It's pretty obvious the majority wants to see more sex animations. What should I focus on?

  • Missionary position for Sienna.

    Votes: 131 13.1%
  • Sakina (vampire girl) in any position.

    Votes: 330 33.0%
  • Missionary for Nasira.

    Votes: 40 4.0%
  • Add more clients and/or monsters.

    Votes: 456 45.6%
  • A different girl or something else? (Please post with details.)

    Votes: 43 4.3%

  • Total voters


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
For the foreseeable future I've decided to try and work on doing the sex animations myself.
Here's where I'm at so far:
Nasira only:
With Kobold:

If you have any suggestions, nitpicks, etc.. then feel free to let me know.
I'm not very good at this so critiques are much appreciated. :)


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Here's the final versions before I start to try and animate em.
Haven't been any critiques yet, so I'm guessing they're good to go. Let me know though if you see any issues.


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
I might possibly add more variations to her animation later on, but for now I'm content with it. Lemme know if you think any of this should be changed/improved any. Her brief orgasm (and lifting of her foot during) will have a small chance to play (and could possibly show more than once per session). Her brief looking back will also show as a variation, and similarly might not even happen at all, or show multiple times.
Climax Test 12.gif


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
I did some slight changes to Nasira's animation and may do more at a later point but overall I'm pretty happy with it now. I still need to work on her "hand in hair" variation a bit.
Climax Test 13.gif

With that out of the way, what should I work on next? A new poll is up. You should vote or something. It will help a lot. :)


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
I might still have some saves but I think they would be incompatible. Maybe I can include some updated saves in the next update.


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
With the poll being what it is so far, I've decided to try and do the two most popular options.
Here's Sakina with an Abyssian. It's still a WIP but I think it's coming along pretty well so far.

If you have any criticisms then please let me know. Obviously I haven't even started on his arm yet (aside from a general shape). I also need to detail his foot better (and possibly point it down a bit more in line with his knee placement), as well as his upper torso. I'll also be adding eyes for Sakina, and will probably try and improve her hair some, if possible.

Sakina WIP 8.png


Active Member
Mar 14, 2017
I just noticed, we don't equip the sprite children anymore? i think i remember collecting them but as far as I can tell they're just gone or whatever. definitely not showing up to equip them anymore unless it's somewhere new that i missed


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
I did a complete equipment overhaul, and now the sprites are basically part of a new thing that I haven't really implemented yet.


Active Member
Mar 14, 2017
I did a complete equipment overhaul, and now the sprites are basically part of a new thing that I haven't really implemented yet.
I forget what it was called but the incomplete thing where you are in a dungeon for dreams or something looked interesting too. games had some big changes and is looking pretty good.


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Sadly there's some issues with the nightmare/tranquility dungeon. I'll have to give it an overhaul, but the general idea behind it will remain (extra trials for having low tranquility). I'm thinking low tranquility will be a high risk vs reward mechanic, where you'll run into unique enemies that (if you lose to them) can result in a bad end (aka game over).


Apr 8, 2018
Gave it a try and it has pretty decent story and a lot of Violated Heroine vibes, which is a big plus for me, but... long rant ahead.
So much empty button pressing.
Press Esc. Press Up. Press Up. Press Enter. Press Enter. -Oh snap, I'm short on nutrition- Press Esc. Press Esc. Press Down. Press Down. Press Enter. Find some food. Press Enter. -Menu closes, so you could hear "mhm" sound- Press Esc. Press Enter. Find some food... -Repeat ten times- Press Esc. Press Up. Press Up. Press Enter. Press Enter. -Alright, she's finally fed, now to hydration- Press Esc. Press Esc. Press Down. Press Down. Press Enter. Find some water. Repeat. Ten. Times.
Is it possible to at least not to close the menu when you use an item? I get that food and water are different things irl, but here they are identical. Does them being separate things add anything to the gameplay? Now to time - it's practically a core feature, but you need to use an item to check it every time. Is it possible to just use that item to turn it's display on/off right next to health?
The tower.
Jesus Christ that's a plain torture, I had to play through stupid stubborness. The game is covered in 5 star reviews, but I don't get how nobody sees anything wrong with it. More than two weeks of in-game time when practically nothing happens. Press enter 18 times to get a potato. Press enter 18 times to get water. And it goes for hours of actual time, have mercy. All important events could've been done in like a dozen of cutscenes in 15 minutes and then the game could go on freeroam-escape mode, so you could explore the caves, prepare and press enter One. Hundred. Times. to get a fishing pole.

P.s. What's up with that breast size choice on game start? The game could at least tell me "Then get a better taste, mate" if it doesn't matter.
  • Angry
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Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Well one could argue that any game is just a series of button presses, but I digress. Thank you for the criticisms. I'll try and address all your points. :)

I apologize for the lack of displayed attributes. I don't know of a good script to display everything needed, but in all honesty the nutrition and hydration are things that I rarely needed to attend to while playtesting. Just before resting for the day you can eat several fruits and top it off with some bottles of water. Perhaps in the future I can implement meals that would be more filling (and possibly provide bonus benefits). If I had it to do over with I would actually leave out the nutrition, hydration, and other survival elements and focus more on the gameplay and story. It is what it is though, and I'll try to improve on these aspects as much as possible.

I know The Tower has issues. I tried to include a lot of diversions. Hopefully I can improve on it in the future. In the meantime... well, you can practically sleep through and skip just about the whole thing (if you don't mind missing out on a few story elements).

As for the breast size choice at the start, that's for some other characters you'll meet later on (which isn't fully implemented yet, but the game will keep track of your choice when it is). If you want large breasts for Sienna then you just keep as much milk in her breasts as possible.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
Paladox - So like, how have you been? Hope you're feeling better lately. I see that you've been hitting up on Lona. That game appears really dark so I haven't tried it myself yet, lol. Anyway, just wanted to touch base and hope that you're keeping yourself healthy, and safe, and doing fun things that doesn't stress you out. Stay awesome, cheers!
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Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Thanks! I seem to have a knack for injuring myself. I've apparently tore a muscle in my chest/shoulder area. It's gone from hurting to itching and most recently a dull ache, so I guess it must be getting better. Otherwise I'm good. xD

Lona is pretty dark. FSA has a few dark moments, but the difference can be as stark as a soldier shooting someone with a sniper rifle, vs a soldier gouging out someone's heart. The closeup punches on Lona are always so cringy. >.<

For FSA I haven't been completely idle. I've gotten Marissa, Adivia, and Charlene's portraits from . I also got a tidbit of new sprite artwork from , but they've gone pretty quiet after that, sadly. Hope they're okay.

I've been thinking about adding a cooking system to FSA. My only problem with it is that all the new cooked food will be at the bottom of the item list. This annoys me, but I guess it can't be helped and it would really improve the food system in the game (as well as give more possible uses for food). I've been piddling around with copy/paste and my limited spriting skills to make the new food icons. I'll try to come up with as many new foods as would make sense. x]
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Mar 1, 2020
Hi Paladox...

I only what to say thank you for the game so far.
I played it run about 3 years ago... and with this Version i really was surprised that after the Intro (Where your daughter got "killed"?!) suddently something new happened. (That you got enslaved by this succubus and have to escape first was new to me)

Just made it out of the Tower and in my own Sanctuary with my 5 Girls, the Catgirl and the Soldier which helped me.

I hope you stay activ in developing this game.

It really makes a lot fun to play!
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5.00 star(s) 4 Votes