I would not say it is an 'absolutely' synonm for pornography but it is however very much linked together.
But many other non pornogeraphic movies are called adult. Game of Thrones is called an adult movie. But not much pornographic focus on that series.
- Adult is defined as grown up or something intended for a mature audience or of a mature nature.
A film that is rated NC-17 is an example of an adult movie.
But, it is true. Adult is very much linked to something sexual. BUT no one is saying anything different. What is being said is that the FOCUS (main theme) is not necessarily on the porn. An adult movie is about how explicit the scenes can be.
This I
heavily disagree with. If this was a 0.01 release with zero information out there- yes, I would've agreed.
But reading the reviews, comments, OP, Faq,
tags, my patreon front page, etc. and you will
clearly get an idea that this is an adult game where the focus is not on the sex. So when someone blindly downloads my game and expect it to be how
they want it to be instead of reading what it actually is- then no, I will never agree with those statements. It's their fault 100% and I will always have a dislike for those kinds of people.
Some of them are, while other of them are extremely toxic due to the lack of porn.
And the phone analogy does not make sense as you are making it
clear that it is a phone shop (porn game) that does not sell phones (porn). Which is a ridiculous analogy.
A better analogy would be; ice cream shop (18+ shop) now some shops sell only vanilla (pure porn) and another shop only sells chocolate (adult game). They both sell ice cream but it is about
Now, an
entitled brat enters the chocolate shop and demands it to sell vanilla. Even though there is a huge banner outside that clearly says 'CHOCOLATE ONLY SHOP'. Yet the brat is stomping his feet and yelling, going to shop sites to give it a low review, and even going as far as attacking the people that like the chocolate shop because there is no vanilla flavor.
Can you see the difference?
I would say 100 times
yes. As mentioned above. I have done everything to make sure to tell people what this game is. F95zone has done everything on their part to tell what this game is (reviews, comments, TAGS)
If all of those things are not enough- what is? Why even have any informational stuff if we base our whole life on baseless expectations.
This is not a porn site. This is an adult site. I don't agree that these two things are the same.
Notice how some games have the 'no sex' tag. (can't remember the name of the tag)
Why would the site have tags that say no sex when it is supposedly a pure porn site? Because it isn't. It is about the 18+ stuff. All of that can be softcore all the way to hardcore. It can be a story with only nudity and gore while it can be a game of no story but pure fuckfeast. (and both styles are perfectly fine)
Point is, let the owner of the site be the ones that determine what the site is for.
Because it would be stupid to go to each thread and write "This is a porn game, lot's of sex."
And then another thread "This is not a porn game, lot's of story"
That's why they have the tags. It's in the op. It clearly shows the current sexual stuff in the game.
So even if they ignore the reviews and the comments. There is still the tags and the faq in the main op. That should be enough. There is a limit to how much handholding there can be done. (Which is where we go back to- yes it's their own fault for being 'misled')
To end with, I respect your opinion, Drake, and please do not see it in any way or form an attack against you.
I just heavily disagree with what you're saying and will always detest those people.
One thing is disliking the game and the story. That is fine.
But acting like I am in the wrong for doing the game the way I want to do. Telling me that the site is supposed to be like this and that. How they were being misled?
B*, please. I do whatever I want. (Targeted at the entitled brats not you, Drake)