Well, it's been over 30 years since I wrote any games in BASIC, so I guess I'm a bit rusty.
It does amuse me when people pretend to be professional game developers when they can't even use punctuation or provide a simple example of their work. I understand that NDA's prevent details being disclosed, but no game developer would ever refuse to point at a game and say "I made part of that". Even if it was an extremely bad game in their opinion, it could be used to show how much they have improved by pointing at a game they made and liked later on to show how they have improved.
I've never worked on a commercial piece of software, but I've coded, debugged, sworn at and threatened to murder the family of many millions of lines of code in many languages over the last 40 years, (yes I'm a old man), more than enough to know that although I could debug the volume of code in a project the size of this game in a few hours once I was familiar with it, I wouldn't have a clue where to start with the creative side of things.
Writing code is very easy, writing good code is harder, but having a reason to write the code in the first place is very hard. HopesGaming has infinitely more creativity than I do, and has quite openly admitted to having a limited skillset as far as that side of things is concerned. The creative side of things is by far the most important component in a game, code monkeys are 10-a-penny but people with a vision for a good game are not.
Anyone who thinks that 2 bug release in 2 weeks working on code that several other people wrote, (or getting the writers to debug their own sections of the code), has quite obviously never worked with code, (or code monkeys), before and can be happily ignored or made fun of by people with more than two brain cells.
Anyway, can we have a scene where one of the Dragons rides Floaty into battle next update please?