Actually this is randomly selected events from the main game all happening in different times, mostly not connected to each other. We are planning a very ambitious game right after this which will start from the arrival of Alex and will go even further down the story with tons of different environments, side characters and many innovative game mechanics. With this release our intention was provide a spoiler-free technology demo to showcase what we are capable of. Such as render quality (which will vastly improve), custom interface design and mechanics like fully working in-game phone and dice system to add flavor to somewhat repetitive events. We weren't planning to make it this big to be honest but as the development process progressed further we wanted to add more and more features. There are still tons of thing we wished to include but there were simply not enough time.So i assume you will be carrying on this story?
TLDR: You will most definitely see more from Alex, Alice, Kiera, Nicole and Raven in the future for sure.