So, here's the odd thing.
I'm not generally into NTR options in games. Like, who really needs the masochism. Even if it is virtual masochism, the MC losing the girl(s) to even bigger jerks than himself
But with this game, for some reason, just not enough NTR available that I can see! Emily is really nicely done, plausibly created in her psychology, beautiful, voluptuous. She may have mental stability issues (not immediately obvious to me!) - if so, well ok, who's perfect, even in a game? So we (or I) need her to start shagging Alex (and maybe also Rhys?) as soon as she gets the chance. And why shouldn't Woody take Suzie away from the MC, if that's what she wants? Ms Lee clearly finds Mr George a perfect gentleman, as well as friendly, and sexually appealing without taking advantage of her. ~ Oh, and for good measure, Olivia (or Oliva, as she sometimes is ...!), she should be Jim Brie's girlfriend (and maybe still Woody's other gf?) behind the MC's back ...
And all this could be happening ASAP in the game. ...
But is hard to find so far (the only sex scenes I've noticed are 3 stills in a mini-gallery at the end of the game as it stands at present). Maddening!!
Okay, serious now. I'm not sure if the game is deliberately constructed to allow the MC to be a proper asshole (even if he doesn't take all the 100% Asshole options, there seems something self-satisfied, vain & creepily possessive about him...). So it would be fun if there are options for him to be tortured by the thought (and sight?) of every woman he desires choosing another man / other men. Edvard Munch's "Jealousy" .... x3
As far as I've seen, the game appears set up for the other guys in the game to work behind the MC's back, to outflank him - and for at least Olivia to be (very willingly) included in the grand paranoid conspiracy theory of his life....
So the sex-torture comedy possibilities for the game - as well as a stream of torrid sex scenes for all the characters except the MC - could be endless.
Maybe it's just the way I've played it has advanced the MC's paranoia. Being tempted by the MC's character deficiencies (see above) into giving him a hard time.
Ok, so just to add:
a) Yes, the English is a bit weird in places - fair enough, it often is in games (!), but
b) the set-up, concept, and most of the artwork/modelling are generally all very good, from what I've seen so far.
Well done and thanks, the Devs.
(... Now, let's get all those girls busy on all the guys except the MC!

One thing I miss so far in the game is: c) a woman in the "manager/boss" category. No, I don't mean a dominatrix. I mean professionally, in the business world where the game is set. Would be good if a rich Mrs Park made an entrance. Or if Brie's steady girlfriend (who he's cheating on, no doubt) appeared, and she was a senior executive in a rival firm.
Meaning: it's a pity if all the women are PAs, secretaries, etc. - reliant on the men for promotion, favours & assistance. It would be good to see at least one woman as a high-flyer, an achiever. Maybe Mrs Park or Jim's "other half" could take pity on the MC and hire him as a gigolo/escort? ...