Thanks for detailed answers to my questions! Here are some more if you don't mind (Guess I'm very inquisitive

1) Are there any plans for updates to the girls scenes in the bathroom when MC peaks on them (like how Luna and Gracie's portraits change when MC's relationship with them evolves)?
2) What are your thoughts on a "Scene Gallery"? (not just for steamy sex/lewd scenes, but the game has quite a number of memorable scenes such as MC's Date with Luna, Gracie and MC's trip to town, Gottardo and "Serpent"'s introduction scene, Cordia catching MC sneaking in her office, and many others).
For iconic scenes, Scene Gallery might be a good idea it anyone wants to rewatch those scenes after seeing them for the first time (if that's something you're considering, might also be good idea to include those girls "Sweaty Dream" scenes in gallery too).
3) I hope we get some more flashbacks (Cordia's "Blizzard Queen" era) in the future updates - so far, we've been teased with snippets of them (mention in passing by Cordia, "Serpent" & Giacobbe), but I'm intrigued to know more about what actually happened with the previous 4 Serpents (Cordia, MC's mom Rina etc)
4) You've said "expect something darker but in-depth with Luna update." Which I'm looking forward to. Could we expect something like that with MC's possible future event with Rina (his mom) as well (event hinted by "Serpent")? Perhaps something dark (with painful memories with MC in his dark period), in-depth, and very emotional?
5) "Pops" Kaskar & Cordia DeLuca. The likelihood of these 2 characters meeting in the future (whether to discuss about MC, or other possible mafia related matters), would you say possible, or unlikely?
6) Could a visit to the Kaskar Family mansion by MC (and possibly Luna and Gracie in a tag along) be on the cards, with future "Charvi Kaskar" event hinted by Jalen?
7) Any updates possible for Wilfred and Antonio portraits (nothing weird, with them fully clothed obviously. Hope people don't mistake my intention with this lol

, but perhaps being in a different pose/stance when their friendship/respect for MC increases)?
Keep up the great work!!