Did you even play the latest update?
Most of these questions are answered or mannerisms are justified to some extent.
The intro did not have top 5 reading hard on status though. Without any sugar coating the writing stopped that ship from sailing real quick if you aren't lobotomized, it just read as a basic VN, the CONCEPT had (still) potential.
I suggest you read/play a VN like:
Desert Stalker
And compare it to something like:
Hot Sand of Antarctica
You'll notice they have a downright near duplicate concept, but one is executed, written, and plot laid out FAR better, and makes you question why you'd even play or CONSIDER 95% of the games on this site as "top 5" material. Don't set yourself up for disappointment by being impressed with this game's intro, you should have already known going into it that it was going to have it's rough edges. That being said, before this latest update it DID have a LOT of issues with it's plot holes, character mannerisms etc. But the update fixed a lot of those issues, with only more room to improve it. However the writing will probably always be an issue without a redo and thorough reevaluation on what is considered "good" vs "okay" vs "bad" writing.