I think the contract are improved, but are not yet faultless. I like to have different ways for a mission and, personal, don't that some stuff is state lokced or even have a bit of luck in it. Yet what I dislike is when some stuff could be missed, because we haven't the right states (or luck) first time.
Also for what I see, I can't argue with others that doesn't seem this worth of 9 months waiting as I tend to agree with them on this.
Beside version 0.07 looks like it has a few bugs in it that seems for me to be rather big and thus a little suprised that they weren't catch during beta testing.
Yeah, it's the one time only things that are most frustrating.
I have a contract unlocked, let's try it out for the first time.
Oh, I just found that I don't have high enough stats for this encounter.
The only way to find this out, is to enter the encounter, which you fail.
Once the encounter is failed, it is gone from the game.
The book & the ring, on the 1st contract alone.
That's not good, in any way, shape or form.
The fact that Beta testers did not spot the glaringly obvious bugs, such as the ghost of Wilfred and the contract rejection not working, suggests that they need to do a much, much better job.
As the old expression goes: If you think it's expensive to hire professionals, wait until you hire amateurs.