It's pretty obvious the majority wants to see more sex animations. What should I focus on?

  • Missionary position for Sienna.

    Votes: 131 13.1%
  • Sakina (vampire girl) in any position.

    Votes: 330 33.0%
  • Missionary for Nasira.

    Votes: 40 4.0%
  • Add more clients and/or monsters.

    Votes: 456 45.6%
  • A different girl or something else? (Please post with details.)

    Votes: 43 4.3%

  • Total voters


I want to break free
Staff member
Apr 30, 2017
More of an extended hiatus due to extreme depression and other issues, but I know you have rules you have to go by so I understand.
My mistake, I had no realized you had an account here.

I'll make that On-Hold, hope you feel better soon and get back to working on the game (or not, just feel better is good enough).


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Okay I need some serious feedback.

I'm considering having a new artist take over the sex animations, but I want to get the style right first.

The one on the left is the new style. Please tell me what you do and don't like about it, as well as any suggestions on how it could be improved. Thanks so much and I would very much appreciate all feedback on it. :)


Mar 9, 2018
Looks good, just her butt seems a bit thicker than usual. Maybe tilt her head upwards to reinforce the petite point of view ? Hair looks much better on this new style too!
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Active Member
Nov 19, 2018
The head needs to be a bit bigger so the eyes can be more visual. She needs more lady-like butt and legs. Usually thicker butt and legs and not so protruding muscles. Perhaps the legs are a tad too long.
Edit: clarification pic:
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Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017

The head and neck issues didn't seem to go away, but otherwise it seems better.. I think? I'm not really sure. >.<


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
*Squints* I honestly can't tell the difference...
Could y'all blow them up and place them side-by-side so that we can compare them easier?
I mean, they all look fine to me though. ^^'


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Actually I was able to get Bebe to go over the new artist's version so they can see how to do it in that style. Hopefully it will help, but I have a feeling that there will be severe stylistic incompatibilities. Work a try though. :)


Apr 8, 2018
Actually I was able to get Bebe to go over the new artist's version so they can see how to do it in that style. Hopefully it will help, but I have a feeling that there will be severe stylistic incompatibilities. Work a try though. :)
Well, for me pros for V2 are:
1) more defined side ponytail;
2) better neck, as it was mentioned earlier above;
3) visible nipple.

Cons, compared with V1 are:
1) side ponytail is good for this view, when we see Sienna`s right side. Following this logic, we should have different sprite for her left side;
2) I like the wings better in V1;
3) I like em`boobs BIGGER like in V1.

Evething here is just my IMHO.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
Well, for me pros for V2 are:
1) more defined side ponytail;
2) better neck, as it was mentioned earlier above;
3) visible nipple.

Cons, compared with V1 are:
1) side ponytail is good for this view, when we see Sienna`s right side. Following this logic, we should have different sprite for her left side;
2) I like the wings better in V1;
3) I like em`boobs BIGGER like in V1.

Evething here is just my IMHO.
I agree with everything that was pointed out in Alex's post. (y)
For clarity, if I had to pick one right now, I prefer the v2 standing sprite over v1.


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
I see your points. The wings in the first version are kinda neat, and her ponytail probably should be on the right side (showing, and not hidden in the background). Her boobs will be variable so I wanted to go with the smallest size first.

These seem fairly minor though, and I think they could be easily fixed before any new animations are worked on. I'm more curious if the new artist can do Kendra in that same stance/style. Should be fairly simple since it's just her hair and wings. I'm skeptical though. I think this artist may be rooted in their own particular style, unable to break away from it even to the point of sabotaging the things that are already good. I think they will overly complicate the colors in Kendra's hair and wings, which will not only NOT match existing animations but would also make future animations with such details more difficult. But we'll see. I'm hopeful, but pessimistically so. :unsure:
  • Thinking Face
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
I see your points. The wings in the first version are kinda neat, and her ponytail probably should be on the right side (showing, and not hidden in the background). Her boobs will be variable so I wanted to go with the smallest size first.

These seem fairly minor though, and I think they could be easily fixed before any new animations are worked on. I'm more curious if the new artist can do Kendra in that same stance/style. Should be fairly simple since it's just her hair and wings. I'm skeptical though. I think this artist may be rooted in their own particular style, unable to break away from it even to the point of sabotaging the things that are already good. I think they will overly complicate the colors in Kendra's hair and wings, which will not only NOT match existing animations but would also make future animations with such details more difficult. But we'll see. I'm hopeful, but pessimistically so. :unsure:
Sounds like you need to articulate those points of concern to your new artist to make sure y'all are on the same page with what's already been established. I mean it's your show after all. Just, y'know, don't be a dick about it when you try to express yourself to someone you're paying to help your project out, but at the same time being clear with what you want. Remember, you're the head honcho, Paladox! :cool: Be kind and manage your team well! Cheers and good luck!


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Sounds like you need to articulate those points of concern to your new artist to make sure y'all are on the same page with what's already been established. I mean it's your show after all. Just, y'know, don't be a dick about it when you try to express yourself to someone you're paying to help your project out, but at the same time being clear with what you want. Remember, you're the head honcho, Paladox! :cool: Be kind and manage your team well! Cheers and good luck!
Thanks for the advice. I'm sure there are a few artists who hate me already. xD
I want to see how it goes first before I try to correct them. Hopefully I won't need to. :cool:
Alternatively I may go ahead and have them do all the characters in this pose. Even if the style isn't correct it could still help future animators to have decent character references.


Jun 2, 2020
Hi, some green bubbles randomly started popping up and draining my health, how did that happen and how do I fix it?

Also I don't get a CG after napping after reading the poem.
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Dec 7, 2019
What a gorgeous game, cant wait for ur guys effort to blossom, good luck and take ur time, masterpiece on sight for sure, but of course everything have a price, time in this case.
Im getting a hard on just by your avatar, cause thats my stuff right there.
Just sayin im excited for this game.
Cheers and have fun Paladox
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Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
I have a great artist working almost nonstop on giving all the walls a more pixel-art friendly makeover.
Also, Bebe just finished Vallerie's portrait (so should have all her expressions soon).

Still lots of characters who need their portraits done (including 2 more party members), but this will be the last of Sienna's kids to get her portrait done. Woot!

As for the sex animations, I've not heard back from the previous artist ever since I asked Bebe to go over the standing pose in her own style. I did find a new artist to start on the animations, but I am probably irritating them a lot so they might be gone as well. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm just difficult to work with. >.>;


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
Clear, concise communication is a one of the core aspects of working on a team. Try to resolve your teamwork issues first, but if certain members of your team can't abide or respect your time, effort, and energy while also being compensated financially, then I'd say drop 'em. Incompetent members or those that are trying to swindle you out of your time and money need to go. Obviously, this doesn't apply to Bebe whose been in your corner for quite a while, or any person that had a legitimate excuse that interfered with getting their respective tasks done while on your team. Otherwise a member who can't even bother to communicate with the project's lead (aka, the boss) because they believe it's not even worth their time needs the boot. Being on a team means that each person needs to be able to work together and communicate with one another and have a good back and forth. Everyone should have some say and you should respect their input even if you disagree. (Unless, of course, you're just simply hiring out "contractors" to do a task for you.) You can't continually put time into them and throwing money at them if it's simply not working out for you or the team. I don't know how your team is made up, or the dynamics and interactions between everyone, or even what their respective roles are and what each member has agreed to do, but as an outsider reading over your post this post represents my take on the matter. Show bad members the door.


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Hi, some green bubbles ... how do I fix it?
Also I don't get a CG after napping after reading the poem.
Green bubbles is probably poison or something like that. I suggest checking Sienna's vitals from the menu to see what's wrong, and then using antidotes will clear up most issues and tonics will get her health back up.
As for the other issue I probably messed up something with that event. The animation would be outdated anyway, and I had planned on showing some art that Mavis did. The next release won't have any of that, so I probably won't be fixing it. Here's the art if you want to see:

... working on a team. ...
It's all freelance commissions, even Bebe, but thankfully she hasn't taken a contract or anything that would prevent her from continuing to work with me. <3

I work one-on-one with the artists, either through Discord or email. It can be stressful when I have multiple commissions going on at the same time but it's much preferable to not having any commissions going.

One of the things that irritates me the most is when I see something that I perceive as an obvious flaw, tell them what I want fixed, and the problem persists in their edit. I've wondered about hiring multiple artists to work together on some tasks, but it's my fear that they would simply team up against me. >.>;
5.00 star(s) 4 Votes