Your feelings are correct. Having multiple paths for this kind of games is simply insanity for a one-man job. I always try to make the game as unique as possible, but at the same time not overpromise nor overextend in a way that will hurt the game down the line.
Different paths mean I have to make content for 2-3+ different routes. Which means less content for someone on a specific route.
I rather have the game feel *full* without it ending up feeling *lacking* and forced to replay.
Now that does not mean that the choices are just there for the fun of it.
ALL the choices have some purpose.
Either it's for information like when you talk to Wilfred about the town. Affection choices with the characters or choices that affect the mcs stats.
The stats so far are:
Dispassion: audio vs camera, sacrifice or not, save merc or not, say deserved or not etc.
Example of how it can affect the gameplay;
Future story section in which you need to kill a guy. Shoot at the head and get it over with or with higher dispassion stats --> Slowly cut his throat and make him bleed out.
Lower dispassion opens up for different scenes too.
Then there are personality stats:
The park scene with Luna and her desire for ice cream. Did not only add it for comedy reasons but actually the first time in which these stats can be affected. 3 options to how to answer the two bonans. Either the calm and collected, angry or the crazy fairy way.
That will change some scenes automatically in the future. Example how will the mc react to some of his soldiers on failed missions etc. Calm and collected? Angry and pissed with his subordinates or the crazy style.
Choices do not change any stories significantly or make it branch out but will change how it affects some scenes and gameplay.
There will be side stories that can be branched out with different outcomes.