I'm super excited for this, particularly the dungeoneering around town missions. I just hope there is some pretty substantial size to the update when it is ready but anything will be great to get. I think most people have the attitude that as long as the developer is engaged, we are happy. It's when they vanish for 6 months is when they have a right to panic but as long as the developer is responsive, we know they're working away and the best we can do, as the audience for a small developer, is to give them positive vibes and encouragement so they keep chugging along. Being a jerk because they're not as fast as other better funded developers isn't helpful and will probably just sour them to the whole process. They don't owe us anything and even if you're Patreon supporter, it doesn't give people a right to be an ass since you can always just stop if you think you're unhappy with the progress. So let's be happy we're getting some fun stuff soon, shall we?