I don't know why I have to repeat this, but she's still his mom. It's one thing to give them something that makes them go to sleep and never wake up(at least, you would think that, it's actually extremely painful) and another thing entirely to gut them like a fish. You are ingoring the psychological component. If she wanted a random stranger dead it would no doubt be as easy as you say but if you actually care about them and are trying to make their death as easy on them as possible(as poisoning would suggest, and otherwise she would've stabbed in the eye or shot him in the face). Couple that with someone who cares for him and does everything in their power to keep them out of your reach(and given the way Jalen talks about it, it certainly sounds like he spent oodles of time with Jalen, pops and Jalen's sister) then it becomes much more difficult unless you're willing to stab them in eye or shoot them in the face, and she would have if she wanted.
Otherwise she would've needed to be clairvoyant and know that know he needed a tolerance for that poison to survive a decade later, which is really a ridiculous theory.
Okay human psychology, other than crime, that is something I know a lot about, so here is my take.
If a mother made the decision to take her childs life, that decision, if the attempt failed, becomes an all encompassing need to justify the first attempt. It is virtually impossible to stop on ones own accord, because it would be at the very core of that person. And for someone like Rina who has been around death for such a long time and who earned the nickname "red" because she was the most ruthless and brutal of the serpents, once she would have made that decision, knowing all the ins and outs, she would not reverse that decision. A murder-suicide resolution would be infinitely more likely than she just saying "oh well, didn't work, so be it." She would probably alter her method, a srynge while the MC is sleeping or something, but I have zero doubt, that if Rina wanted to kill the MC to spare him, he would be dead now, that's just not a decision you back down from.
Another huge point is, that if the decision is made, you don't short change on dosage, the opposite is true, you overdose by several factors, as an example: if 2 kills, they go for 6 or more.
Wouldn't know. They moved to the boonies a few years later and I never saw him again. Which really sucked.
That really does suck, but life is one big circle, maybe you two run into eachother again.
How big do you think a crew is? Generally 5-10. Let's say 10 so 150 total. You think earmarking 2/3 of your forces to guard a building for 2+ weeks is reasonable and won't have a severe negative impact on your business? If I was your enemy I would hope you do something that stupid. Now that all your warehouses are down 2 guards at most I would strike them all and wipe out or steal all of your products and cripple your organisation. And that doesn't even consider how much attention 100 soldiers standing around a building would draw, both from their enemies and from law enforcement. Your plan is not realisitically feasible.

We are really not getting that one right. 2-3 to cover all entry points, out of sight. The 100 is on me, I ment that Cordia could sent a hundred, and even that was just a random number, if a call for backup would happen. Still totally on me, you just replied to what I said.
As to the total number of the Deluca family, I really don't know, it would depend in large parts on how much of the Family we have already seen.