[/start rant at impatient people]
If someone offered you $50 to fuck you in the ass, someone else offered you $0 to fuck you in the ass and Luna stood behind you with a double barreled shotgun and said she'd unload both barrels up your ass if you didn't take a cock which would you chose?
Of course the paying customers get the goods first, penniless pirates like me and you have to wait for a nice person with money to upload the game here, and the people paying enough money to get the initial release want to play the game before uploading it.
Also, they are kinda like an extra set of testers who might find additional issues which would cause posts like, "WFT! 200 fucking years between updates, 10 years of fucking testing and there are still fucking bugs?!?!", and we get enough of those sort of posts already thank you.
[/end rant]
Hmm, the thought of Luna with a double barreled shotgun is getting me excited, where's my box of tissues?