See it would be a problem if this was The Promise or Indecent Desires and a few others theres no story progression nothing in those games just put one leg up jump 50x twirl and do it again pointless bs, but this game has substance even with the lack of content the game is good enough to hold it's own without it being a bore you can check the thread if you like and you'll see not many complain about lack of content because it's a great game. Also I totally wholeheartedly disagree with the Devs making this raffle about allowing the winner to render their own scene that's a terrible idea trying to turn any of the women Delucas into some type of Smut just doesn't make any sense whatsoever. I hope those renders are put in as side stories like jobs you do for the Butler and not in the actual canon story of the game because let's be 100% here theres no way in hell you'd be able to train or turn out any of the Deluca Women it's just not possible and this is probably why Dev made this raffle he just couldn't bring himself to animating any of them in such an image and I totally agree with him.
Nothing wrong with a bonus render of any type for this game. There are many of them already made both by hopes and fan art. If you don't have time to look through the thread for them, have a look through the discord for them.
Rest assured that IF the render makes it into the game, (the contest doesn't say it will be used), then
HopesGaming will only use it when it fits into the story, so if the winner requests a lewd or even completely perverted render it won't be seen in game out of context.