Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
All intriguing, even though I am not sure whether I can stomach number 5 right now with the world being like it is.

In terms of order, I think that some of these stories are needed to continue the story (6, 7, 9), some can set up new aspects of the story (1, 3, 4, 5, 10), and some are more of a partial closure (2, 8). Some of those are in kind of a grey area of course, as always when you stroke with a broad brush. So I'd like these groups to be more or less in that order. Since there can be only one, I'd go with 7 - Gracie's blackout. In my opinion the most important one to "get out of the way" early so her individual story and thus MC's understanding of the family can continue.

A lot will of course also depend on what Hopes has actually sketched out for the stuff - I see the Frenetico as end game content and don't think MC is ready just yet, but maybe it will open up the way to understanding other stuff while being not all it is hyped up to be in terms of competition.

With this caveat - that everything can be different from what I imagine it to be - the one interesting me least right now is the second soldier, especially if it would be a new introduction. Of course, showing a certain lady living in sheltered quarters the great outdoors would be nice though - but probably would not make much sense.
#7 & #9 if left unattended I think would definitely be bottleneck events that will impede Luna & Gracie's development (as you said, "get out of the way" and move on to their new arcs).
#8 I guess in a way could be similar case in a way as well for Isabel, but for some reason I feel it is to lesser extent (don't know, perhaps Isabel's daring side of putting MC in risky situation of "almost getting caught" kinda excites me a little in a way heh).

So yeah, I'd say #7 (Gracie woods blackout) or #9 (Luna + Cordia reconciliation) would be my top 2 out of above 10.
That is, unless Ayhsel tries to tempt me with Cordia bath scene, haha.

For me personally, I'd give slight edge to #9 though, just because I consider Luna + Cordia reconciliation as an extension of "My name is Luna" event in a way.
Luna being taken was where it all spiraled out of control and Luna and Cordia's relationship took a turn for the worse over the years, and with "Portend" event Wilfred pointing out each of girl's issues, kinda feels like a good fit (to me) this should kick off season 2 (though Hopes may have other plans) and another partial closure I'd imagine for Luna.
Not to mention we'll likely go more in-depth with Luna & Cordia in terms of their emotions, and this event will serve to unlock Cordia path, feels like hitting three birds with one stone

Frenetico as endgame content? Hmmm....... I think that would depend on how many Frenetico Tournament Hopes is planning to hold within the game I think.
Cause iirc, Hopes said there will be different levels to Frenetico Tournament; Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced.

If the Tournament is a "one and done" event, then I agree that it's probably best to have it as part of end game where MC is much higher in ranks in the Family.
But if Hopes somehow plans to hold this event more than once (e.g. MC participates the Frenetico Beginners Tournament now, and much later down the line participates again, next time in the Advanced Tournament?) I can see it sort of working (though in the end, it's gonna be up to Hopes as to how many times the tournament is implemented).

Though in hindsight, I probably should have specified it a bit more in terms of Frenetico Tournament in the original post (oh well...).

Second unofficial soldier would probably be at my bottom as well.
Having said that, I guess I'm willing to be surprised, hehe.
Last edited:


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
As I tend to agree with Cartageno here, I also say the next story we need is Nr. 7.

For the whole a new unofficial soldier, who do you want?

I think Lelianna would be a nice fit, as she is already introduce and so. Or the one with the beard, the one that slips my mind every time I try...:whistle:
Heh, not sure Lady Cordia and Uncle Wilfred will appreciate us snatching their Elite Soldatos (Lelianna, Joey) from the Family, but I wonder if any would be down for some moonlighting (I guess Eiza already does that in a way) :whistle:
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Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
Mmm, you made this one very hard hahaha.

There are some in that list that i really want to play, like M6 plot, MC mother, more about Serpeants, Luna and Cordia, etc. But it will depend on how the S2 develops and how the S1 ends. But you only want one, and the FIRST that we want, so ill try to choose: 2- The Frenetico Tournament.

Because i believe that in S2 we will have a MC more developed (in term of skills) and it will be a good start to see a tournament so we can compare skills to understand how skilled MC is, and then it will have more sense if in S2 we make great achievments.

But, i need to ask. What about you?
Haha thanks.
And yeah, not gonna lie. I actually put a bit of thought into compiling these ten choices and made them intentionally hard (didn't want people to have it easy and wanted them to think about their answer heh)

My Top 2:

1) 9. Luna & Cordia's reconciliation
2) 7. Gracie & "The Woods" blackout

But Frenetico Tournament I'd actually have it in my Top 5, especially if Hopes decides to have it more than once (the reason same as one given to Cartageno above)
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Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
It's been a while since last time I was here. How is Hope? How is everyone?
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Oh you know, the same as usual, just chillin, relaxing and being naughty along the way! :ROFLMAO:

Regarding update, well here's what Hopes said about upcoming v0.08:

Content of the game is finished.
Proofreading is done.
Waiting for coding to be done by the coder. I don't want to hurry him as bug sucks.


Apr 18, 2021
Haha thanks.
And yeah, not gonna lie. I actually put a bit of thought into compiling these ten choices and made them intentionally hard (didn't want people to have it easy and wanted them to think about their answer heh)

My Top 2:

1) 9. Luna & Cordia's reconciliation
2) 7. Gracie & "The Woods" blackout

But Frenetico Tournament I'd actually have it in my Top 5, especially if Hopes decides to have it more than once (the reason same as one given to Cartageno above)
If 9 happens i think it will be related to M6 plot development that make that happen. But here resides my bigger fear, because i think that Hopes will make an amazing enemy in M6 that i will probably really like (Wilfred style) and even hating M6 because they hurt Luna i will have a hard time if i love the M6 enemies too.

About 7, i liked Gracie but i was more into the other characters. The way that Luna lives with her trauma was more intense (the bed, the M6 things that she say, the violence) and made me want to really know "why", but with Gracie it was more subtle. But i know that I will be into this plot too after seeing more content (probably in the next update).

But yeah, we all need Cordia hugging Luna.
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Cabin Fever

Engaged Member
Nov 23, 2018
So, if you choose one of the other Deluca's girls, who would be?

- Amita and/or Amata: They are beatiful, sexy, feisty and gives all the 'blessings' of the lord to protect our poor MC! :love::love::love::love:
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- Elita: She is blonde, sexy as hell and help our MC to get his reward with Mr. High Five! :love::love::love:
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- Onorina: Redhead, beautiful, uptight, badass bitch! :love::love::love:
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- Caterina: Sexy, deadly, hotheaded, fierce and loyal to our donna! :love::love::love:
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- Lelliana: She helps our poor MC on contracts and I love her purple hair and her badass Matrix style! :love:
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- Alda: We don't know much about her, but I would love to! :love::love:
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Strictly from a storytelling point of view, I'd love to see how MC would get it on with that snobbish Onorina.

Inspired by Cartageno, here's another distraction:

In season 2 of the game, which one of the following 10 events would you like to experience first?

1. A visit to the Kaskar Family mansion.
A chance to see Jalen's family, with Charvi, Aunt Layla and other Kaskar Family members! Chance to see how the most gruesome family operates in comparison to DeLucas, what sort of environment MC lived in growing up.

2. The Frenetico Tournament
Climbing up the ladder tournament which may have rules, or be "free for all" depends on the game. Competing against Luna and several other DeLuca soliders and other Family members, exciting is it not?

3. Third Serpent Cynthia's reveal appearance
The 4 Serpents. The most powerful soldiers of DeLuca Family with legendary feats. She's been teased and referred by other characters (like Gracie) in events here and there. Wouldn't ya wanna meet her?

4. MC's second "unofficial soldier"
MC is Eiza's "unofficial boss." There will be more who will be his unofficial soldier after her. Are you not curious as to who that could be?

5. Luna's reunion with her old Mysterious 6 captive friends
Always a heavy story to look back on which really pulls at one's heartstrings, the fates of Gaia, Viola & Laura are still up in the air (since only Sofia really died). What would go down when Luna sees any of her old "sisters" again?

6. MC's reunion with his mom, Rina
Rina, another character referred to occasionally by "Serpent" & Cordia and having troubled past with her son, the MC.
What really went down that made her relationship with her son spiral out of control?

7. Gracie & "The Woods" blackout
Something terrible happened in the woods that everyone keeps "hush hush" about not letting Gracie know. What dark secrets could possibly lie beneath in what happened all those years ago?

8. Antonio's Netori arc resolution
Won't apply to those who chose to be only friends with Isabel, but for those who chose the Netori path, what will happen when Antonio finds out about what his wife and MC are doing behind his back?

9. Luna & Cordia's reconciliation
There has been a deep rift between Luna & Cordia with so much that has happened between them. Will they be able to forgive each other and embrace as mother and daughter like they did before? And what part will MC play in it?

10. Wilfred's favor
Very early in the game, if MC decides to help Luna with getting her knife back, he ends up owing a favor to Wilfred.
How will Wilfred collect that debt? What will be the price?

Must admit, I'm really intrigued to see how everyone will vote.
Remember, as I said in the beginning, you can only pick one (all these 10 events we'll eventually find out, it's just the matter of which you wish to see first).

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8 & 9 would require some story buildup first so they wouldn't make sense to be first of season 2.

5 might be too heavy to start off a season too.

I think 1 would be a good starting point for season 2. Seeing Luna & Gracie's reaction to Charvi could be a fun one, especially if Charvi has some sort of an old crush on MC.


The Godfather
Game Developer
Dec 21, 2017
I look forward to a bit about the Melfi Family. Some members from the Tradimano Family.

Season 2 I will probably want to start with a bit more exposure on the big fives meetings and also their off springs.
In the end the new era is not going to be paved by the old generation but the young ones. So having them all meet at once to give an idea who Mc's future alliances and enemies (and frenmies) are going to be.

Rina arc is more a sideevent. Something that will run beside some main arc stories.
Dunno if kaskar is side or main yet. Like a dedicated arc.


Apr 18, 2021
I look forward to a bit about the Melfi Family. Some members from the Tradimano Family.

Season 2 I will probably want to start with a bit more exposure on the big fives meetings and also their off springs.
In the end the new era is not going to be paved by the old generation but the young ones. So having them all meet at once to give an idea who Mc's future alliances and enemies (and frenmies) are going to be.

Rina arc is more a sideevent. Something that will run beside some main arc stories.
Dunno if kaskar is side or main yet. Like a dedicated arc.
We really appreciate all the effort you are always doing to make this awesome VN and interesting plot. So I want to repeat what i always say: thank you for choosing to make this VN.

Cabin Fever

Engaged Member
Nov 23, 2018
I look forward to a bit about the Melfi Family. Some members from the Tradimano Family.

Season 2 I will probably want to start with a bit more exposure on the big fives meetings and also their off springs.
In the end the new era is not going to be paved by the old generation but the young ones. So having them all meet at once to give an idea who Mc's future alliances and enemies (and frenmies) are going to be.

Rina arc is more a sideevent. Something that will run beside some main arc stories.
Dunno if kaskar is side or main yet. Like a dedicated arc.
I don't recall seeing a definitive list of the big 5. Is there one?


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
I don't recall seeing a definitive list of the big 5. Is there one?
The other 4 families weren't specifically mentioned by name in the game yet (so far, DeLuca is the only Family we know out of the Big 5), so no list yet.

But I assume we'll know when the Lore section comes in the next update after v0.08.


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
With Luna being my favorite character, I really loved the fanart by Dumitas & really wanted a fan sig of that.
So I made a request, and the 2 masters in art Lady Aspen & Gorse took that request on and produced wonderful looking fan sigs.

Thought it was only fair that they get shared around:

1) Luna sig version by Lady Aspen (she's done lovely fan sigs for so many games, a true veteran & a master, and needs no introduction!):



2) Luna sig version by Gorse (I've only recently gotten to know his work through the game A Father's Sins [my other Tilly fansig I have is his work], but the dude's insanely talented! And this Luna sig is no exception!)



p.s. Gorse, just to let you know, in the future I might request to you directly for a fan sig work with "The Four Serpents" (something very similar to the three Warrior Sisters group fan sig you did for A Fathers Sins, panning out, but in noir style). Only reason why I'm saying it as "future" is because out of the four, two of the Serpents haven't been introduced in the game yet! :LOL:


The Godfather
Game Developer
Dec 21, 2017
I don't recall seeing a definitive list of the big 5. Is there one?
Like JJJ84 said, it hasn't been mentioned yet.
Tho, I can say it now:

The old big fives (before the big war that changed the system)

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Current big fives:

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Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
Like JJJ84 said, it hasn't been mentioned yet.
Tho, I can say it now:

The old big fives (before the big war that changed the system)

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Current big fives:

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We gonna see each of these Big Five's history (and perhaps their customs, i.e. how each Family's Don managed/manages their Family) in detail and their sigils in the upcoming lore section?

Still a little bit puzzled as to what will be included in the Lore section, and what won't be included.


The Godfather
Game Developer
Dec 21, 2017
We gonna see each of these Big Five's history (and perhaps their customs, i.e. how each Family's Don manages their Family) in detail and their sigils in the upcoming lore section?

Still a little bit puzzled as to what will be included in the Lore section, and what won't be included.
Best way to show it is to show you one of the Families that I've written the lore for.
This is the non proofread and one of the character may have a name change actually.

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This is one of the longer lores. Some other Families lore sections can be shorter.
It is not always the same style of lore either. Some have a bigger details on past events while others it is mostly focused on the family itself.

Goal is to make the Families feel alive with their background and it makes it feels a bit more unique when we then get to meet, for example, Eleonora Melfi or any of the other current Melfi members.
Sometimes we also get to meet some of the older generation members that only people that really likes to read the lore will be like "wait isn't that..."

I feel like this is a good medium for time versus efficiency style of lore.
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