other than their time. You're a patron and you don't like how long it's taking? Cancel the sub for that Patreon. It's pretty simple.

The problem for most is that this is such a good game that everyone wants new content yesterday.


The Godfather
Game Developer
Dec 21, 2017
I've said many times that I can understand people's frustrations.
Even though I've said many times that this is a hobby and development times are not as steady as it would be a 'real' adult creator, it is understandably when people can get a bit frustrated due to something they enjoy is taking longer than expected.

But once it goes into a more demanding style of tone or the talks about 'no excuses', well it is then I kinda raise my eyebrows a bit and say relax and take a break.

Read somewhere about being patron, or it's okay to talk a certain way due to being a patron.
I've always said this and will it again - being a patron does not justify foul behavior. Be it towards me or non patrons.


Active Member
Sep 30, 2020
And still delivered three updates in the same timespan. Your point is?

Regardless of the reasons, excuses and "season 1 is over, we go to steam - who cares?", this game was not updated in almost a year. And this is a fact.

I am simply surprised that there are people who even remember that this game still exists at this point.

Yeah nobody ever posts in this thread, we never see the developer, and haven't gotten any news about the update at all. :sneaky:



Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
I've said many times that I can understand people's frustrations.
Even though I've said many times that this is a hobby and development times are not as steady as it would be a 'real' adult creator, it is understandably when people can get a bit frustrated due to something they enjoy is taking longer than expected.

But once it goes into a more demanding style of tone or the talks about 'no excuses', well it is then I kinda raise my eyebrows a bit and say relax and take a break.

Read somewhere about being patron, or it's okay to talk a certain way due to being a patron.
I've always said this and will it again - being a patron does not justify foul behavior. Be it towards me or non patrons.
I'm just getting really tired of seeing "When update?" "No update, so this must have been abandoned." posts which keeps coming up time after time.
Previously I used to visit this thread far more often, but nowadays, I'm trying to visit the thread less due to the thread kinda getting flooded with those nowadays.

Here are some questions for ya (I posted them before, but you probably were a bit too busy to answer).
Hopefully, this will give drive to people into talking about theories/story of the game, instead of whining and complaining about the update time in a demanding/entitled manner:

1) I know you said that it would be rare to see Serpents together in battles, but do Serpents sometimes hang out together when not working, i.e. when chilling out (perhaps something like that Gottardo & "Serpent" playing poker with Floaty render)?

For instance, Gottardo says to MC, Luna & Gracie (in the beach house event) that "Some of the other Serpents and higher ups were having their doubts (about MC) because you know DNA and all that bullshit stuff, but not me! I knew he (MC) was different"
Seems like a sort of discussion that Gottardo might have when he's having time off with the other Serpents.

2) So from Dominico's introduction in the game's opening, it seems pretty clear he's been set up to be MC's rival. Without giving spoilers, how much from within the game will be actually delve into Dom's character?

3) When Caterina mentions in Ombra mission "Quasi-Capo", that he's an Elite Soldato who's next in line to be a Capo, MC says "Like Pelata & the guys (Biondo, Gray)?" which Caterina says Yes.

So that would mean Pelata, Biondo & Gray are all next in line to be Capos, but where would that leave Joey? Is he also in the same boat as Pelata/Biondo/Gray, or does he still have a bit of a way to go until then?

I'm asking this because with both DeLuca & Ombra Families, Elite Soldatos who are getting close to Capo promotion don't seem to be wearing any official uniforms (like Soldatos do, with Pelata & the guys, same with Ombra Quasi-Capo).

Ombra Elite Soldatos' uniform seems to be almost identical to DeLuca Soldato uniform in design (except for being dark and the Family's Scorpion symbol), so I'm inclined to think that DeLucas' Elite Soldato uniform is almost same (if not exactly same) when a Soldato first gets promoted to Elite.

There's been no mention of Joey being close to promotion (unlike Pelata and the guys), yet he dresses differently like everyone in Quasi-Capo situation, so it does make me wonder what position Joey is in exactly.

4) So you've previously said that while main girls (Luna, Gracie, Isabel, Cordia) will not be appearing in the contracts, at least some (if not all) of the side girls, their chance of appearing in these contracts are very high.

We already have Amita, Amata the nun sisters, Lelianna, and Alexa in the first set of contracts.
Can you share names of any other side girls who are candidates to appear in the future contracts (as a tease for things to come), or would revealing their names be considered too spoilery (for e.g. character like Eiza, is it possible for someone like her to appear in contracts even if she already would be working for a different Capo as stated by Cordia)?

5) Eiza's little sister Fina, are there any plans for her to play more part in (any of) future stories, or is her role in the game done with the conclusion of the Ombra mission?

6) Capos (Angelo, Caterina) have been trying to get MC to join their crew in a hilarious way, but will this whole "which crew will MC join" question be addressed (and there be a payoff) in season 2?
If the choice is given, might lead to a bit of branching paths (Angelo's crew path, Caterina crew path), but it could be interesting.

Actually, I know Luna has always been a solo-Capo till now (since it seems she sort of seems to like it that way and noone is crazy enough to join her crew even if she wants a crew), but it would be pretty cool to have a choice where MC can say "You know what? Luna's a Capo, so I'll join her crew." Surprising, Cordia, Wilfred, all the Capos, and of course Luna herself.

7) I love Amita and Amata, the nun sisters and their religious habits, but will we ever get a situation where we see the sisters out of their religious habits and in casual clothes (for e.g. undercover, or any other specific purpose)?

8) When a side character turns out to be more popular than expected (for instance, Onorina, I remember you saying her popularity has been rising since the Ombra event), where do you prefer to increase their content? Include them more in the main story, or add in/increase their contracts content? Or is it both?

9) Something that has been discussed couple of times before in the thread.
In terms of rivals, with MC, he has Dominico (and possibly Ombra Quasi-Capo, that is if he counts as one), and Luna has Apce (whom you said will make a comeback in the future).

With Gracie (who will start to work for the Family from season 2 onwards), will she have any rivals from outside the Family, who is either of same or close to her age, but is able to match her intelligence?

So far, with plans Gracie thought of (such as foiling Straffan's ambush plans for Antonio and DeLuca soldiers) went without a hitch, but it would be interesting to see Gracie be challenged intellectually by a rival, struggle or even lose a battle of wits in some cases (she thinks noone other than Wilfred is intelligent than her, so having her fall from initial battle with her rival, but getting back up with help of MC, Luna and her Family might be an interesting arc to explore for her).

10) I know Eiza doesn't show a lot of strong emotions (such as anger) with her expressions but given she was forced to work for Ombras due to her sister being a hostage, how strong is her animosity towards the Ombras?

For instance, with MC and Siobhan starting their interaction with Ombra event, if she saw MC & Siobhan meet (their second meet) while keeping an eye out for her Unofficial Boss, will she be angry (and be really holding a grudge) towards Siobhan, daughter of the Family who ruined her Family, that MC might need to hold her back?

11) With Frenetico Games, like the athletes who train for Olympic games, will we get some events where MC (and other DeLuca participants) training for these games?
If that's to be considered, could we please have some combat training sessions between MC & Luna as part of it (striking yes, but lots of wrestling & jiujitsu, where MC & Luna tumble over each other, which I'd expect there to be hilarious yet lewd situations, heh.

12) I'm guessing the answer to this question will likely be "No", but I'll ask anyway.
Will there be any point in time where the game takes place outside of Lucania?
I mean, yes, given MC's situation, all events for him I'm guessing would likely be taking place in Lucania, but even if it's not from MC's perspective, I do wonder whether we'll see characters in situations outside Lucania.

For example, "Serpent" gets asked by Cordia (when he comes to Cordia's office and meets MC for "first" time in the game) "How long will you stay at Lucania?" which he replies "Not long." (felt like he was sort of implying he does some stuff outside Lucania)

So I do wonder whether we'll see any Serpents or others doing a job outside Lucania in the game.


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2020
Don't agree.
Being a patron or not being a patron does not change anything in an environment without rules that does not protect anyone's investments (customers and developers) and in this context no opinion makes sense in this thread.
Without fools the profiteers would not be able to live, it is not a question of frustration or bad behavior.


The Godfather
Game Developer
Dec 21, 2017
1) I know you said that it would be rare to see Serpents together in battles, but do Serpents sometimes hang out together when not working, i.e. when chilling out (perhaps something like that Gottardo & "Serpent" playing poker with Floaty render)?
Serpent does not.
The rest may or may not have relationships like that outside of missions where they hang out. But can't get into that before even having them introduced and still in the 'work in progress' part of the story.

2) So from Dominico's introduction in the game's opening, it seems pretty clear he's been set up to be MC's rival. Without giving spoilers, how much from within the game will be actually delve into Dom's character?
I have some stuff planned. If I do everything in my mind, it'll be a ton. But rarely does everything I have in mind translate into actual content.

3) When Caterina mentions in Ombra mission "Quasi-Capo", that he's an Elite Soldato who's next in line to be a Capo, MC says "Like Pelata & the guys (Biondo, Gray)?" which Caterina says Yes.

So that would mean Pelata, Biondo & Gray are all next in line to be Capos, but where would that leave Joey? Is he also in the same boat as Pelata/Biondo/Gray, or does he still have a bit of a way to go until then?

I'm asking this because with both DeLuca & Ombra Families, Elite Soldatos who are getting close to Capo promotion don't seem to be wearing any official uniforms (like Soldatos do, with Pelata & the guys, same with Ombra Quasi-Capo).

Ombra Elite Soldatos' uniform seems to be almost identical to DeLuca Soldato uniform in design (except for being dark and the Family's Scorpion symbol), so I'm inclined to think that DeLucas' Elite Soldato uniform is almost same (if not exactly same) when a Soldato first gets promoted to Elite.

There's been no mention of Joey being close to promotion (unlike Pelata and the guys), yet he dresses differently like everyone in Quasi-Capo situation, so it does make me wonder what position Joey is in exactly.
Joey is the lowest ranked Elite Soldato. He is as far away to those three guys, in status, as any elite rank can be.
The clothing system in the delucaverse is actually part of the lore, as weird as that may sound. To make it very short - old system (old big 5's) the clothing were very strict. New system (new big 5's) is more relaxed and loose about the clothing requirements.
Now, it is common for lower rank people to wear the traditional outfit at all times, while it technically is not a rule per se. It is a sign of respect to the Family and at the same time to shown pride in being part of the Family.
Due to the new system change (looser requirement on outfits), slowly a new habit/tradition has appeared. The higher status you have the less 'strict' your uniform code becomes as it is a sign of experience and Family bond by wearing something more 'casual'.
If a lower rank wear something outside what is the norm for the Family at that rank and something more casual, ironically, it will be a sign of disrespect towards the family even if the new changes actually allow for casual clothing.

Soldato ranks usually wear the outfits while once they get Elite soldato some become a bit more relaxed in their clothing while others stick with it until they are at the upper end of an elite soldato rank before doing the 'switch'.

Some Families still follow the old system to some degrees. Ombra Family is one such Family where 90% of even their elites wearing the outfits. Basically have to be a quasi capo before it is acceptable to wear anything else.
Deluca is way more lax, which makes sense as Cordia was one of the pioneer for the new Mafia system.

It can be a bit confusing, but hopefully my explanation made somewhat sense.

4) So you've previously said that while main girls (Luna, Gracie, Isabel, Cordia) will not be appearing in the contracts, at least some (if not all) of the side girls, their chance of appearing in these contracts are very high.

We already have Amita, Amata the nun sisters, Lelianna, and Alexa in the first set of contracts.
Can you share names of any other side girls who are candidates to appear in the future contracts (as a tease for things to come), or would revealing their names be considered too spoilery (for e.g. character like Eiza, is it possible for someone like her to appear in contracts even if she already would be working for a different Capo as stated by Cordia)?
Main girls can appear. If I said that, I changed my mind since, heh. They just won't appear much.

Dunno about which side characters as yet. Haven't been thinking about contracts lately.

5) Eiza's little sister Fina, are there any plans for her to play more part in (any of) future stories, or is her role in the game done with the conclusion of the Ombra mission?
No. Beside some few insignificant appearances here and there - there are no major plans with her.

6) Capos (Angelo, Caterina) have been trying to get MC to join their crew in a hilarious way, but will this whole "which crew will MC join" question be addressed (and there be a payoff) in season 2?
If the choice is given, might lead to a bit of branching paths (Angelo's crew path, Caterina crew path), but it could be interesting.

Actually, I know Luna has always been a solo-Capo till now (since it seems she sort of seems to like it that way and noone is crazy enough to join her crew even if she wants a crew), but it would be pretty cool to have a choice where MC can say "You know what? Luna's a Capo, so I'll join her crew." Surprising, Cordia, Wilfred, all the Capos, and of course Luna herself.
Right now I have a different plan for MC which makes it harder to do any routes like that.

Actually, about Luna - there are many people who want to join her team. They would love to. She is after all really popular in the Family and a big status in the Mafia world.
It's just that Wilfred and Cordia isn't allowed her to have a team.

7) I love Amita and Amata, the nun sisters and their religious habits, but will we ever get a situation where we see the sisters out of their religious habits and in casual clothes (for e.g. undercover, or any other specific purpose)?
Perhaps. Dunno. Probably. :p

8) When a side character turns out to be more popular than expected (for instance, Onorina, I remember you saying her popularity has been rising since the Ombra event), where do you prefer to increase their content? Include them more in the main story, or add in/increase their contracts content? Or is it both?
Depends on where it is fitting. Onorina is part of the new Gracie quest line. Albeit little but her dialogue would probably have been less involved if not for her popularity.

9) Something that has been discussed couple of times before in the thread.
In terms of rivals, with MC, he has Dominico (and possibly Ombra Quasi-Capo, that is if he counts as one), and Luna has Apce (whom you said will make a comeback in the future).
That is spoiler territory, so can't say too much unfortunately
But, Apce isn't a rival for Luna. That isn't the current plan I have for him.

10) I know Eiza doesn't show a lot of strong emotions (such as anger) with her expressions, but given she was forced to work for Ombras due to her sister being a hostage, how strong is her animosity towards the Ombras?

For instance, with MC and Siobhan starting their interaction with Ombra event, if she saw MC & Siobhan meet (their second meet) while keeping an eye out for her Unofficial Boss, will she be angry (and be really holding a grudge) towards Siobhan, daughter of the Family who ruined her Family, that MC might need to hold her back?
Very strong animosity and would not be happy with any members of the Ombras. But her Family Code will always be above her feelings, so there won't be a situation where it is needed to hold her back.

11) With Frenetico Games, like the athletes who train for Olympic games, will we get some events where MC (and other DeLuca participants) training for these games?
If that's to be considered, could we please have some combat training sessions between MC & Luna as part of it (striking yes, but lots of wrestling & jiujitsu, where MC & Luna tumble over each other, which I'd expect there to be hilarious yet lewd situations, heh.
[povname] is already training with the Family behind the scenes. But showing it, and especially the Luna part, sounds fun.

12) I'm guessing the answer to this question will likely be "No", but I'll ask anyway.
Will there be any point in time where the game takes place outside of Lucania?
I mean, yes, given MC's situation, all events for him I'm guessing would likely be taking place in Lucania, but even if it's not from MC's perspective, I do wonder whether we'll see characters in situations outside Lucania.

For example, "Serpent" gets asked by Cordia (when he comes to Cordia's office and meets MC for "first" time in the game) "How long will you stay at Lucania?" which he replies "Not long." (felt like he was sort of implying he does some stuff outside Lucania)

So I do wonder whether we'll see any Serpents or others doing a job outside Lucania in the game.
Hmm, Lucania is just the town name and not the map area. So in that sense we have been outside of Lucania a couple of times now. There may be situations in the future where the Mc will have to travel a long distance.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2021
Regarding Luna's modus operandi, it is not surprising that she is not allowed to have her own crew. I imagine that depending on the mission, the losses could be massive.

What I could imagine is putting together a small team that complements each other well but works apart from the actual established crews. Initially consisting of Luna and MC, who so far has been the only one to get Luna out of one of her phases quickly, Joey and possibly Dominico. This way, the existing rivalry between Dominico and MC could be deepened and highlighted, and then later he could be taken out, due to the conflict between him and MC, and then Gracie could be established as a team member once she is accepted in the family business.


Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
The shame is that we wasted the fantastic page number 1111 (in standard settings) on that.
Only one whole page? I think we've wasted a few pages in total to this shit.:cry:

Also JJJ84: I can feel you. It is the same for me too. Previous there were some debate and other things, now it is mostly lazy question or troll, then pro team make at least a full page of post and con team to, without any gain.
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Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
Only one whole page? I think we've wasted a few pages in total to this shit.:cry:
It seems less since Mods did a cleansing with couple of pages, but I think at least 10 or even upto 20 pages were in the whole "abandoned" shit if we count what's been said in this thread in the past couple of weeks.
Frankly, I'm just tired of the crap :FacePalm: like that.
Aug 14, 2021
And still delivered three updates in the same timespan. Your point is?

Regardless of the reasons, excuses and "season 1 is over, we go to steam - who cares?", this game was not updated in almost a year. And this is a fact.

I am simply surprised that there are people who even remember that this game still exists at this point.
Aparently you are the entitled type. Have you been hit with covid where you need to rest to get over it? Have you ever made a game by yourself? Do you have a hobby that has not yet become your job where you are called out as if it was your job by people who don't pay you for your hardwork? Otherwise these are the facts at hand. Don't act like you understand something you do not. You just look like a fool. Complaining about a game taking awhile that you get for free is inane of itself, but acting like you understand another's hardships when you don't just shows how much of a fool you truly are.


Active Member
Sep 30, 2020
I'm just getting really tired of seeing "When update?" "No update, so this must have been abandoned." posts which keeps coming up time after time.
Previously I used to visit this thread far more often, but nowadays, I'm trying to visit the thread less due to the thread kinda getting flooded with those nowadays.
Only one whole page? I think we've wasted a few pages in total to this shit.:cry:

Also JJJ84: I can feel you. It is the same for me too. Previous there were some debate and other things, now it is mostly lazy question or troll, then pro team make at least a full page of post and con team to, without any gain.
I completely disagree with that approach. If the real fans in this thread are abandoning it or coming here less often due to the trolling and stupidity then you are validating those who are trolling.

I can't think of anyone with more information or better suited to start a decent debate on here than JJJ84 (Hopes excluded).

We need the good people here to outnumber the bad, and the official spokesman of Floaty (c3p0) should be one of them. In order to crush the evil a giant floating rock would probably come in handy.

I'm aware that you 2 aren't the only ones either. There are plenty of people I don't see in this thread nearly as often or at all anymore really.

I call upon you all

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

A great man once taught me that means


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
I completely disagree with that approach. If the real fans in this thread are abandoning it or coming here less often due to the trolling and stupidity then you are validating those who are trolling.

I can't think of anyone with more information or better suited to start a decent debate on here than JJJ84 (Hopes excluded).

We need the good people here to outnumber the bad, and the official spokesman of Floaty (c3p0) should be one of them. In order to crush the evil a giant floating rock would probably come in handy.

I'm aware that you 2 aren't the only ones either. There are plenty of people I don't see in this thread nearly as often or at all anymore really.

I call upon you all

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

A great man once taught me that means
View attachment 1671587
The problem is, "decent" debate is just not even obtainable with these type of people. Like the never ending ferry-go-around, it always spins and goes the same way as the following:

1) someone saying "Oh game must be abandoned since it's been a long time since the update" or a dumb question such as "when is update coming" without even bothering to search

2) when such actions get called out (I have several times already, and so have others), there will be people trying to counter that with "why are you being such a jerk to these (lazy/idiotic) people?" etc

3) which in turn myself or others give the counter argument.

It neither is decent not productive topic for a debate (that goes on for pages and pages, nowadays seems to go on longer than theory discussions), and that more often than not ends up with a mod noticing and coming in for a cleansing.
So wash, rinse, and the cycle repeats once again from the beginning not long after.

And yes, it's not like there weren't trolls before in the thread (I mean there is a reason that Filius character exists lol) and even in the future there will obviously be trolls, but the extent of it happening nowadays is like almost every single week (sometimes more often than even that), & I'm at this point just sick of even trying to explain things to these trolls to say the least (again and again for the umpteenth time).

Having said that, my enthusiasm for DeLuca still remains all intact and as great as ever.
Just tired of dealing with........ idiots.

Always loved DeLuca, and always will love DeLuca and respect Hopes despite what crap some folks might throw at him.

Perhaps this will start to get better when Hopes changes his release cycle to quicker (yet smaller) releases.
But regardless, yeah...... that's how I feel at the moment.

Still check this thread out, but I don't do it nearly as often as I used to. Either Just once or twice per day, or even once every 2 days.
Not sure that will change anytime soon.


Active Member
Sep 30, 2020
The problem is, "decent" debate is just not even obtainable with these type of people. Like the never ending ferry-go-around, it always spins and goes the same way as the following:

1) someone saying "Oh game must be abandoned since it's been a long time since the update" or a dumb question such as "when is update coming" without even bothering to search

2) when such actions get called out (I have several times already, and so have others), there will be people trying to counter that with "why are you being such a jerk to these (lazy/idiotic) people?" etc

3) which in turn myself or others give the counter argument.

It neither is decent not productive topic for a debate (that goes on for pages and pages, nowadays seems to go on longer than theory discussions), and that more often than not ends up with a mod noticing and coming in for a cleansing.
So wash, rinse, and the cycle repeats once again from the beginning not long after.

And yes, it's not like there weren't trolls before in the thread (I mean there is a reason that Filius character exists lol) and even in the future there will obviously be trolls, but the extent of it happening nowadays is like almost every single week (sometimes more often than even that), & I'm at this point just sick of even trying to explain things to these trolls to say the least (again and again for the umpteenth time).

Having said that, my enthusiasm for DeLuca still remains all intact and as great as ever.
Just tired of dealing with........ idiots.

Always loved DeLuca, and always will love DeLuca and respect Hopes despite what crap some folks might throw at him.

Perhaps this will start to get better when Hopes changes his release cycle to quicker (yet smaller) releases.
But regardless, yeah...... that's how I feel at the moment.

Still check this thread out, but I don't do it nearly as often as I used to. Either Just once or twice per day, or even once every 2 days.
Not sure that will change anytime soon.
The cycle can get ridiculous, but that is due to us being in a lull before the update. The when's update and is this abandoned will go away after the update, but even after the update we will still get the not enough content for the amount of time people. I will also say I might be a little bit guilty of jabbing the trolls. :sneaky:
That happens more when there isn't anything happening here.

If there was more going on in the thread like actual conversations or debate it would be a lot harder for a stupid comment to derail everything. Just throwing it out there to everyone for consideration. Leaving the thread to the trolls guarantees it will not change only get worse.


Active Member
Jan 3, 2019
It's almost been a year. I just cheked its patreon and the last psot is about recovering from covid. Game's not abandoned. Felt like it should be put on hold...for now. Just saying.
  • Angry
Reactions: Balu83


Forum Fanatic
Jan 3, 2018
I completely disagree with that approach. If the real fans in this thread are abandoning it or coming here less often due to the trolling and stupidity then you are validating those who are trolling.
Unfortunately, we cannot execute them.
So thread sharing with a multitude of ignorant, entitled trolls is the only available destination.
They are utterly irrelevant, unless someone makes them relevant by acknowledging their ignorance.
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  • Like
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Active Member
Jan 3, 2019
The tag rules for this site have been in place & documented for much longer than a year.
This game does not meet the site's definition of what constitutes being placed "on hold".
Feels like you need to read the qualification criteria. This game does not meet them.
Just saying.
Haven't read them. Not even once. Should I? I don't know. I'd probably forget it soon. But hey, I'm just gonna let this slide. The post is there so I'm not going to delete it. If I did, I feel like I'm just running away from it. It's a dumb post I know, but It is what it is. No hard feelings. Take care. :)


Forum Fanatic
Jan 3, 2018
Haven't read them. Not even once. Should I? I don't know.
Well, that's up to you pal.
If you want to know what they mean & what they're used for, then "Yes".
That would probably be useful, before declaring that the game "should be On Hold" , when the game does not meet the established criteria for that tag. :unsure:

I think it's helpful to understand the specific meaning of the terms used, rather than assuming them to be something that they're not used for.
You know, like reading the contract, before signing it... :LOL::ROFLMAO:
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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2021
Luna is hands down my favorite, I feel like her character arc was done perfectly and overall her story was touching, the shit that girl went through,pure horror.
I also really dig the oath scene where she took the bullet out, not wanting The MC to actually get hurt but making him believe that the chamber wasn't empty just to see how much he trusts her, if he would actually pull the trigger. It's just perfect for how unpredictable and crazy her character was throughout the game but also a beautiful moment between the two imo.

This is one of the games I didn't really want to play because of the 2D renders in certain scenes but it turned out to be really good. Looking forward to the continuation whenever that will be.
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