Wow, looking like we might have a decent H sidescroller here, add it to the extremely short list, lol. Only played a couple levels because I don't want to spoil it all, but it's looking like it could be good. I hope there's enough gameplay time and H scenes, looks like there might be quite a few levels. That's what I'd worry about the most with a game this polished, they tend to be super short.
Nice character customization too. An h game allowing us to be flat chested without being a loli, what is this sorcery?!? That feature alone makes this a 1 in a million game, lmao. Flat chested lovers unite~ Finally, an H game dev that realizes that women can have small breasts. Butt and thigh slider too. With the uncensor, you can notice she even has a modeled anus. The game has it's own screenshot function/folder too, so professional.
And yeah, the dev wasn't lazy with the censors and the sex animations and genitals look good with the decensor and are properly lined up. That's rare as hell too.
...Gotta love all the people in the thread that don't know how easy games like this can be to decensor. More like we should be thanking the dev for there being something to look at with the censorship removed. Usually modders would have to create better textures themselves to not just see a rod jamming into the girl's pelvis with no pussy modeled, lol. Reminding me of what the Red Dragonfly games like Sangoku Musou looked like with the decensor....bleh. This is quite a step up from most 3d H games already in the hentai department.