After playing through the Luna event in this update I realized how janky/weird sounding the grammar can be in this game. Not bad(I think everything is grammatically correct, but some sentences flow in an unnatural sounding way which throws off my immersion for a few seconds), but there's definitely more to be improved on.
Also, why does the dialogue keep switching between contracted and not contracted form? It's disorienting.
Also, why is the MC so formal when talking to Gracie? Example: "Why're you not wearing a bra?" vs "Why aren't you wearing a bra?" And yes, i do know that aren't means "are not" when not contracted, but it's been agreed upon by multiple scholars that it is still grammaticaly correct).
I'm no grammar expert though, so I might be missing something here. Maybe this is just the speech patterns the MC has grown up with and I'm just pointing out things that are designed to be a certain way.