Only if the have the same father..
But MC don't know who his father is..
Do you think you really know who his mother is ?
Can't it be that she tried to kill him, not because the situation was difficult, but because this kid, brought to her by a now lost supposed lover, was the reason why the situation was difficult ? Can't it be that the said supposed lover disappeared not because he didn't cared about his son, but because he cared about him ? Can't it be that it's yet another reason for his supposed mother to hate him enough to try killing him ?
We are talking about mafia here. A world which don't know mercy, but know about strong loyalty. A world where, whatever can be your age, being "the son of", can be by itself the fault that will lead you to the grave ; this especially if you aren't just "the son of", but in fact "the son of ... and the wrong person".
The only thing we know for sure is that his father worked for the DeLuca, and was known by Lady Deluca ; known enough for her to see him in his son, but not because of his appearance, because of his personality.
And if you want to know who his father is, I don't know... Personally I would start by talking to the guy who really look like he's one of the most trustworthy member of the family, and in the same time really look like he know for sure that he absolutely shouldn't be here.
This said, well, this is just my thoughts. I'm just someone thinking aloud. Someone that played too much "connect the dots". Someone that can be right as well as he can be wrong. But one thing is sure. Don't trust what you think you know.
Wilfried isn't just some kind of driver or Luna some kind of psycho ; well, yes, she is
but not only. Don't assume that, because he drive slowly and act like he's now too old to care, Wilfried can't kill you before you had the time to blink, just because you said the wrong word. Remember why you ended going with the girls during their
yes, it's a mission punishment. Would have Wilfried reported your words accurately, that Lady DeLuca would have took another decision.
In the world of mafia, appearances are as important than gun power ; and cheating with the appearances even more important.
In this game, you only know what is explicitly said to you. But there's a problem, you can't trust what is said to you...