
Engaged Member
Feb 25, 2017
Ok, I'll put an end to this " stone " thing. hahaha.I might have been too harsh using this word. Sorry about that. Let's change it to " disrespected " :)


Chasing Redhead sm0ls
Jun 2, 2017
For the record I welcome facepalms. I take them as middle school likes :)

I do give facepalms for questions repeated ad nauseum. It just gets so old.

But I don't think they should be interpreted as malicious, that is most often shit people post that gets deleted anyway.

Looking forward to this still. I have been replaying a couple other games that released this past month so I do not feel the edge of pain from waiting on this one.

(I wish I could LOL at the reactions sometimes. Thanks WhiteyG )


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
It all depends on what the 'criticism' is and very much how it is being said.

For some 'fucking scammer dev is purposely not working on the game' is a valid criticism.
For me and many others - it is not.

Stuff like 'is the next update going to take as long? Why are the update take so long?"
Then the common answer is "hobby game, new code change, etc."
Sometimes they ask it literally one post below someone who just got it answered and people can get annoyed with that.
I ofc just say that it is a hobby but will always aim to improve that part.

And circling back.
Dude: 'This game must have sex now!'
Me: 'No. Don't wanna.'
Dude: 'Can't take criticism!'

So, yeah. I think it is overall the idea of what is criticism and what is just annoying self-entitlement that many seems to get wrong.
Problem is, with some of these people, their "criticism" is more often than not isn't constructive at all, and it turns in most cases "I demand this XYZ and you're not giving it to me!" Your Filius event portrayed those situations like hitting a nail on its head lol.

I have plenty of questions to ask you, but for now I'll just ask one:

1) Regarding Lore, I remember you mentioning around the time when you were still finishing off Isabel's events, that there will be a Lore Section added in the main menu of the game.
Any chance you'll add that section sometime between now and the next normal update (so it's basically a lore section addition only update), or is it still the plan for lore to be added alongside the next freeroam or story update?

Love the history, backstory of the conflicts between the Families and the characters, so I just wanted to ask.
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Active Member
Sep 30, 2020
Can't speak for others and I sure sometimes also have a short fuse, but I don't get offendend and agressive over normal dispute. Your hear me?!:ROFLMAO:
So write down your opinion and be active, the more the merrier.

PS: I try to keep Floaty off your back.;)
Exactly the more the merrier. It's fairly friendly thread that's been my experience anyway, and we'll try and keep HornyyPussy on his meds.

:ROFLMAO: You're welcome jaw1986baby anytime.
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The Godfather
Game Developer
Dec 21, 2017
Problem is, with some of these people, their "criticism" is more often than not isn't constructive at all, and it turns in most cases "I demand this XYZ and you're not giving it to me!" Your Filius event portrayed those situations like hitting a nail on its head lol.

I have plenty of questions to ask you, but for now I'll just ask one:

1) Regarding Lore, I remember you mentioning around the time when you were still finishing off Isabel's events, that there will be a Lore Section added in the main menu of the game.
Add chance you'll add that section sometime between now and the next normal update (so it's basically a lore section addition only update), or is it still the plan for lore to be added alongside the next freeroam or story update?

Love the history, backstory of the conflicts between the Families and the characters, so I just wanted to ask.
The lore will probably be added in between the one that will be released in a few days and the next one.
Had to priorities the lore section a bit down due to all the new things.


Message Maven
Apr 26, 2020
Exactly the more the merrier. It's fairly friendly thread that's been my experience anyway, and we'll try and keep HornyyPussy on his meds.

psst C3PO it's off his back not of his back.
I'd take offense to that if i cared..........

But i couldn't have said it any better than Hopes did earlier about the "hostility" in this thread. Constructive criticism is always welcome.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 4, 2019
I'm excited to see a new update. I have been a Patron in the past and for good reason...it's a really great game. I personally just want a great story and any good "adult" content is just a bonus to me. This is also definitely one of the games that inspired me to try game development too so I am very happy to see a new update is coming! :)


Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
Also, we haven't had a decent facepalming session in what feels like weeks ... ;)

I think one major problem with discussion forums is an inherent bias. I mean, there's loads of games here which are just objectively incredibly bad (the technical term I think is "do not hit all of my personal sweet spots"). So I ignore them and their respective threads and focus on those of games I am interested in. So most people on this thread will see the game more favorably than the average conoisseur of perversions.

But yeah, flaws can be pointed out and questions need to be allowed to be asked without hostility from the resident White Knight Light Brigade (at this point I am ever so incospiciously and proudly pointing at my badge of the very same, three stars on it under a laurel leaf). And also the dev. And indeed it doesn't always happen. Since I do not know any of the threads mentioned earlier, I can only talk of this one. Here, sometimes criticism comes in a not very constructive way. Especially when people obviously are infatuated with a game but it doesn't update quickly enough, content isn't enough, or the story took a wrong turn and focussed on the wrong character. They tend to talk everything of the game down, not only the part they dislike, and that gets harsh criticism, and they tend to personally attack others who like this shit.

And that's when sometimes people go overboard with defending against valid criticism. It doesn't have to be correct criticism, just valid, i. e. making a point and explaining it. Then, when I disagree, I can defend the game. But I must change my tone from the one used towards the trolls and other insufferable excuses for the human race, that is true. However, the general trend seems to be - unfortunately - to take any criticism and/or disagreement personal.


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
Every thread here belong to everyone. Not a portion of pplz who think they hold the absolute truth. Never thought I'd say that, but sometimes, I think I understand the dude who created multiple accounts to shitpost everywhere. This was probably a member who got tired of being tossed around by those pplz. When you think about it, he didn't choose his targets on a whim.
Well, what you're saying would be correct, only if the dude who created multiple accounts didn't start off by saying "Hopes is a milker" and then proceeded to try to convince others on the thread (yet failing miserably :ROFLMAO:) that he holds the absolute truth (even moreso than Hopes himself :ROFLMAO::LOL:).
And when members started calling him out (which is pretty natural thing to do, for spreading lies) and reporting him, he kept making new accounts and coming back.
So sure, he didn't choose his targets on a whim, but as the saying goes, you reap what you sow (basically consequences of him spreading lies and attacking Hopes' character on this thread).
Plus noone even knew about that guy before he started posting those comments about Hopes.

I'd take offense to that if i cared..........

But i couldn't have said it any better than Hopes did earlier about the "hostility" in this thread. Constructive criticism is always welcome.
Yeah, Constructive Criticism I don't think anyone minds on this thread, and takes it all with no problem. But more often than not, it's not constructive criticism, but unreasonable demands, and trolling which comes.
And so many types of idiocy that Hopes has dealt with regarding them.
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Message Maven
Apr 26, 2020
Well, what you're saying would be correct, only if the dude who created multiple accounts didn't start off by saying "Hopes is a milker" and then proceeded to try to convince others on the thread (yet failing miserably :ROFLMAO:) that he holds the absolute truth (even moreso than Hopes himself :ROFLMAO::LOL:).
And when members who started calling him out (which is pretty natural thing to do, for spreading lies) and reporting him, he kept making new accounts and coming back.
So sure, he didn't choose his targets on a whim, but as the saying goes, you reap what you sow (basically consequences of him spreading lies and attacking Hopes' character on this thread).
Plus noone even knew about that guy before he started posting those comments about Hopes.

Yeah, Constructive Criticism I don't think anyone minds on this thread, and takes it all with no problem. But more often than not, it's not constructive criticism, but unreasonable demands, and trolling which comes.
And so many types of idiocy that Hopes has dealt with regarding them.
All very VERY true....


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2020
Wow, After reading the recent messages in this thread, I can say why I Love this thread, cuz it is really Friendly, Everyone's opinion is Respected , And the most important one... Our Dev HopesGaming interacts with us and sometimes even Joke too:LOL:and very Hilariously teases us about the Updates. Really One of the Best Threads I have ever watched/read on this website.
Keep This Up(y).

Deleted member 2237523

Just play this a month ago, I hesitate before because not too interested in mafia theme, turn out deluca have the best story off all avn i have played until now. I'm excited for the upcoming update :geek:


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
Let's say the things the way they are. Bad criticism in this thread comes mainly in two forms:

1) Why are there no sex scenes still?
2) Why is update taking so long?

For the first one, people cannot have any right. A visual novel is, after all, a piece of art. This project is not funded by a Mecenas asking their artist what they want. This project is funded by donations. Provided that Hopes sets promises he always kept, people are not free to demand the story takes any form.
The typical example you can see in this forum is a developer saying there will be no NTR and later including something like that and then some supporters claiming they were lied to, case that most of the time is simply a consequence of not explicitly defining NTR in the first place and each side understanding something different
As far as I know, Hopes have not promised anything in terms of artistic traits that were outright lies, so if he wants to take until the very last scene for sex scenes all should be good.

For the second complain, and I said this as someone that has happily given the full price of Cyberpunk 2077 to this project, this is more of a complex issue but POTENTIALLY JUSTIFIED. First, as long as I have been following this project, Hopes made it clear that it was a side project to his main job. BUT at the same time, the development speed has been bad last year at least. I do hope that this is mainly due to change in code.
Let's see numbers. Last update was last week of July. However, that update was simply finishing things from the previous update, that happened last days of March. So all together, last year there was a single update, if you will, which was Isabel's. This is one of the free roaming updates which are supposed to be the fastest one. Before that, the previous update was around November.
I honestly cannot say that this development cycle is good. And while I understands things happen (I support Summer's Gone which had had only one update in a whole year), I am expecting a faster development cycle in the future. I am not saying monthly or even bimonthly updates, which would be great, but I would like to have at least 3/4 updates per year.

Having said all that, the main issue with the criticism you find in this thread is that of entitles bitches that demand stuff they get for free in a pirate forum. Their argument are always around this:

1) Dude, you are a fucking milker, you are supported by a bunch of idiots you take advantage of
2) Your story is total crap, written in a stupid way, your characters are totally stupid, they make no sense bla bla bla, So why does it take you so long?
3) This is porn game, 3 years and no sex story? This is stupid.

About 1, they claim dev is milking and taking advantages of the supporters. But it is the supporters decision to support the project. So all in all, people are giving their consent. Then this guy take hopes work and supporter's money for granted and demand stuff to be done faster. How is that not taking advantage of supporters and development alike? Who the fuck do they think they are to demand what people do with their own time? Besides, supporters are not mindless hypnotized idiots following a herd. If this little guy can figure out a developer is milking, supporters can too. So who the fuck do they think they are to come and "open your eyes". It is obvious a way to put pressure in the developer to work faster, not because they care about those supporters "that are being taken advantage", but because they want more content. In the end, those assholes calling milker all the time, are the first one to freely download the content when the game is update, not even waiting for supporters "exclusivity time". After all, they are stupid, so fuck them, right?

About 2, if you really believe everything is so bad and beyond all repair, why even take the time to go to the forum and complain? I only make constructive criticism when I like something. If something is crap, I will not lose time to try and improve it. It can go to the garbage dump for all I care. So my mindset has always been that if something is taking time to give you feedback it is because they want the project to become the best there is.
While there are those that simply want to go and claim that everything is total crap, I strongly believe those that do that are simply unhappy because the game took a turn they dislike. "why is heroine x not a virgin? don't you know that she is 25 years old and should have saved her hymen for her daddy? are you stupid or what?"

About 3, well, not much to say given that they should have understood from the beginning, story first, lewd second. In the end, this is strongly related to the second item.

So those are my thoughts on the matter. Constructive criticism is always welcome, as I said, it shows you care about something. Otherwise, why bother? but acting like an entitled bitch is not constructive criticism.

IMPORTANTLY: I don't mind facepalms at all. But if you think that what I am saying is stupid or wrong, facepalm me but explain me the fault in my reasoning. I have no problem saying I was mistaken and say sorry if i ended up being wrong. And I am always welcoming the chance to learn and improve. So please, let me know where my logic or opinion is wrong.
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Forum Fanatic
Jan 3, 2018
About 3, well, not much to say given that they should have understood from the beginning, story first, lewd second. In the end, this is strongly related to the second item.
Well said on all.
The problem above comes to pass precisely as you said.
Not because the dev failed to do something, but because the people complaining did not bother to understand what they, themselves, should have done.
The very information that invalidates their complaint.
Problem with trolls is that they simply shift goalposts.
The people complaining that a game is released late, will be the same people at the top of the list complaining if the game is released on time, but with bugs.
Then they will be saying that the dev should have delayed to fix the bugs, first.

Instead of managing their own expectation and recognising that they are not entitled to imaginary promises, that were never actually made, they look for things to complain about &, if they can't find them, they invent them.
Sad existence.


Forum Fanatic
Jan 3, 2018
Yeah and I know who you are talking about. I just hate that behavior. They act as if the thread belongs to them and monopolize every damn discussion/debate. It's really frustrating. If you go against their theories/ideas/points/whatever, you are going to face a hard time. And Staff members/mods don't do anything about that.

Every thread here belong to everyone. Not a portion of pplz who think they hold the absolute truth. Never thought I'd say that, but sometimes, I think I understand the dude who created multiple accounts to shitpost everywhere. This was probably a member who got tired of being tossed around by those pplz. When you think about it, he didn't choose his targets on a whim.
The only things that have ever been shot down, are those which are directly contrary to established facts.
People claiming that the dev is milking, that he "promised X", game doesn't do what they want it to, etc.
If people make claims which are contrary to facts, it's generally accepted that people will present those facts, to establish truth over unsubstantiated opinion, formed from a poorly judged sense of entitlement.

Constructive equates to here is why I think the game is not done well, this is how it could be done better.
What the troll types post here is destructive, bashing the game, the dev & anyone who likes the game. This is not constructive.
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