
Active Member
Oct 28, 2020
I like this game, renders are nice and the story concept is really cool. Sometimes it feels like however that the dev is writing the story as they go, it isn't consistent at times. There are a few spelling errors and grammar mistakes too, but their English seems fine which makes me think they do not proofread. Also, no sex, just teasing, and we’re at chapter 4.

Really wanna see this game do well but part of me feels it’s going to be abandoned.
Mar 5, 2023
In my opinion dev lost his original plot maybe forgot about his initial plans or this was all meant for a teaser VN not a complete story.

The best course of action would have been moving with the prologue plot story. (y)

  • He was weaker than he had initially thought and elders would have fucked him along with his shadow demon army completely.

  • He decided to get stronger while being under Emma's protection and gathering more abilities also information.

  • Emma being a Goddess herself, understood her son's dilemma and eventually learning about his traumatic nightmares and suicidal tendencies.

  • Emma's motherly instincts takeover her reluctance to interfere with her husband's plan for restoring balance in Hell, so she eventually helps MC meet with Azel (Goddess of Death), after few back and forth fighting for answers MC burying the hatchet upon realising God has made it impossible for other angels to hear his pleading and prayers.

  • The family re-union with Mom and two / three sisters. Then MC asks Azel about Hell girl Innessa's dead soul. However, Azel isn't ready to bring back the dead. MC learns about forbidden black magic and it's existence from Raphael.
Ghost set out to learn Black magic from demons and devils. Ghost learns about fallen archangel Azazel and her book. Whereas MC wants to copy new Angel skills from his family and extended family members.

Emma and her daughters introducing MC her son to various kinds of immortal creatures, witches and sorcerers. MC is asked to join the secret society of myths, but he has to train in magical abilities. MC gets more opportunities to get closer and copy their skills at this university.
However, MC learns that copying skills from Angels Or similar level beings isn't easy. And he needs to Fuck them first without forcing himself upon them. The story continues..

If you still didn't understand where this plot is heading ; let me further elaborate.
End credit scenes
- Ghost vows to make God suffer for everything. Our MC promises to get his wings back and take revenge on God also his lackey.
Then in a distance somewhere unknown a crow flies down and Azazel is introduced. She's smiles saying "You are free at last My Son". And end credit.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
In my opinion dev lost his original plot maybe forgot about his initial plans or this was all meant for a teaser VN not a complete story.

The best course of action would have been moving with the prologue plot story. (y)

  • He was weaker than he had initially thought and elders would have fucked him along with his shadow demon army completely.

  • He decided to get stronger while being under Emma's protection and gathering more abilities also information.

  • Emma being a Goddess herself, understood her son's dilemma and eventually learning about his traumatic nightmares and suicidal tendencies.

  • Emma's motherly instincts takeover her reluctance to interfere with her husband's plan for restoring balance in Hell, so she eventually helps MC meet with Azel (Goddess of Death), after few back and forth fighting for answers MC burying the hatchet upon realising God has made it impossible for other angels to hear his pleading and prayers.

  • The family re-union with Mom and two / three sisters. Then MC asks Azel about Hell girl Innessa's dead soul. However, Azel isn't ready to bring back the dead. MC learns about forbidden black magic and it's existence from Raphael.
Ghost set out to learn Black magic from demons and devils. Ghost learns about fallen archangel Azazel and her book. Whereas MC wants to copy new Angel skills from his family and extended family members.

Emma and her daughters introducing MC her son to various kinds of immortal creatures, witches and sorcerers. MC is asked to join the secret society of myths, but he has to train in magical abilities. MC gets more opportunities to get closer and copy their skills at this university.
However, MC learns that copying skills from Angels Or similar level beings isn't easy. And he needs to Fuck them first without forcing himself upon them. The story continues..
That's the problem right there. If the dev had stuck to the prologue's plot line, then the whole family (including the mother and sisters) should be antagonists. It is clearly stated that the father tore out MC's wings in front of everybody and cast him to hell and none gave a damn (including the mother). Add to that he was prophesied to die in hell and you can clearly see that they can't be considered LIs or even allies.

We can see that is the case as all reasons given so far to make them look less guilty go against what has been said of how their world works. For example:

They say they couldn't find him, but the angels can come and go to and from hell and are well informed of what is going on there. When the MC escapes from hell the mother knows immediately and knows where he is as she herself states that she can feel his presence at all times, that's why she was pissed off with Raphael as she wasn't fast enough for her liking instead of getting off her fat ass and go herself to fetch him. But then there is all the new contradictory information on the later chapters stating that she was not aware or that she couldn't hear prayers or such excuses, when it would just have sufficed if she got off her fat ass go down to hell feel the presence of her son and go take a look.

She can't claim not knowing he was not safe in hell as she knew he was supposed to die there and she sure as hell did not know he would survive. Evident by the fact that even the mysterious entity who sent shadow bitch (Nyks?) is now interested and Emma was not aware of Ghost who is responsible for the MC not dying.

As someone has already said, the new excuses the dev is giving the characters to conform to the new plot makes them look like incompetent retards:


Engaged Member
Dec 4, 2017
Let's go over the negatives first:
- MC still moping about Inessa - It was fine first few times, but just stop. Move on. It's even more annoying if it's a save where MC didn't get any friendship conversations with her. It's understandable but repetitive for friendship/love path.
Yeah, so much this.
But it got even worse than before, i thaught he is so because she is dead and he lost someone important to him.

But what he says is:
''I don't care if she died; she died because of me.''
''I promised her to protect her...''
''I couldn't keep my promise...''
''...Losing Inessa killed me.''

I mean, really, that is your whole problem, not so much that she is dead, but the promise and that she died while he was away...

Q1. Why the family wasn't so adamant on trying to break us out of Hell?
A1. They didn't know or at least believe we were being tortured. Whether it be a naive way of thinking or not; we have to understand these Angels have been quite literally created to worship and obey God and Goddess their ENTIRE existence. As far as they know God is honest and his worst is LITERALLY divine mandate, if he has a track record of NEVER lying, this could be the reason they took his word at face value. To them, we were rebelling against everything they have come to know, ever.
Well, first, Emma is the goddess not an angel, and god literally just lied straight to all their faces as he left the MC in hell, contrary to what he promised.

The MC had his wings ripped out, they didn't even heal him, he was still bleeding as we see him as he was dropped there.
First thing Emma does is going against god, telling Azel to get the MC out and to kill everyone who stands in her way.
God not only forbidding anyone to go, he threatens that whoever disobeys also lands in hell.
How does any of this makes you belive in ''he is fine and happy there'' ?

And they believed he ruled hell all this time ?
He was a young child with no powers, in a place surrounded with only enemys, how should have that even worked...
And who would have raised an angel child ? The nice demonlord next door ?

Add to that, Emma/Azel/Raphael all knew demons, even some powerfull ones, no one ever asked, how is my child/brother doing in ruling down there ?

I get the dev is trying to fill some plotholes and make the family more likeable/redeeming them, but he just makes more plotholes. What reason is given here is so bad that it either sounds completely unbelievable, or let them look like absolute morons.
Q5. Why was Emma so sexually invested/suggestive to us?
A5. Again, I always said it, this was not one of the main issues, as it was OBVIOUS that it was the influence of our powers. But everyone was so mad that she was trying to ride us, man just use your heads. Shit emin this update she even tries to reject the idea of coming on to us, stop complaining.
She was a cougar even before meet again, like the first time we see her she is salivating over the thought seeing the MC's body again and before the MC had even the opportunity to copy her powers.
And in this update, just after she noticed it, she is again half naked infront of him, preaching how that's all normal and mortal rules don't apply for them.

I think, though I could be mistaken, the MC said he was in Hell for about 400 years.

So we could estimate it to be about 30-40 Earth years.
He just said for centuries, he has no clue how long exactly.
We have Emma which says they move all 50years or so.
In the talk sex/virgin talk of Azel and the MC they talk about what she did in the centuries she is freely roaming earth.
We also have Azel, which says she does her job for millenia, when she brings the MC to hell she is still young herself, likely not much older than the MC or Raphael and she wasn't in hell with the time difference.
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Honestly i think it's best to just not think too much about it, or use whatever fits you best.

Hah, an other update with Emma taking center stage...meanwhile one or two talks with Raphael.
Well i like and share Ghost's reaction of the MC going to therapy (i just hope it wasn't a illusion).
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
What I was pointing at is that your whole idea neatly explained step by step would not work just as the dev's plot does not work because it is incongruent with the prologue.

How so, the family was written as not giving a rat's ass about the MC. Even the mother was portrayed more like a mob boss than a mother. Even the big picture of the plot is not congruent with any form of happy family.

Allow me to frame it in an example substituting angels and demons with countries:

Imagine that Germany and France get into a heated discussion :sneaky:. So they end up creating a Little Country (MC), but they fucked-up and half of each country's nuclear arsenal ends up in this new country. So Germany panics and calls for an emergency meeting of the European Union. At the meeting Germany just says:

Germany - I am nuking the new Little Country and taking it's nuclear delivery systems. None against it? None? Awesome.

So, Little Country goes boom, loses everything except all its fissile material.

Germany - So anyway, Spain I see that you have direct access to Africa. Do me a solid and dump that pile of smoldering shit in Africa.

Spain - Sure no problem

Germany - Best if it is not in North Africa, dump it in Central Africa. You know, where there is a bunch of sick warlords that like to mutilate and skull fuck people.

Spain - Oh for sure it shall be done.

So the Little Country's smoldering wreck gets dumped in Central Africa to be mutilated and skull fucked but then this nice and not at all suspicious black market dealer called Ghost tells the Little Country he can give it delivery systems for its fissile material. Now it's in business nuking Central Africa. So Little Country shat all over Africa and needs to get the fuck out. Now that it's out he gets a call from the European Union.

Austria - So hey Little Country, Germany says that you need to rule over Africa now that you are powerful. You know because the balance and shit, not because we are scared of all the fissile material you have. Just stay put and you know don't come close... (call disconnects).

New call.

France - So... Hey dear how you been? Peachy I bet. So, anyway me and some other little bitch countries had a spat with Germany and we would like to know if you would like to be in our side, seeing as you have all that fissile material. You know we did nothing to stop Germany when it nuke your ass but you know we all have our own hides to save. No hard feelings give me a call I have some nice blonds here waiting for you... (call disconnects).

So, what should Little Country do?

  • Be a bitch and go to France and learn to stuff baguette up its ass.
  • Call any other country and ask how far it wants to fuck with the European Union

That's it, that's the same situation the MC is at. He has to return to his mother and be ok with it just because she had a spat with his father after the fact. So, she having a spat after the fact makes it ok and the plot has to be built under that premise. While I will admit that your version is better than the dev's, it still does not follow a logical continuation of the prologue. What would work is to go back to the prologue and fix the incongruencies with the mother and siblings, have them have some reaction to his demise and a set of powers that are congruent and uniform with them not been able to rescue him. And while the dev is at it, he could fix the balance of MC's power seeing as he single handedly brought hell to it's knees but gets bitch slapped by any angel he has fought against, the balance is a joke then. The so called balance is already broken and based on the power the MC has, anyone other than the MC can cause the Apocalypse if he/she farts the wrong way so there is no reason for the balance to be on MC's head.
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Sep 17, 2018
Well i like and share Ghost's reaction of the MC going to therapy (i just hope it wasn't a illusion).
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Have a feeling that is not an illusion and it will be revealed she is someone different. Maybe hybrid, maybe something (or someone) else, just that it will (once again) reveal they are hiding stuff from MC.

Could be wrong of course, nobody knows the direction this VN is going towards, not even dev.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
Sorry fam, but you're late to that party. I don't even think I was first either. It's just that obvious. Especially when you look at what "dad's" powers are.

If Goddess is God's near equal and he's able to get both of their powers then it's obvious why that would be a problem.
I remember typing that as a theory. not sure if others did before me. if they did, then I guess I wasn't original in it
Mar 5, 2023
What I was pointing at is that your whole idea neatly explained step by step would not work just as the dev's plot does not work because it is incongruent with the prologue.

How so, the family was written as not giving a rat's ass about the MC. Even the mother was portrayed more like a mob boss than a mother. Even the big picture of the plot is not congruent with any form of happy family.

Allow me to frame it in an example substituting angels and demons with countries:

Imagine that Germany and France get into a heated discussion :sneaky:. So they end up creating a Little Country (MC), but they fucked-up and half of each country's nuclear arsenal ends up in this new country. So Germany panics and calls for an emergency meeting of the European Union. At the meeting Germany just says:

Germany - I am nuking the new Little Country and taking it's nuclear delivery systems. None against it? None? Awesome.

So, Little Country goes boom, loses everything except all its fissile material.

Germany - So anyway, Spain I see that you have direct access to Africa. Do me a solid and dump that pile of smoldering shit in Africa.

Spain - Sure no problem

Germany - Best if it is not in North Africa, dump it in Central Africa. You know, where there is a bunch of sick warlords that like to mutilate and skull fuck people.

Spain - Oh for sure it shall be done.

So the Little Country's smoldering wreck gets dumped in Central Africa to be mutilated and skull fucked but then this nice and not at all suspicious black market dealer called Ghost tells the Little Country he can give it delivery systems for its fissile material. Now it's in business nuking Central Africa. So Little Country shat all over Africa and needs to get the fuck out. Now that it's out he gets a call from the European Union.

Austria - So hey Little Country, Germany says that you need to rule over Africa now that you are powerful. You know because the balance and shit, not because we are scared of all the fissile material you have. Just stay put and you know don't come close... (call disconnects).

New call.

France - So... Hey dear how you been? Peachy I bet. So, anyway me and some other little bitch countries had a spat with Germany and we would like to know if you would like to be in our side, seeing as you have all that fissile material. You know we did nothing to stop Germany when it nuke your ass but you know we all have our own hides to save. No hard feelings give me a call I have some nice blonds here waiting for you... (call disconnects).

So, what should Little Country do?

  • Be a bitch and go to France and learn to stuff baguette up its ass.
  • Call any other country and ask how far it wants to fuck with the European Union

That's it, that's the same situation the MC is at. He has to return to his mother and be ok with it just because she had a spat with his father after the fact. So, she having a spat after the fact makes it ok and the plot has to be built under that premise. While I will admit that your version is better than the dev's, it still does not follow a logical continuation of the prologue. What would work is to go back to the prologue and fix the incongruencies with the mother and siblings, have them have some reaction to his demise and a set of powers that are congruent and uniform with them not been able to rescue him. And while the dev is at it, he could fix the balance of MC's power seeing as he single handedly brought hell to it's knees but gets bitch slapped by any angel he has fought against, the balance is a joke then. The so called balance is already broken and based on the power the MC has, anyone other than the MC can cause the Apocalypse if he/she farts the wrong way so there is no reason for the balance to be on MC's head.
You're gone too far, my friend. Let's me get your mind straight.
Firstly, forget about the current nuisance plot dev has created post Prologue.
What's the last scene in Prologue? Azel descending behind MC. Now go read my post again. I made little plot changes before this scene. Here read again

  • He was weaker than he had initially thought and elders would have fucked him along with his shadow demon army completely.

  • He decided to get stronger while being under Emma's protection and gathering more abilities also information.

  • Emma being a Goddess herself, understood her son's dilemma and eventually learning about his traumatic nightmares and suicidal tendencies.

  • Emma's motherly instincts takeover her reluctance to interfere with her husband's plan for restoring balance in Hell, so she eventually helps MC meet with Azel (Goddess of Death), after few back and forth fighting,
Now MC hates Azel because she's the one that left him there. Obviously in my plot he doesn't faint like a little flower. They're both bitter and fight. Azel in this plot is Daddy's Angel who doesn't care much about MC or his torment. However she'd start to respect him upon seeing his resolve to fight for himself despite being put to ground time and again.

Eventually Azel defeats MC using her Archangel powers. MC loses consciousness and Emma asking her why would she use such force to beat her little brother down. Azel flys away but there's tear in her eyes.

Emma is a goddess, cold and non human like. Neither emotional nor sentimental towards her children. Yet she loves and cares for her youngest son secretly. Seeing MC torn into bits triggers her motherly instincts that were suppressed deep within her. Emma vows to go against her husband and help MC however possible. As she embraces MC she's able to watch his nightmare with Inessa.
MC wakes up three days after fighting Azel. Realising how weak he is compared to other siblings and Archangels.

He conspires to gain more abilities and powers under Emma's protection. Though despising his family he wants to get closer to them for copying powers.
MC starts to make Emma and others feel sorry for himself slowly corrupting their mind with false affection. Raph, Azel and Emma feeling guilty want MC to feel welcomed. Emma calms her son with her powers and he slowly starts to recover from his hellish nightmare.

MC learning about GOD his father and how he'd lied about Hell and made it impossible for others to hear or reach there for aid. MC grows more hateful towards God, but starts to slowly forgive his mother and sisters that left heaven for him.
Emma asks him about his nightmare and Azel hints him about Inessa's dead soul but refuses to help him further.
Raphael talks about forbidden black magic and angels shouldn't be able to use it like MC.

Ghost is interested in Black Magic as it can really hurt God. He sets out on a quest to master Black magic gathering intel from devils and demons. Eventually learning about Azazel Goddess of Dark Arts & Magic.

Our MC on other hand is curious about Azel's, Emma's and Raphael's powers but fails to copy any of it despite several attempts.

Emma introducing MC to secret society of the Gods, Angels and Myths. Here MC learns about several other immortal and mythical beings. Emma informs them that MC has some magical abilities yet it's a forbidden kind. Therefore MC has to learn other forms of arcane magic or divine magic.

In this university, MC learns variety of magical arts, also copies several abilities from myths. Finally stumbling upon the information about God, Goddess and Archangels.
To copy there abilities one must have the most unique power (Duplicate) and also perform a ritual mating (sexual intercourse). Now MC has to fuck Emma, Azel, Raphael and Aniel etc. to gain their abilities.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
You're gone too far, my friend. Let's me get your mind straight.
Firstly, forget about the current nuisance plot dev has created post Prologue.
What's the last scene in Prologue? Azel descending behind MC. Now go read my post again. I made little plot changes before this scene. Here read again

Now MC hates Azel because she's the one that left him there. Obviously in my plot he doesn't faint like a little flower. They're both bitter and fight. Azel in this plot is Daddy's Angel who doesn't care much about MC or his torment. However she'd start to respect him upon seeing his resolve to fight for himself despite being put to ground time and again.

Eventually Azel defeats MC using her Archangel powers. MC loses consciousness and Emma asking her why would she use such force to beat her little brother down. Azel flys away but there's tear in her eyes.

Emma is a goddess, cold and non human like. Neither emotional nor sentimental towards her children. Yet she loves and cares for her youngest son secretly. Seeing MC torn into bits triggers her motherly instincts that were suppressed deep within her. Emma vows to go against her husband and help MC however possible. As she embraces MC she's able to watch his nightmare with Inessa.
MC wakes up three days after fighting Azel. Realising how weak he is compared to other siblings and Archangels.

He conspires to gain more abilities and powers under Emma's protection. Though despising his family he wants to get closer to them for copying powers.
MC starts to make Emma and others feel sorry for himself slowly corrupting their mind with false affection. Raph, Azel and Emma feeling guilty want MC to feel welcomed. Emma calms her son with her powers and he slowly starts to recover from his hellish nightmare.

MC learning about GOD his father and how he'd lied about Hell and made it impossible for others to hear or reach there for aid. MC grows more hateful towards God, but starts to slowly forgive his mother and sisters that left heaven for him.
Emma asks him about his nightmare and Azel hints him about Inessa's dead soul but refuses to help him further.
Raphael talks about forbidden black magic and angels shouldn't be able to use it like MC.

Ghost is interested in Black Magic as it can really hurt God. He sets out on a quest to master Black magic gathering intel from devils and demons. Eventually learning about Azazel Goddess of Dark Arts & Magic.

Our MC on other hand is curious about Azel's, Emma's and Raphael's powers but fails to copy any of it despite several attempts.

Emma introducing MC to secret society of the Gods, Angels and Myths. Here MC learns about several other immortal and mythical beings. Emma informs them that MC has some magical abilities yet it's a forbidden kind. Therefore MC has to learn other forms of arcane magic or divine magic.

In this university, MC learns variety of magical arts, also copies several abilities from myths. Finally stumbling upon the information about God, Goddess and Archangels.
To copy there abilities one must have the most unique power (Duplicate) and also perform a ritual mating (sexual intercourse). Now MC has to fuck Emma, Azel, Raphael and Aniel etc. to gain their abilities.
Again, I don't have a problem with your plot but for it to make sense, or even the dev's shit show to make sense. The dev has to go back and change some things about the prologue so as to facilitate the flow of the story. For example for your version to connect with the prologue the scene where Emma gets pissed with Raphael because she was late to fetch the MC from the hospital. If that didn't show Emma as a horny bitch that is more interested to see some flesh and instead it showed a mother worried about her son, then sure it would make more sense to have something like your version. I mean from that scene we can tell that she is not a cold being with no feelings, she gets angry, she gets horny, she is impatient.

What I am saying here is that the dev has to go back and fix it from the root instead of patching stuff as he goes because the plot starts to make little sense. Then I could see something as you propose make sense or what the dev is trying to string together.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2016
Yeah, so much this.
But it got even worse than before, i thaught he is so because she is dead and he lost someone important to him.

But what he says is:
''I don't care if she died; she died because of me.''
''I promised her to protect her...''
''I couldn't keep my promise...''
''...Losing Inessa killed me.''

I mean, really, that is your whole problem, not so much that she is dead, but the promise and that she died while he was away...

Well, first, Emma is the goddess not an angel, and god literally just lied straight to all their faces as he left the MC in hell, contrary to what he promised.

The MC had his wings ripped out, they didn't even heal him, he was still bleeding as we see him as he was dropped there.
First thing Emma does is going against god, telling Azel to get the MC out and to kill everyone who stands in her way.
God not only forbidding anyone to go, he threatens that whoever disobeys also lands in hell.
How does any of this makes you belive in ''he is fine and happy there'' ?

And they believed he ruled hell all this time ?
He was a young child with no powers, in a place surrounded with only enemys, how should have that even worked...
And who would have raised an angel child ? The nice demonlord next door ?

Add to that, Emma/Azel/Raphael all knew demons, even some powerfull ones, no one ever asked, how is my child/brother doing in ruling down there ?

I get the dev is trying to fill some plotholes and make the family more likeable/redeeming them, but he just makes more plotholes. What reason is given here is so bad that it either sounds completely unbelievable, or let them look like absolute morons.

She was a cougar even before meet again, like the first time we see her she is salivating over the thought seeing the MC's body again and before the MC had even the opportunity to copy her powers.
And in this update, just after she noticed it, she is again half naked infront of him, preaching how that's all normal and mortal rules don't apply for them.

He just said for centuries, he has no clue how long exactly.
We have Emma which says they move all 50years or so.
In the talk sex/virgin talk of Azel and the MC they talk about what she did in the centuries she is freely roaming earth.
We also have Azel, which says she does her job for millenia, when she brings the MC to hell she is still young herself, likely not much older than the MC or Raphael and she wasn't in hell with the time difference.
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Honestly i think it's best to just not think too much about it, or use whatever fits you best.

Hah, an other update with Emma taking center stage...meanwhile one or two talks with Raphael.
Well i like and share Ghost's reaction of the MC going to therapy (i just hope it wasn't a illusion).
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No way that last scene wasn't illusion. Dev seems pretty hellbent to turn this into some milfy city clone, hot therapist included and all. She's fine.
Dec 29, 2018
I mean, really, that is your whole problem, not so much that she is dead, but the promise and that she died while he was away...
That would make perfect sense if they played it off as the MC hated himself because he felt that he failed to protect her the same way that his family failed to protect him. Of course, that doesn't really work now that we've watched the MC basically forgive his family at the first flimsy excuse they gave him. I'm not sure how they can square that away now.

I was expecting him to rant about his family's flimsy excuses to the therapist, but I don't know if that'll happen now with all the Ghost stuff accelerating to the forefront of the story.
Mar 5, 2023
don't have a problem with your plot but for it to make sense, or even the dev's shit show to make sense. The dev has to go back and change some things about the prologue so as to facilitate the flow of the story. For example for your version to connect with the prologue the scene where Emma gets pissed with Raphael because she was late to fetch the MC from the hospital. If that didn't show Emma as a horny bitch
Not necessarily. That could very well be put as Bossy attitude of Emma, who's cold towards Raph. Her horniness could be put as one of her powers that feeds her intense scent that makes others submit to her will, or a side effect of her scent.

However, point being made it's not about what dev will do or not with his VN. This was Me describing how this plot could have been crafted post Prologue.

Dev should do whatever he likes. If he's going to do another remake it's his choice. But at this moment Story is pretty messed up and more he shows Inessa without any plans to bring her back from dead, more spiraling the plot shall become.
3.40 star(s) 77 Votes