
Sep 10, 2019
Update was very short. MC continuous to be an obvious slave to the narrative and the pacing forced down in our throats, not asking anything, not responding with anything remotely expectable. Which brings the question of why the fuck is this game not a kinetic novel?

Pretty much the only even remotely interesting change that came directly due to our choices was the goddess' kiss scene when leaving home for school, and that scene because of the devs mistake of <> signs occurs opposite of how it's supposed to.

Overall, I was disappointed with chapter 2 but still had hope and wanted to see what was going to happen in chapter 3. I was even a bit impatient in my waiting, I really wanted to see how the story would continue. Now, having seen the chapter 3, I couldn't give a shit if this games gets updated or abandoned.
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Oct 2, 2017
Great VN, totally dont mind the lack of sex scenes, great character development, I will not agree with some reviews that it is not real, on the contrary they do everything as in life - referral to a professional and not scratching wounds.
But the update rate... As I understand this is the 3rd update from 2021? At this rate Im afraid the author won't finish the story in this decade.
And I really hate it when a good story doesnt have an ending - unfortunately there are plenty of VN like this here.
Yes I know money is important but the frequency of updates affects the number of people willing to support...
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Active Member
Jan 9, 2018
Force Incest Patch for dialogues

This game has M/S and B/S relationships but no scenes as of now. Even it is a patreon build the relationships are not censored.

However, many dialogues feel out of place. Like when you talk to your sister about your mother, you don't refer your mother with her name right? Instead you should say "Mom" or "Our mom". This really wierded me out.

So I just did a simple Regex replacement in the game folder. As the script files (ch1, ch2, ch3) ar not encrypted, it was easy. Do the following:

Backup your game folder for easy reset.

Open any editor that supports Regex (VSCode, Sublime text, Notepad++), open the game folder(VS code) or chapter files individually and do this:

In Find field(enable regex and make sure there are no spaces around):
(\s+)(d|rap|aze) "(.*)?Emma(.*)?"

In Replace Field:
$1$2 "$3Mom$4"

Now it is a bit different for Dad. "Goddess" turns into "Daddess". So use this instead:
(\s+)(d|rap|aze) "(.*)?God(?!dess)(.*)?"

In Replace Field:
$1$2 "$3Dad$4"

* I didn't just upload the modded files as the game script has many typos and it will get fixed eventually thus rendering my files outdated.

* I don't know renpy or python otherwise maybe I could've made a runtime script that changes such strings on runtime without modifying base script. That would be the best future proof solution. If you think you can do it, feel free to do so. I will be greatly indebted to you.
Maybe something like this?
init python:
    import inspect
    import re

    def mommify(text):
        who = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals.get('who')
        if who is None:
            return text
        who = who if isinstance(who, str) else
        if who in ('[name]', 'Azel', 'Raphael'):
            for reg, sub in ((r'\bEmma\b', 'Mom'),
                             (r'\bGod\b', 'Dad')):
                text = re.sub(reg, sub, text)
        return text

    config.say_menu_text_filter = mommify
EDIT: removed replace for "Goddess"
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Jun 16, 2019
Maybe something like this?
init python:
    import inspect
    import re
    def mommify(text):
        who = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals.get('who')
        if who is None:
            return text
        who = who if isinstance(who, str) else
        if who in ('[name]', 'Azel', 'Raphael'):
            for reg, sub in ((r'(\bEmma\b|\bGoddess\b)', 'Mom'),
                             (r'\bGod\b', 'Dad')):
                text = re.sub(reg, sub, text)
            return text
        return text

    config.say_menu_text_filter = mommify
Cool dude!!! Exactly what we need. Hope some MODs put it up on the first post. Respect.


Active Member
Jan 9, 2018
Cool dude!!! Exactly what we need. Hope some MODs put it up on the first post. Respect.
I'd be careful with that. I can already see it failing hilariously.

Dude: Why does she have superpowers?
MC: Emma's actually a Goddess. --> Mom's actually a Mom.

Wait, that actually kinda works. :LOL:


Jun 16, 2019
I'd be careful with that. I can already see it failing hilariously.

Dude: Why does she have superpowers?
MC: Emma's actually a Goddess. --> Mom's actually a Mom.

Wait, that actually kinda works. :LOL:
Thats the reason why I wanted to skip changing the "Goddess" word. There are reasons to call her Goddess instead of just Emma.
Dec 29, 2018
This update was okay.

It tried to do some damage control in the first half by having Raphael explain how they tried to reach him and why they couldn't. Which is better than them not trying at all, but a lot of the big problems still remain. Emma is still a creepy weirdo. Going to school makes no sense. It still feels like we are being railroaded into forgiving everyone. The second half of the update was the interesting part. It was about the alter egos in the main characters mind, which is one of the things that sets this game apart from others.

Neither of my favourite women were in the update. But one was mentioned, and the other still looks to be set up for a recurring role in the future. So hopefully they will get some screentime soon.

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There's an error in the dialogue when we meet Ellena and her sister. She invites us to visit her and her mother Julia, but uses the wrong name. She says that Emma would like to meet us, when it should be Julia instead. There's also an odd bit of dialogue where the main character tells Emma and Azel about the one girl at school who thinks that everyone is a vampire. They laugh at him and he says "Should I pay attention to the pronunciation of something that does not exist?" Which is strange because he didn't try to pronounce the word vampire, and also because he was already introduced to one the other day. Sofia is the woman that works at the clothing store and Emma explains that she is a vampire.

After the scene where Raphael prevents the fight with Bethor, Emma says "Elders are definitely your father's business. I don't understand how he let this happen. He couldn't have stoop so low." It should read stooped instead of stoop, but that's a minor issue compared to how ridiculous the whole thing is considering that we now know Emma was there when he permanently trapped us in Hell by closing all the gateways. Him using the Elders doesn't seem anywhere near as surprising as him condemning his son to an eternity of torture for no apparent reason at all.

The game still has a lot of promise, despite the various inconsistencies with the story and minor grammar mistakes. It just needs to minimize the worn out college stuff and incest garbage that are in damn near every game here. We've got a main character with some sort of split personality and an imminent war between heaven and hell, so don't waste time with stupid shower peeping scenes.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2019
Emma is still a creepy weirdo. Going to school makes no sense. It still feels like we are being railroaded into forgiving everyone.
- The MC copied Emma's powers. That is, he now unconsciously influences those around him, increasing their affection for him. She is under her own spell.
- Going to college is a very controversial decision given the mental state of the MC.
College is a great place to get social skills and learn about the world around you.
Apparently, Emma decided that he would be fine under the supervision and responsibility of Azel, who is one of the strongest archangels.
She underestimated his condition.
This was an obvious mistake, and after recent events, I suspect that we will not see him in college anytime soon.
- "Universal forgiveness" is explained simply - there is no point in being angry at the pawns. The word of God is law. Azel didn't have a choice. Emma and Rafael tried to save him. The angels did not hear his prayers, since God closed this "connection".

The scene where Ghost takes control of the main character is quite troubling, but it has a silver lining in that the way he dislikes Emma touching him suggests that he is immune to Emma's powers. Perhaps we can gain that ability in the future if these therapy session can fix our brain.
I think we are in for a similar story as in Cyberpunk. Chost has his own plans, and I think they include the destruction of Arasaka Heaven
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Joker Jack

Aug 9, 2022
Nice, I'll come back on 2025 when there'll be a ton of contents or possibly completed already
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May 28, 2021
Honestly I have to say this project is going Really well IMO and I especially am ejoying it myself with everything going on.

I am sure looking forward to the future updates you have planned and i just want to say Thank you for your work on this and to let us play your Creation.

Keep up the good work!!


Oct 22, 2019
sooo, i got it right that the scene with mad mc fighting azel and than game is showing like he tried to kill himself is the end of current version? or my gaming skills gave me bad end?


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2019
sooo, i got it right that the scene with mad mc fighting azel and that game is showing like he tried to kill himself is the end of current version? or my gaming skills gave me bad end?
this is the end of the current update.


Engaged Member
Jan 27, 2019
God damn this one is getting interesting. Will be interesting to see how this one continues to develop. I do wonder if there's going to be huge difference in going full demon/angel path and if trying to mix the points will affect story.
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