OMG what a freakin lier, come on be honest we are not sheep here, seriously man. Some are still wondering why are we still here, I know why I am here. The game has huuuuuuge potential , and all the girls and render quality is amazing, but bro do not treat us like children as the Dual family guy is doing too. I mean they are breaking every promise they make and still expect to be treated seriously. I mean i am not a patreon and there are literally 30-40 good games on this site i have my eyes on so i can wait for this, when it is released I will play it and hope it is the best game ever honestly, but these promises mean 0 to me after all the lies.
To the devs, I hope u make an amazing game, get a huge amonut of patreons ,earn big money etc. But to do that u really need to change the way you treat your potential customers NO MORE FREAKIN LIES, either do what u say u will do or shut your mouth and do not announce anything!!!