
Engaged Member
Dec 4, 2017
Choices we have made about the MC's character need to start making a difference SOON! It's getting really hard and extremely boring to follow a character that just bounces around between the designs others have on his destiny; having absolutely no idea what is going on in his own head. I don't do Hitchcock stories about people in insane asylums... and that is what this is starting to feel like. I was on board up to this last update but, it needs to gain some direction before it loses me.
Yes, the choices need to matter more, it's just dumb when you reject Emma at every opportunity and 5 seconds later he is commenting on how he missed her touch...

Yeah, with Ghost and him being able to take control over his body, his other 2 persona, Inessa, the dreams/nightmares, hallucinations, sleepwalking/day dreaming (or whatever you want to call it) and him being sucidal it really feels like an trip to the insane asylum (especialy this ep)...and it gets worse not better...i really miss the begining, before he was going full on emo.
At this point i would happy if Emma goes in his mind and nukes his memorys of Inessa, his other imaginary 'friends' and Ghost (actually that would redeem her imo more than anything else the dev tried so far). I just want that mental crap to be over and done with, so we can move on with the story which was interesting early on.


Engaged Member
Jul 21, 2017
that his wife(s) gave birth to an entire race in the traditional way seems not really likely to me.
I don't believe that either. If she did, then her pussy gotta be one real loose hole to 'explore'. MC's gonna need some serious backup to get the job done and make his mommy happy. Even the Supreme Dickhead would laugh his ass off at seeing him trying to do that.:LOL::ROFLMAO:

WHAAAAAT!!! people dont like the story of the MC who is the badass king of hell, killed half of hell then escaped only to then be sent to collage and see a therapist
Shocking, right ?? Nobody would've anticipated that.:whistle: But what I find almost as funny as this completely unexpected thing is the strength of these characters. So basically, the MC was strong enough to kill a shitload of demons AND their leaders in a couple of earthly days or months leaving the place with nobody strong and capable enough to rule it in his absence, but fails to defeat Azel, who didn't fight him seriously out of fear not to kill him, just coz she's an archangel ?? Da fuck ??

If that's the case, the whole 'balance' bullshit excuse flies out the window, coz if even Azel can put those bitches in their place, why would they give a shit about it and not go on a rampage to exterminate all demons, or at least the strongest ones, so they could do whatever they want ?? And again, why was it necessary for the MC to be sent to Hell ??o_O:WaitWhat: It doesn't make sense. Nobody knew he had any type of powers, he couldn't fly, and he was just a kid, so it's impossible that Emma was sexually attracted to him for obvious reasons, so why was he banned in Hell, where he should've died, according to Nyx's prophecy ??:WaitWhat:

GayLord Jesus

Oct 9, 2021
In my opinion dev lost his original plot maybe forgot about his initial plans or this was all meant for a teaser VN not a complete story.

The best course of action would have been moving with the prologue plot story. (y)

  • He was weaker than he had initially thought and elders would have fucked him along with his shadow demon army completely.

  • He decided to get stronger while being under Emma's protection and gathering more abilities also information.

  • Emma being a Goddess herself, understood her son's dilemma and eventually learning about his traumatic nightmares and suicidal tendencies.

  • Emma's motherly instincts takeover her reluctance to interfere with her husband's plan for restoring balance in Hell, so she eventually helps MC meet with Azel (Goddess of Death), after few back and forth fighting for answers MC burying the hatchet upon realising God has made it impossible for other angels to hear his pleading and prayers.

  • The family re-union with Mom and two / three sisters. Then MC asks Azel about Hell girl Innessa's dead soul. However, Azel isn't ready to bring back the dead. MC learns about forbidden black magic and it's existence from Raphael.
Ghost set out to learn Black magic from demons and devils. Ghost learns about fallen archangel Azazel and her book. Whereas MC wants to copy new Angel skills from his family and extended family members.

Emma and her daughters introducing MC her son to various kinds of immortal creatures, witches and sorcerers. MC is asked to join the secret society of myths, but he has to train in magical abilities. MC gets more opportunities to get closer and copy their skills at this university.
However, MC learns that copying skills from Angels Or similar level beings isn't easy. And he needs to Fuck them first without forcing himself upon them. The story continues..

If you still didn't understand where this plot is heading ; let me further elaborate.
End credit scenes
- Ghost vows to make God suffer for everything. Our MC promises to get his wings back and take revenge on God also his lackey.
Then in a distance somewhere unknown a crow flies down and Azazel is introduced. She's smiles saying "You are free at last My Son". And end credit.
(y)Yes I agree with you this would have been a better plot for Anti-Hero(y) story suited for this VN. Nobody asked dev for devil and angel routes players want continuity not Kinetic novel with meaningless choices. :LOL:

You're gone too far, my friend. Let's me get your mind straight.
Firstly, forget about the current nuisance plot dev has created post Prologue.
What's the last scene in Prologue? Azel descending behind MC. Now go read my post again. I made little plot changes before this scene. Here read again

Now MC hates Azel because she's the one that left him there. Obviously in my plot he doesn't faint like a little flower. They're both bitter and fight. Azel in this plot is Daddy's Angel who doesn't care much about MC or his torment. However she'd start to respect him upon seeing his resolve to fight for himself despite being put to ground time and again.

Eventually Azel defeats MC using her Archangel powers. MC loses consciousness and Emma asking her why would she use such force to beat her little brother down. Azel flys away but there's tear in her eyes.

Emma is a goddess, cold and non human like. Neither emotional nor sentimental towards her children. Yet she loves and cares for her youngest son secretly. Seeing MC torn into bits triggers her motherly instincts that were suppressed deep within her. Emma vows to go against her husband and help MC however possible. As she embraces MC she's able to watch his nightmare with Inessa.
MC wakes up three days after fighting Azel. Realising how weak he is compared to other siblings and Archangels.

He conspires to gain more abilities and powers under Emma's protection. Though despising his family he wants to get closer to them for copying powers.
MC starts to make Emma and others feel sorry for himself slowly corrupting their mind with false affection. Raph, Azel and Emma feeling guilty want MC to feel welcomed. Emma calms her son with her powers and he slowly starts to recover from his hellish nightmare.

MC learning about GOD his father and how he'd lied about Hell and made it impossible for others to hear or reach there for aid. MC grows more hateful towards God, but starts to slowly forgive his mother and sisters that left heaven for him.
Emma asks him about his nightmare and Azel hints him about Inessa's dead soul but refuses to help him further.
Raphael talks about forbidden black magic and angels shouldn't be able to use it like MC.

Ghost is interested in Black Magic as it can really hurt God. He sets out on a quest to master Black magic gathering intel from devils and demons. Eventually learning about Azazel Goddess of Dark Arts & Magic.

Our MC on other hand is curious about Azel's, Emma's and Raphael's powers but fails to copy any of it despite several attempts.

Emma introducing MC to secret society of the Gods, Angels and Myths. Here MC learns about several other immortal and mythical beings. Emma informs them that MC has some magical abilities yet it's a forbidden kind. Therefore MC has to learn other forms of arcane magic or divine magic.

In this university, MC learns variety of magical arts, also copies several abilities from myths. Finally stumbling upon the information about God, Goddess and Archangels.
To copy there abilities one must have the most unique power (Duplicate) and also perform a ritual mating (sexual intercourse). Now MC has to fuck Emma, Azel, Raphael and Aniel etc. to gain their abilities.
:love:Ah, Yes, an adult VN needs some sexual content with the Li without disturbing the story continuity. Sadly, dev cannot write a better plot story is certain at this point. :ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
Yeah, that hypocritical fucker teaching humans how bad being in multiple relationships and fucking around is while he's a bigger manwhore than Zeus was (if he ever existed) would be a funny argument the MC could use against him, but I suspect the angels with black wings are either fallen or hybrid angels mentioned in the story, which raises the question, how were these hybrid angels born and why do they still listen to Emma when the Supreme Dickhead should theoretically be their only boss ??:unsure: But it's not like this would be the first plot hole or inconsistency we saw in the story, right ??:whistle:

Her being the most powerful goddess was specifically stated in the story on a few occasions, but we don't know if she was his favorite too. I mean, I can't blame the old dickhead if she was, she's hot AF, and it would explain why he'd still let her command his angels, but this would also imply that she could've used her feminine charms to at least make him ban the MC on Earth and seal his powers away instead of sending him to his death. Another plot hole is that at the time the Supreme Dickhead sent him to Hell, he never showed an ounce of potential, he couldn't even fly, so how did old idiot suspect he'd become that big of a threat to him ??:WaitWhat:

One thing's sure, the dev has a LOOOT of stuff to fix, address and redeem in this story if he actually wants ppl to support him and finish the game. I hope he'll do just that, coz like most of us here, I like the game, the renders alone make it worth the wait, but all those inconsistencies, ridiculous arguments and plot holes won't convince ppl it's worth supporting.

I know, and if that's the case, why didn't she control Azel to stop her from following her father's order ?? Azel claimed she ain't afraid of him, but she still did everything he ordered her to do, even if it meant condemning her so-called dear brother to a brutal death, so why not stop her and deal with the consequences afterward ?? Like I said, the more rational we think about the story, the stupider it'll become, and this is the games biggest minus.:cautious:
I think the reason she followed his orders is because at that point, she did fear him if only for a brief moment. if God can do anything, he could erase those who don't follow his commands. the second Emma talked about going to hell to get MC, he immediately sealed all of the passageways to hell. as for why none of them knew what happened to MC, keep in mind that up till this point, God hadn't lied to them. my last point is MC can copy powers and likely did this as a child and so the omnipotent dickwad decided "my son can copy powers? time to get rid of the a threat"


New Member
Dec 23, 2018
keep in mind that up till this point, God hadn't lied to them.
What about the whole thing "Let's send him to hell for a few hours. Azel be a dear and show him the way." ... "Ok now Azel is back, let's make it permanent vacation"
I'd say that if someone tells you something to get what what he wants and immediately renege on it the moment he get's it count as big f*cking lie.

edit: sorry, was more in the headspace of the current update when Emma said "God never lied to them before" as he said MC is "fine" in hell, rather than understanding your post
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
What about the whole thing "Let's send him to hell for a few hours. Azel be a dear and show him the way." ... "Ok now Azel is back, let's make it permanent vacation"
I'd say that if someone tells you something to get what what he wants and immediately renege on it the moment he get's it count as big f*cking lie.

edit: sorry, was more in the headspace of the current update when Emma said "God never lied to them before" as he said MC is "fine" in hell, rather than understanding your post
np. I also wanna point out God could have given any reason as to why he would do this. angels, by most definitions are taught to never question God's word and while Emma is no doubt almost God's equal, her powers aren't like his meaning she can't simply go to hell if she wants. MC could be seen as almost being like Lucifer minus the rebellion part. with God's powers, he likely saw a future where MC would rebel against him and cause a war between angels who side with God and those who side with MC. we can basically sum this up to God being a massive pile of shit who deserves a cosmic beatdown while everyone watches with popcorn


Engaged Member
Dec 4, 2017
Emma is no doubt almost God's equal, her powers aren't like his meaning she can't simply go to hell if she wants.
She has demon friends on earth (or she could have used her powers on any demon), Raphael and Azel has demon friends in college, they could have simply asked if they know something. The only angel in hell shouldn't be to hard to miss...mind you, they actually believed the MC ruled hell the entire time...smehow, as kid, with no powers...that would be pretty much impossible not to know for any demon.
God's powers, he likely saw a future where MC would rebel against him and cause a war between angels who side with God and those who side with MC.
If he know about that and MC's power, he is just as much as an morron as the ones which believed the MC was fine and happy in hell.
Why send him to hell for a slow, painful death, with the risk of him freeing himself/being freed (and having a granted wish for revenge) and not simply kill him ? I mean, he is the most powerful being in existence and has absolute control over space, he should be capable enough to make it look like a accident.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
She has demon friends on earth (or she could have used her powers on any demon), Raphael and Azel has demon friends in college, they could have simply asked if they know something. The only angel in hell shouldn't be to hard to miss...mind you, they actually believed the MC ruled hell the entire time...smehow, as kid, with no powers...that would be pretty much impossible not to know for any demon.

If he know about that and MC's power, he is just as much as an morron as the ones which believed the MC was fine and happy in hell.
Why send him to hell for a slow, painful death, with the risk of him freeing himself/being freed (and having a granted wish for revenge) and not simply kill him ? I mean, he is the most powerful being in existence and has absolute control over space, he should be capable enough to make it look like a accident.
the reason most demons wouldn't know is due to them not being strong enough to go to hell. even the demon MC gets the book from isn't strong enough. I doubt half-demons would know anything. and for the God thing, he likely didn't care to look beyond a certain point after throwing MC into hell thinking he wouldn't be strong enough to kill his torturer let alone escape
Mar 5, 2023
Yes, an adult VN needs some sexual content with the Li without disturbing the story continuity. Sadly, dev cannot write a better plot story
I don't know about others but yes even serious and gory plots can incorporate sex scenes to release some steam and tension.

I agree with you this would have been a better plot for Anti-Hero
Thank you. Development team could have made more money paying attention to the plot quality rather than scheming to piss off story lovers with several cheap tricks.
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