
Engaged Member
Dec 4, 2017
great that you know the inner workings of the MC better then the MC him self, because his thoughts show something completlly different
Oh it is there, you just need to look carefully.
It's somewhere in beetwen when he isn't whining about the death of Inessa, or tries to kill himself because he couldn't keep Inessa safe and his life has now no meaning anymore, or when he goes berserk cause his ptsd of Inessa's death...it was horrible you know, centuries of daily torture, massacring hell and eating Kreon's head were nothing in comparison of the horror of Inessa's death, which he knew for a couple of days...
Dec 29, 2018
Oh it is there, you just need to look carefully.
It's somewhere in beetwen when he isn't whining about the death of Inessa, or tries to kill himself because he couldn't keep Inessa safe and his life has now no meaning anymore, or when he goes berserk cause his ptsd of Inessa's death...it was horrible you know, centuries of daily torture, massacring hell and eating Kreon's head were nothing in comparison of the horror of Inessa's death, which he knew for a couple of days...
I suspect that a lot of the drama around Inessa's death isn't really about Inessa herself. The main character has a deep hatred for his family that abandoned him in Hell, and now he feels like he failed to protect Inessa as his family failed to protect him, so some part of him likely feels that he is just as bad as them. He's also dealing with a feeling of hopelessness that comes from having everything he's ever wanted ripped away from him twice now. Once as a child, and then again right after escaping captivity when everything seemed to finally be going his way. So now he's likely afraid to get attached to anyone because they could also get killed at a moments notice. Maybe he even feels cursed in a way, and secretly fears that getting close to anyone will just place them in danger too.

So there's lots of other things that are compounding the loss of a woman he's only known a couple of days, and the guy was already looney before any of this happened. He's got three imaginary friends in his head from his lifetime of torture, and we know that he'd completely given up on everything before his sudden transformation that led to his escape. It's not unreasonable for him to be taking her death harder than a person normally would.


Engaged Member
Dec 4, 2017
I suspect that a lot of the drama around Inessa's death isn't really about Inessa herself. The main character has a deep hatred for his family that abandoned him in Hell, and now he feels like he failed to protect Inessa as his family failed to protect him, so some part of him likely feels that he is just as bad as them. He's also dealing with a feeling of hopelessness that comes from having everything he's ever wanted ripped away from him twice now. Once as a child, and then again right after escaping captivity when everything seemed to finally be going his way. So now he's likely afraid to get attached to anyone because they could also get killed at a moments notice. Maybe he even feels cursed in a way, and secretly fears that getting close to anyone will just place them in danger too.

So there's lots of other things that are compounding the loss of a woman he's only known a couple of days, and the guy was already looney before any of this happened. He's got three imaginary friends in his head from his lifetime of torture, and we know that he'd completely given up on everything before his sudden transformation that led to his escape. It's not unreasonable for him to be taking her death harder than a person normally would.
I mean,what you say sounds good, it would make sense. But if that is the case, the game does a really poor job to convey anything of that.
If he has any hatred for his family he sure doesn't show, act or even thinks about that. Not even if he is away from Emma, like when he is in college with Azel, which he should hate quite a bit.

As for attachment to others. The MC so far has simply shown no interest at all. Is he afraid of getting hurt again, or to bring them in danger, or nothing of that...who knows, the game does nothing to elaborate on that.

So far the when game shows anything about his mental state it is only about Inessa, even his imaginary friends, which are in his head, say the only thing he thinks about non stop is Inessa/her death...
That he takes her death harder after all he has experienced i agree, it's just way over the top imo.

That you had choices regarding her makes this kinda even more standing out.
I didn't trust Inessa one bit, way too nice and innocent for living all her live in hell. As such i ignored her at every choice, never promised her to take her to heaven etc.


New Member
Apr 15, 2019
Okay, I'm not one to post anything on here, But personally I think the opening should be changed. There's no smooth way to go from 'I've been tortured for hundreds of years' to 'I'm gonna bone everyone in college and this city' (Which it seems like where it's going to me, I could be wrong, but meh).

I could write a long ass essay because I have enough to say on it, but I shouldn't. I will say that I stopped reading when Emma said "... you can watch me anytime I'm in the shower." or something like that. It made me realize that this won't be for me. I've been following this since release, it started losing me when MC was forced to live with Emma. Lost me a bit more with the college stuff and now fully lost me with Emma's line. Also, Not a fan of the new Nyks model. but that doesn't have anything to do with the story.

I wish the Dev Goodluck though. Just because this isn't for me, doesn't mean others won't like it. Renders are well lit and posed.

... I don't know why I spoilered things.
Mar 7, 2023
Hmm...I actually thought there was a sex scene with Inessa (But due to amount of time passed between the last update, and playing many other titles...I forgot most of the story. And so I decided to try another playthrough. I even thought I messed up somewhere...and replayed the start again, looking to see a sex scene with Inessa). And your right it would make for a much better bond, if MC had been intimate with Inessa. And I agree, I hope MC can bring her back and add her to his love interest group (if there will be one available), as she was a real cute character.

And your right about the Nyks model change...for me as well she looks terrible. With her being just created, and giving her a weathered aged look of a 40 year old MILF, is off putting (considering what she looked like before the face change). And I also thought she was more physical with MC in the story as well...yet, I was wrong again.
If they add a sex scene, they need to chance the dialog with all the woman, who find out he is still a virgin. Which doesn't make sense anyway....


Sep 17, 2018
If they add a sex scene, they need to chance the dialog with all the woman, who find out he is still a virgin. Which doesn't make sense anyway....
Ye, their virgin lines make 0 sense.

He was dropped to hell as a child, spent hundreds of years tortured. When would he ever have a chance to even be with a girl?

Just a line which is both insensitive and mind blowingly stupid.

Unless devil had some other type of turture best left unmentioned.
Mar 7, 2023
Ye, their virgin lines make 0 sense.

He was dropped to hell as a child, spent hundreds of years tortured. When would he ever have a chance to even be with a girl?

Just a line which is both insensitive and mind blowingly stupid.

Unless devil had some other type of turture best left unmentioned.
At least it would be my first priority, after being tortured for hundreds of years. Maybe it's told in the story, but it's still not known how long he was there, I would suggests, only maybe a few years. (Earth time)...


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2018
At least it would be my first priority, after being tortured for hundreds of years. Maybe it's told in the story, but it's still not known how long he was there, I would suggests, only maybe a few years. (Earth time)...
It can't be just a few years. Raphael was also a kid when it all started and she went through med school, plus she said that Azel attended college a good few times already, to which she replied "Hmmm, I forget how many times; a few dozen at least."... A few means at least two, so even if she started the first year they went to earth (we know she didn't, because she didn't follow the other two right away, but let's ignore that for now) attended only for few months each time, dropped out and started over the next year (which wouldn't make sense, but let's ignore that too...) we're talking about 24 (earth) years at the very least, even with the "time flows slower on earth" plot armor. If she attended all four year each time, with no breaks in between we're talking about at least 96 years, almost a century.

I'd say a good guess would be that his centuries of torture in hell, would be somewhere between 50-75 earth years.


Devoted Member
Oct 24, 2019
just got thru playing both versions of your game ..... glad you did the reloaded one ... interesting game you have made ... kinda a version of heaven / human / hell ... it ended with me having the impression .. that this god is wanting the MC to take over hell and run it .... but the mc is not willing ... leaves me to wonder why the mc had to go thru all he did .... maybe this god should have just asked the mc to run hell without all the torture involved .. oh well ... all in all pretty cool game ...



Engaged Member
Dec 4, 2017
I'd say a good guess would be that his centuries of torture in hell, would be somewhere between 50-75 earth years.
I would guess it's several centuries in earth time, Emma mentioned they need to move every 50 years or so, which sounds as if they did that already a couple of times.
He was dropped to hell as a child, spent hundreds of years tortured. When would he ever have a chance to even be with a girl?

Just a line which is both insensitive and mind blowingly stupid.
Yeah and by the same bitch which threw him in hell in the first place...also says shit like 'dude you even had a decent conversation in ages' etc...
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Mar 7, 2023
I would guess it's several centuries in earth time, Emma mentioned they need to move every 50 years or so, which sounds as if they did that already a couple of times.

Yeah and by the same bitch which threw him in hell in the first place...also says shit like 'dude you even had a decent conversation in ages' etc...
Ah the best hint, they needed to move every 50 year, I somehow missed that one...


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2018
I would guess it's several centuries in earth time, Emma mentioned they need to move every 50 years or so, which sounds as if they did that already a couple of times.

Yeah and by the same bitch which threw him in hell in the first place...also says shit like 'dude you even had a decent conversation in ages' etc...
If you want my honest opinion, I'd say the whole "a month in hell is just a few days on earth" was just an afterthought the dev had (that created more plot holes...), to make the girls look less like horny pieces of shit who don't give a fuck about the centuries of torture the MC had to endure while they were playing house, so with that thought in mind I didn't go over a century with my estimate.

If we see it logically the term "a few dozens" Azel used could technically mean two, but if that was the case, she would have said "a couple dozens", so it's probably more. Anyway, even if we say it was two, we have 24*4=96 years. There's no fucking way she went to college back to back, because people would have noticed, so with a few years gaps in between, we're easily getting close to a couple of centuries there.

But the dev will tell you, she didn't go the full four years and Emma meant they just moved and will have to do it again after 50 years because... boobs...

I personally find the "family redemption" backstory stupid in general. We tried to help you but the bad God stopped us and it's not like we don't give a shit about what you went through, it's just that time moved slower for us...
They had a chance to find the MC, right? They have the second most powerful being in the world there, who was supposedly looking all over the world for a way to bring the MC back, because she cares sooo much about him and who do they send in that "rescue mission"? The youngest, with the least experience and obviously weakest one between the three of them... :FacePalm: I wonder why they failed!


Engaged Member
Jan 27, 2019
I mean, since we don't know the exact time MC spent in hell as torture victim, his statement of having to suffer for it hundreds of years and also the statement from other angels about month in hell being few days on Earth could both be accurate. MC might have lost sense of time after few hundred years of torture and in reality spent there closer to few thousand years. Hard to say since we don't really have any hard dates for things to happen.


Engaged Member
Dec 4, 2017
I mean, since we don't know the exact time MC spent in hell as torture victim, his statement of having to suffer for it hundreds of years and also the statement from other angels about month in hell being few days on Earth could both be accurate. MC might have lost sense of time after few hundred years of torture and in reality spent there closer to few thousand years. Hard to say since we don't really have any hard dates for things to happen.
We only have a few statemants, like Emma saying they move all 50 years, Azel and how often she did go to college, in that virgin talk MC says to Azel she spend several centuries roaming earth freely (i guess freely means since she had her falling out with the old man and she doesn't correct it, so i asume it's true), Aniel which says it's a long time and they all have changed (which should imply a really long time, i mean they are immortal and arround for a bit).

If we take religion/mythology into account, which kinda makes sense as the Archangels Raphael and Azrael are mentioned there, they should be a couple of millenia old at least.

And yeah i doubt the MC has any real idea how long he was in hell, if time moves faster there or not. He was a prisoner and spend the entire time there in his cell, doubtful he kept track of time there.

I personally find the "family redemption" backstory stupid in general. We tried to help you but the bad God stopped us and it's not like we don't give a shit about what you went through, it's just that time moved slower for us...
They had a chance to find the MC, right? They have the second most powerful being in the world there, who was supposedly looking all over the world for a way to bring the MC back, because she cares sooo much about him and who do they send in that "rescue mission"? The youngest, with the least experience and obviously weakest one between the three of them... :FacePalm: I wonder why they failed!
Yeah, if Emma was going along she just could have used her powers on the guardian and Raphael could have used the portal as planned. Or Azel/other Angels could have distract the guardian while Raphael sneaks past him etc.

I mean it's a explanation...not a real good one thought.
The time moves faster in hell did strike me too as a afterthought the dev used to make them look better.


Sep 17, 2018
The time moves faster in hell did strike me too as a afterthought the dev used to make them look better.
That's how I saw it as well, buuuuut....
Time moving faster for person not being tortured is hardly helpful.

For the sake of example, I'll use 500 years as torture time.

MC was tortured for 500 years. Just because only 50 years (again, just an example) passed on Earth does not mean MC didn't get tortured for 500. The point about time flowing faster definitely sounds like trying to come with some kind of excuse for family, but I'm not seeing it.

500 years for the tortured one is 500 years of torture. It means frack all the rest spent only 50 years waiting for him.
Or is there an excuse they also didn't know time flows slower in hell? Which, come on...


Engaged Member
Dec 4, 2017
That's how I saw it as well, buuuuut....
Time moving faster for person not being tortured is hardly helpful.

For the sake of example, I'll use 500 years as torture time.

MC was tortured for 500 years. Just because only 50 years (again, just an example) passed on Earth does not mean MC didn't get tortured for 500. The point about time flowing faster definitely sounds like trying to come with some kind of excuse for family, but I'm not seeing it.

500 years for the tortured one is 500 years of torture. It means frack all the rest spent only 50 years waiting for him.
Or is there an excuse they also didn't know time flows slower in hell? Which, come on...
I just try to ignore the 'time moves faster' statement, makes no real difference imo and i don't think the dev plans to make use of that, like using it so the MC can train and become more powerfull 'faster' in hell.

In my head cannon, the MC has a similar role to Lucifer which was thrown in hell a some millienia ago and try not to think too much about how long...

I mean, imagine some religious persons finds out about Raphael for example.
Religious person: whoa, you're the archangel the old testament mentioned, some 2000 years ago
Raphael: nah, you must mean my older sister, i'm archangel Raphael JR.
Religious person: you are not really creative with the names up there, are you ?
Raphael: well, all the names that are ending on 'el' were out, so...
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  • Haha
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Is anyone else on board with the hate train for the main family? Let's look at their decisions up to Chapter 3:

-Raniel: Instead of saying, "Hello!" or "How've you been?" she immediately threatens us as the messages for dad, without so much as a goodbye or a take care of yourself. The next meeting we have with her she suddenly starts caring, and while I do understand she didn't hear any of our prayers; she still took a mood 180 REAL quick, a god damn shoulder to cry on when daddy isn't ordering her to be a messenger bird.

-Raphael: She's not bad, she tried to tell us what happened during our first encounter but was blown off (justifiably so, to our knowledge at the time; she had ignored our calls). Anywho, afterwards she reverts back to her obvious shy demeanor due to the blow off, and has most definitely taken an associative stance on our relationship till we sat down to talk (being Emma's perfect lap dog and everyone's healing fleshlight, there's probably some mental lack of confidence there).

-Azel: She's probably the worst one of the group. Even knowing everything we know by the end of it, she still only saw what she was doing as a task, "Well any one of our siblings would've done it so I did it first, that makes it okay." That laid back lack of care is garbage, I understand that they don't know officially what had happened to us, but Hell wasn't known to be this fucking hot tourist destination, they had to have known that. And being daddy's errand girl and still trying to play both sides by living with mommy makes her out to be this dishonest, "I'd do it again in a heartbeat", untrustworthy, little shit of a sister or person for that matter.

-Emma: So she's a bit like Raphael in that while she just wants to help, her issue is that she isn't truthful right off the bat DESPITE being openly affectionate and honest with the MC. She doesn't get the shy excuse, they have had plenty of heart to heart moments and not once did she even think to either ask what happened to the MC, or explain how she tried to help in the first place. This isn't Knives Out not everyone needs to keep secrets like god damn strangers but then be openly nice to one another with virtually no working context. The MC wants NONE of this shit even if you do pick the good path he hints at his time being dogshit in Hell yet they STILL feel the need to be quiet about important details. Keep in mind, she is a smart individual, immortal, and arguably knowledgeable, she shouldn't be playing this half assed half truth bullshit.

And lastly, all of them: I don't know WHAT every angel is smoking up their ass, but it is laughably stupid. You're telling me, that out of the centuries they have tried to get the MC out of Hell, they didn't ask a SINGLE demon on Earth what the environment was like in Hell? Raphael is a fucking doctor for christ's sake, you're telling me she doesn't recognize mental or physical trauma? What about Azel, she's literally the Angel of Death, she even mentions that she knows darkness or patterns or whatever when she sees them, she's around those people all the time. Not a single one asked what Hell was like, what they do there, nothing? Immortal beings my ass, these guys have been sitting in fantasy land. It doesn't matter if they couldn't access it themselves, information is constantly flowing out of Hell, as seen with the rumors of the MC's takeover. Did they think it was sunshine and rainbows down there? Give me a fuckin break, I think they all deserve the cold shoulder, and this whole forced buddy buddy bullshit with Azel is awful, she's the worst of the bunch because she's SEEN the landscape, not exact the High Heavens.

Afterthoughts: Overall, I still like the writing, I suppose some people can be oblivious to trauma. The issue in this case is that they are knowledgeable, and more importantly; immortal. It just bugs me that being surrounded by supernatural individuals in their life on Earth you'd think they'd spend at least SOME time knowing about what they spent the last few centuries trying to break into was actually like. If my brother disappeared for over a hundred years, the least I could do is know where he was at, how he was doing, etc. But it just seems like they spent more time dicking around with the humans than they did actually trying to understand the real situation, trying to help or otherwise. The only recovery I can PERSONALLY see is they actually sit down and air out everything, and maybe some god damn guilt from Azel sending her little brother to a torturous Hell filled life for his entire coming of age. Then perhaps some actual believable acknowledgement for the pain the MC went through instead of, "Are you okay???" The rest of the angels can suck a cock, they'd rather bend over for dad and backstab mom and their siblings than be real family so that's on them. The MC is justified, the only REAL acknowledgement he's gotten is from that angel in the bar and Inessa.

What do y'all think? Am I off my rocker for thinking this or do some of your feel the same way?
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New Member
Apr 15, 2019
Nah, I don't like the main household as well. MAYBE I can give Raphael a pass because she tries to talk to MC at the club/bar thing and backs off for the most part. Plus she works at the hospital at least she's saving people and is busy or whatever. Everyone else I don't really care for. Feels like no one cares about MC and MC forgot about the torture because he's going along with whatever Emma says. They treat him like he has been living with an uncle on a farm since childhood or something.

I think it's too late to talk about feelings because things are too chill now, that extremely high tension seems gone. Maybe something was said/done after the shower scene, but I dunno, I stopped there. though I kinda caved and checked if there are affinity points... and yeah there is, and the shower scene Gives Devil points for looking and Angel points for not looking. So not looking gives the impression that I'm somehow trying to be nice by not letting the MC look, but in reality I just don't care. I'm still on the fact the MC is mentally boned.

I think letting them save him would've soften the blow for me. He said his faith left him when he escaped, that's what I'm hung up on. The one person who showed him compassion gets murked. She was the only one who knew what he went through. So I understand him raising hell.. in hell.

Knowing about this college stuff and living in a house with personalities like Emma and Azel, I would've handled the opening like this:
  • Keep the torture stuff, but have Inessa talk to him at times after being tortured to keep his hope up.
  • Then have the Angels save him but leave Inessa behind, he wakes up realize shes not around and tries to go back.
  • He gets back to hell but realized they killed her. Still a good motivator to raise hell, but instead of faith being lost, at least they got to him. hell, put him in a bad situation, boom, there's the reason to have Ghost awaken him.
  • Have the Angels ask "Why". That's the catalyst to airing everything out. Have him break down OR have him lose it and fight everyone, have the Angels realize he's broken, have them show some emotion, some empathy, some sympathy... Something.
  • If you want a reason to dislike the angels, there still is, Inessa says she was with MC each time he passed out, have her there when they save him but they left her there. They wouldn't know what she did for him.
With all that he still has the trauma and can still have visions of Inessa. But giving some bridge to living with the Angels that doesn't feel unnatural/forced. Also, that would somewhat have me tolerate Emma and Azel. Even a little, because I do not like them at all at this moment.
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